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roblox theme 2023 by haziq123456

Screenshot of roblox theme 2023



LicenseNo License



Size26 kB


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Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* 1.1.7
- Disabled game cards style on large tiles, as it was broken.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           ROBLOX GALAXY
@version        1.1.7
@preprocessor   stylus

@namespace      Freeplay
@author         Freeplay (

@var color bgColor "Background Color" #0a0a20
@var text customBG "Background Image: (link in quotes)" '""'
@var range customBGblur "Background Image: Blur" [0, 0, 30, 5, "px"]
@var range customBGopacity "Background Image: Opacity" [0.2, .1, 1, .1]
@var text boop "π˜Ώπ™žπ™¨π™–π™—π™‘π™žπ™£π™œ π™©π™π™š 𝙀π™₯π™©π™žπ™€π™£π™¨ π™—π™šπ™‘π™€π™¬ π™˜π™–π™£ π™π™šπ™‘π™₯ π™¬π™žπ™©π™ π™₯π™šπ™§π™›π™€π™§π™’π™–π™£π™˜π™š" '"Okay!"'
@var checkbox cards "Full card hover animation" 1
@var checkbox blur  "Blur Effects" 1
@var text donate "Donate" `""`
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document regexp("\\/(?!.*develop).*") {

	@keyframes fadeIn {
		from { transform: scale(.98); opacity: 0; }
		to { transform: none; opacity: 1; }
	@keyframes slideUpIn {
		from { transform: translateY(5px); opacity: .2; }
		to { transform: none; opacity: 1; }
	@keyframes slideRightIn {
		from { transform: translateX(-20px); opacity: 0; }
		to { transform: none; opacity: 1; }
	@keyframes scaleIn {
		from { transform: scale(1.2); filter: opacity(0) }
		to { transform: none; filter: opacity(1); }
	html {
		scrollbar-color: rgba(100,100,100,0.5) transparent;
	* {
		transition: border .05s, background-color .2s, color .2s, opacity .2s;
	noBlurColor = rgba(#190f18, .9);
	noBlurColor = rgba(darken(desaturate(bgColor, 20%), 20%), .9);
	#rbx-body {
		--bg: bgColor;

		&::before {
			content: "";
			position: fixed;
			inset: -20vw;
			// z-index: -1;
			background-size: cover;
			opacity: .15;
			transition: transform 1s;
			transform: scale(2);
			pointer-events: none;
			z-index: -1;
			background-image: url("");
		&:hover:before {
			transform: scale(4);
		&:not([data-internal-page-name="GameDetail"]):not(.light-theme)::after {
			content: "";
			position: fixed;
			inset: 0;
			background-size: cover;
			transition: transform 1s;
			transform: scale(1.03);
			pointer-events: none;
			z-index: -2;
			background-image: url(customBG);
			filter: blur(customBGblur);
			opacity: customBGopacity;
		&:hover:after {
			transform: scale(1);
		footer {
			background: none;
			z-index: 5;
			position: relative;
			.copyright-container {
				border: 0;
				padding-top: 0;
				display: flex;
				align-items: center;
				p {
					text-align: right;
					color: white !important;
			a {
				color: white !important;
	#rbx-body.dark-theme {
		margin-bottom: 0;
		transition: background-color .2s;
		background-color: var(--bg) !important;
		.section-content:not(.remove-panel), .stack-row {
			background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) !important;
			animation: slideUpIn 1s;
		.btn-control-sm {
			background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4) !important;
			border-color: rgba(255,255,255,.2) !important;
			border: 0;
			padding: 16px !important;
		.thumbnail-2d-container, .section-content-off, .nav-tabs, .nav-tabs > li a {
			background: none !important;
		h2 {
			font-weight: 300 !important;
		h3 {
			font-weight: 400;
			font-size: 1em;
			opacity: .8;
		.container-header, .game-home-page-carousel-title {
			// display: flex;
			// flex-wrap: wrap;
			// justify-content: space-between;
			// align-items: center;
			margin-bottom: 12px !important;
			margin-top: 10px;
			text-transform: uppercase;
			transition: opacity .2s;
			animation: fadeIn 1s;
			font-size: .9em;
			position: relative;
			z-index: 2;
			& > .ng-scope {
				display: contents;
			h3, a:first-child {
				flex-grow: 1;
				padding-bottom: 0 !important;
				font-size: 1em;
				font-weight: 500 !important;
			a, span {
				font-weight: 500 !important;
				align-self: center;
				font-size: .9em;
				&::after {
					margin-top: -1px;
			// &::before {
			// 	content: ""
			// 	display: flex;
			// 	width: 0px;
			// 	border-top: 1px solid currentcolor;
			// 	margin: auto 0;
			// 	opacity: 0;
			// 	transition: width .3s, margin .2s, opacity .2s;
			// }
			// a:focus &::before, a:hover &::before {
			// 	width: 10px;
			// 	border-top: 1px solid currentcolor;
			// 	margin: auto 10px;
			// 	opacity: 1;
			// }

