Dark mode for Google Maps. Works for all most popular broswers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome)
Google Maps Dark by Kejmil404
LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Categorygoogle, google maps
Size2.5 kB
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Google Maps Dark for Stylish (19.10.2023 v.)
Update 01.12.2024
-Fixed (regex match with link issue)
-Added color customisation options for those who do not like the default theme.
Update 11.02.2024
-Style kept to a minimum, now performs only the most important function - making the map dark.
if you want other elements to be dark simply use the option to force dark mode in your browser
Update 05.11.2023
-minimal fixes
-added dark to place view
-added dark to search items
-added transparent elements to street view
Update 29.10.2023
-implemented for street view
-implemented for images view for place
-added customization options
-added Google Maps logo in top left corner (possible to disable in options)
-now you can switch the map style: Dark - classic, Grayed out, Light - classic (also in options)
Update 23.10.2023
-minimal design changes
-code beautification
Update 19.10.2023
-fixed regexp url
-make more elements black and texts white
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Google Maps Dark
@version 03122024.1
@description Dark mode for Google Maps. It works for all most popular broswers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome).
@author Kejmil404
@namespace -
@license CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
@preprocessor stylus
@var select map_theme "Select theme of the map" {
'Custom *': 'custom',
'Classic dark ': 'dark',
'Classic light ': 'light',
@var range custom_invert "Invert" [100, 0, 100, '%']
@var range custom_saturate "Saturate" [70, 0, 200, '%']
@var range custom_contrast "Contrast" [102, 0, 200, '%']
@var range custom_hue "Hue rotation" [185, 0, 360, 'deg']
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/www\\.google\\.[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3}\\/maps\\/(place\\/.{1,80}\\/@.{5,15},.{5,15},.{1,9}z\\/.{1,200}|@.{5,15},.{5,15},.{1,6})\\?(hl=[A-Za-z]{2}&)?entry=ttu.*") {
/*CODE FOR MAP VIEW (+place on left)*/
/*map dark*/
if map_theme==custom {
#scene {
filter: invert(custom_invert) contrast(custom_contrast) saturate(custom_saturate) hue-rotate(custom_hue);
-webkit-filter: invert(custom_invert) contrast(custom_contrast) saturate(custom_saturate) hue-rotate(custom_hue);
else if map_theme==dark {
#scene {
filter: invert(100%) contrast(102%) saturate(150%) hue-rotate(185deg);
-webkit-filter: invert(100%) contrast(102%) saturate(150%) hue-rotate(185deg);
else if map_theme==light {
#scene {
filter: none;
@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/www\\.google\\.[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3}\\/maps\\/(place\\/.{1,80}\\/@.{5,15},.{5,15},.{1,9}m\\/.{1,200}|@.{5,15},.{5,15},.{1,30}\\/data=.{1,20})\\?hl=[A-Za-z]{2}&entry=ttu.*") {
/*CODE FOR SATELITE VIEW (+place on left)*/
if map_theme==custom {
#scene {
filter: none
.yFCQrc {
filter: invert(custom_invert) contrast(custom_contrast) saturate(custom_saturate) hue-rotate(custom_hue);
-webkit-filter: invert(custom_invert) contrast(custom_contrast) saturate(custom_saturate) hue-rotate(custom_hue);
else if map_theme==dark {
#scene {
filter: none
filter: invert(100%) contrast(102%) saturate(150%) hue-rotate(185deg);
-webkit-filter: invert(100%) contrast(102%) saturate(150%) hue-rotate(185deg);
else if map_theme==light {
.qk5Wte {
filter: none;