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Fritz!Box Catppuccin Mocha by xKiisa

Screenshot of Fritz!Box Catppuccin Mocha






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A dark pastel Catppuccin Theme for the Fritz!Box Router


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Fritz Box Catppuccin Mocha
@version      1.0
@author       xKiisa
@license      MIT
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
/* Login screen */
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#uiPassInput {
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#uiPasswordArea > label {
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/* Top Menu bar */
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} {
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} {
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/* Main content */
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#dsRate > div > span {
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} > div > span {
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} > div > div > div > span {
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#usRate > div > span {
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} > span {
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div.dyn1.flexCell {
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#uiViewCpuTempChart > .ct-chart-bar > .ct-grids > .ct-grid-background {
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#uiViewRamUsageChart > .ct-chart-bar > .ct-grids > .ct-grid-background {
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#uiCableMedium {
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#uiCableIpv4 {
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#uiCableIpv6 {
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#uiCableDns {
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.rootinfo {
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.rootwlan {
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span.caption {
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#new_entry {
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.edit.icon {
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td:nth-of-type(1) {
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td.buttonrow:nth-of-type(3) {
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td.buttonrow:nth-of-type(4) {
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#uiPort {
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#uiViewFrom1 {
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#uiViewFromNum {
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#uiDate {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiFonbooks {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiViewDest {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiViewDestNum {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiViewSubject {
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#uiViewFaxText {
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#delete_sip\:sip0 {
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#content > div > div > .grid.formular > > .select-wrapper__select {
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td:nth-of-type(4) {
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td:nth-of-type(6) {
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td:nth-of-type(9) {
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#uiButton494071645485entry0 {
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#uiSipProvider {
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.header.flex-table {
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#uiNumberInput1_MultiSip_1 {
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#uiNumberInput2_MultiSip_1 {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiDivDelMultiSip1 > .delete.icon {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#btn_form_foot {
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.recommended.fwd_btn {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiCancel {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiUsername {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiAuthname {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiPwd {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiRegistrar {
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.select-wrapper__select {
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#btnSave {
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div.btn_form > div > button {
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#tStat {
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tr.first_row > .first_col {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiToday > .first_col {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiYesterday > .first_col {
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    color: #cad3f5;
#uiThisWeek > .first_col {
    background-color: #1e1e2e !important;
    color: #cad3f5;
#uiThisMonth > .first_col {
    background-color: #1e1e2e !important;
    color: #cad3f5;
#uiLastMonth > .first_col {
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    color: #cad3f5;
th {
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} {
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    color: #cad3f5;


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