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아카라이브 이전 스타일 by kindongshin

Screenshot of 아카라이브 이전 스타일



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아카라이브를 나무라이브로 변경


24년 9월 21일 다크모드 지원

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Vorapis Plus
@version        1.0.3
@description    This userstyle fixes some inaccuracies of VORAPIS/V3 and Startube. This script uses the code of other scripts! Everyone will be credited on the main page description. This script is not affiliated with Vorapis (V3) or the developer(s) of that frontend.
@author         2013internetlover
@preprocessor   stylus
@var checkbox notif "Disable notifications" 0
@var checkbox fix "Fix guide spacing" 0
@var checkbox   early "Early 2013 Icons" 0
@var checkbox   earlysport "Earlier 2013 Sport Icon" 0
@var checkbox   livechat "Remove live chat" 0
@var select     ytspot "YouTube as YouTube Spotlight" {
    On: "on",
    E2013: "e2013",
    Off: "off"
@var select era "Which month?" {
    "June 2013*": "june",
    "October 2013": "october",
    "August 2013": "august"
==/UserStyle== */

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if era == august {
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if era == august {
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if era == august {
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if era == august {
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if era == august {
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if era == august {
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    #UCOpNcN46UbXVtpKMrmU4Abg-guide-item .thumb {
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        height: 18px;
    #UCYfdidRxbB8Qhf0Nx7ioOYw-guide-item .thumb {
        background-image: url( !important;
        background-size: 18px;
        height: 18px;
    #UC4R8DWoMoI7CAwX8_LjQHig-guide-item .t...


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