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Desktop rule34 by Dennis

Screenshot of Desktop rule34



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A desktop focussed redesign of, based on 'Mordern Rule34' by user423123213


Update 18-04:

  • Media is now centered in what used to be a void to the left of the comments
  • Incoming mail messages are now properly displayed
  • Cursor in the search bar is no longer clipping with the border
  • The tag bar now appears more slowly, making it easier to click
  • Somewhat cleaned up the code

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Desktop rule34
@namespace      Dennis
@version        1.0.0
@description    A desktop focussed redesign of, based on 'Mordern Rule34'
@author         Dennis
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {

    * {
        font-family: "Poppins", sans-serif !important;
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        overflow-x: hidden;
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        display: none;

    a, a:link, a:visited {
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    .tag-type-metadata>a:hover, .tag-type-character>a:hover, .tag-type-copyright>a:hover, .tag-type-artist>a:hover {
        color: #fff;

    .tag-count {
        color: #aaa;

    .quote {
        border: none !important;
        background: #181818 !important;

    /* Header */
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    /* Autocomplete */
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    /* Inputs */
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        border: 2px solid #88b783;
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        background: #88b783;
        color: #fff;
        font-weight: bold;
        cursor: pointer;
        transition: 0.2s;

    input[type=submit]:hover, input[type=button]:hover, button:hover {
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        color: #88b783;

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        filter: none;
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        color: #181818;
        border-color: #aaa;

    input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=email], textarea, select {
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        width: 500px;
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        background: #212121 !important;
        color: #c0c0c0;
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        border-radius: 50px;
        font-size: 14px;
        font-weight: bold;

    #static-index>#links>a:hover {
        background: rgba(136, 183, 131, 0.2);

    /* Mail notice */
    #has-mail-notice {
        position: fixed;
        width: 500px;
        left: 50%;
        margin-left: -250px;
        border: none;
        border-radius: 7px;
        bottom: 60px;
        width: 500px;
        background: #181818;
        z-index: 99;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

    .content {
        position: absolute;
        top: 150px;
        left: 6vw;
        width: 90%;

    /* Search bar */
    div.tag-search {
        position: absolute;
        top: 100px;
        left: 25vw;
        width: 50vw;

    div.tag-search input[type=text] {
        text-indent: 10px;
        padding: 13px;
        border: 1px solid #88b783;
        border-radius: 50px;
        color: #aaa;
        background: transparent;

    div.tag-search input[type=text]:focus {
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        display: none;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

    /* Media container */
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        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center !important;
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        height: 850px;

    img, .fluid_video_wrapper {
        max-height: 70vh;
        max-width: 40vw;
        height: auto;
        width: auto;

    /* Comments */
    #post-comments {
        position: absolute;
        width: 50vw;
        top: 20vh;
        right: 5vw;

    #comment-list>div {
        border-bottom: 1px solid #181818;

    #comment-list>div>hr {
        display: none;

    #comment-list>div>div.col2 {
        margin: 12px 0;

    /* Sidebar */
    .tag-search {
        display: none;

    [id="tag-sidebar"] {
        display: initial;
        position: absolute;
        padding: 30px 16px 140px 16px;
        border-radius: 0 0 7px;
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        top: 70px;
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        background: #181818;
        transition: 0.5s;

    .sidebar li a:hover {
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        background: url(;
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        content: "";
        cursor: pointer;

    [id="long-notice"]:hover~#content [id="tag-sidebar"], [id="tag-sidebar"]:hover {
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    .sidebar li a {
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    /* Toolbar */
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        margin-top: -0.125vh;
        background: url('');
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        color: transparent;

    /* Original edit and comment text */
    [class="image-sublinks"] a:first-child, [class="image-sublinks"] a:last-child {
        display: inline-block;
        padding: 10px;
        color: transparent;

    /* Edit button */
    [class="image-sublinks"] a:first-child {
        right: 15vw;
        margin-right: 19px;
        padding: 10px;
        background: url('');
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;

    /* Comment button */
    [class="image-sublinks"] a:last-child {
        right: 14vw;
        background: url('');
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;

    /* Share button */
    [id="stats"] li:nth-child(4) a:first-child {
        display: inline-block;
        position: absolute;
        top: 18.6vh;
        right: 18vw;
        font-size: 0;

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        display: inline-block;
        padding: 10px;
        background: url('');
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        content: "";
        color: transparent;



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