    &::-webkit-scrollbar {
        // opacity: 0;
        // transition: opacity .2s;
        // background: none;
        // background: none;
        width: 12px;
        padding: 4px;
        opacity: 0;
    &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
        background-color: transparent;
        border-radius: 100px;
        transition: background-color .2s;
    :hover::-webkit-scrollbar {
        width: 12px;
        opacity: 1;
    :hover::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
        background-color: rgba(100,100,100,0.2);
	#wrap, .nav-container {
		display: flex;
		flex-wrap: wrap;
		overflow: visible;
		max-width: 100%;
		#container-main {
			max-width: 100%;
			width: 10px;
			flex-grow: 1;
		#games-carousel-page {
			// padding: 0 20px;
	#navigation-container {
		background: none !important;
		position: sticky;
		z-index: 6;
		left: 0;
		#skip-to-main-content:not(:focus) {
			transform translateY(-300%)
		#header {
			background: none;
			border: 0;
			margin: 18px 18px;
			/ [data-internal-page-name="Create"] & {
				filter: invert(1)
				bgColor = white !important
				img {
					filter invert(1)
			& > .container-fluid {
				display: flex;
			#header-menu-icon {
				outline: none !important;
			.rbx-navbar-header, .navbar-left, .navbar-right {
				// margin-right: auto !important;
				float: unset !important;
			.rbx-navbar-header::before, .navbar-right::before {
				content: "";
				display: flex;
				position: absolute;
				// background: black;
				box-shadow: 0 40px 100px var(--bg);
				opacity: .7;
				z-index: -1;
				bottom: calc(100% + 20px);
				/ [data-internal-page-name="Create"] & {
					filter: brightness(0)
			.navbar-right::before {
				box-shadow: 0 80px 100px #33173a !important;
				box-shadow: 0 80px 100px desaturate(lighten(bgColor, 8), 35%) !important;
			.rbx-navbar-header {
				margin-right: auto;
				min-width: 90px;
				display: flex;
				flex-wrap: nowrap;
				position: relative;
				&::before {
					right: -60px;
					left: -120px;
					top: -300px;
			.rbx-navbar, #navbar-search-input {
				background: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
				border-radius: 8px;
				height: 40px;
				padding: 0 4px;
				align-items: center;
				border: 0;
				if blur {
					backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
				} else {
					background-color: noBlurColor;
				margin: 0;
				/ [data-internal-page-name="Create"] & {
					filter saturate(0)
			.rbx-navbar {
				width: auto !important;
				flex-shrink: 100;
				overflow: auto hidden;
				scrollbar-width: none;
				li {
					text-align unset !important
					// display: contents;
					a {
						font-weight: 400 !important;
						font-size: .95em;
						opacity: .9;
						padding: 4px 14px;
						white-space: nowrap;
					position: relative;
					&:not(:last-child)::after {
						content: "";
						position: absolute;
						right: 0;
						top: 12px;
						bottom: 12px;
						border-left: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,0.2);
					&:hover {
						background: rgba(100,100,100,0.2);
						border-radius: 8px;
						border: 0;
			.navbar-left {
				float: unset !important;
			.navbar-search {
				background: none !important;
				margin: 0 18px;
				width: 12px;
				transition: width .2s, margin .4s;
				// overflow: hidden;
				#navbar-search-input {
					padding-left: 40px;
					font-size: .9em;
					max-width: 100%;
					cursor: pointer;
				.input-addon-btn {
					height: 40px !important;
					width: 45px !important;
					display: flex;
					justify-content: center;
					pointer-events: none;
				#navbar-search-clear-btn {
					margin: 6.5px;
					margin-right: -25px;
					opacity: 0;
					pointer-events: none;
					transition: margin .2s, opacity .1s;
				&:focus-within {
					width: 350px;
					margin: 0 25px;
					#navbar-search-input {
						cursor: text;
					#navbar-search-btn {
						pointer-events: all;
					#navbar-search-clear-btn {
						margin-right: 6.5px;
						opacity: 1;
						pointer-events: all;
			#right-navigation-header {
				display: contents;
			.navbar-right {
				// backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
				border-radius: 100px;
				margin-left: auto;
				float: unset !important;
				display: flex;
				flex-wrap: nowrap;
				align-items: center;
				height: 40px;
				position: relative;
				&::before {
					right: -160px;
					left: -60px;
					top: -200px;

				li > span > span, #nav-ns-icon {
					display: flex;
					align-items: center;
				.age-bracket-label {
					padding: 0;
				.age-bracket-label .age-bracket-label-username {
					display: none;
		#left-navigation-container {
			display: contents;
		#navigation {
			display: block !important;
			position: sticky;
			top: 0px;
			left: 0px;
			visibility: visible !important;
			max-height: 100vh;
			height: 100vh;
			overflow: hidden scroll;
			scrollbar-color: transparent transparent;
			/ [data-internal-page-name="Create"] & {
				filter: invert(1)
				--bg: white
				--noBlurColor: rgba(10,10,10, 1) !important;
				img {
					filter invert(1)
			&:hover, &:focus-within {
				scrollbar-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) transparent;
			box-shadow: none;
			background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
			if not blur {
				background-color: noBlurColor;
			transition: width .3s cubic-bezier(0.5...


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