OLED Optimized - Dark Whatsapp Theme
OLED Whatsapp Dark Theme by eallyy
Size6.4 kB
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/* ==UserStyle==
@name OLED Whatsapp Dark Theme
@description OLED Optimized - Dark Whatsapp Theme
@namespace github.com/eallyy
@homepageURL https://github.com/eallyy/oled-whatsapp
@supportURL https://github.com/eallyy/oled-whatsapp/issues
@version 1.0.0
@author eallyy
@license MIT
@preprocessor stylus
@var text ui_font 'Custom UI font' ''font_name''
@var text radius-g 'Custom rounded corners for menus' 4px
@var text radius-i 'Custom rounded corners for input area' 4px
@var range radius-a 'Custom rounded corners for avatars' [50, 0, 50, 1, '%']
@var text app_width 'Custom width for chat app' 1396px
@var checkbox fullscreen 'Enable fullscreen mode' 0
@var checkbox app_c_m 'Enable compact mode' 1
@var text app_c_m_w 'Compact mode breakpoint' 720px
@var text app_c_m_h 'Compact mode hover-on delay' 0.6s
@var text app_c_m_d 'Compact mode hover-off delay' 1.2s
@var checkbox chat_b_c 'Enable blurred contacts' 0
@var checkbox chat_b_c_special 'Enable amoled contacts' 0
@var checkbox chat_b_img 'Enable blurred images/videos' 0
@var text chat_b_in 'Images/videos hover-on delay' 0.4s
@var text chat_b_out 'Images/videos hover-off delay' 0.2s
@var select alerts 'Alerts' {
'Show all *': 'show ',
'Hide "Allow notifications" ': 'notifications ',
'Hide all ': 'hide ',
@var select chat_m_t 'Message tails style' {
'Default *': 'default ',
'Minimal ': 'minimal ',
'Rounded ': 'rounded ',
'Facebook ': 'fb-like ',
@var select chat_left 'Left message bubble position' {
'Left side *': 'start ',
'Right side ': 'end ',
@var checkbox chat_b_l 'Custom background for left message bubble' 0
@var color b_l_bg 'Left message bubble color' #3c434f
@var select chat_right 'Right message bubble position' {
'Left side ': 'start ',
'Right side *': 'end ',
@var checkbox chat_b_r 'Custom background for right message bubble' 0
@var color b_r_bg 'Right message bubble color' #333a47
@var range emoji_o 'Emoji default opacity' [0.8, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var select app_image 'Custom app background' {
'Theme image with 12px blur *': 'bg-high ',
'Theme image with 6px blur ': 'bg-low ',
'Theme image without blur ': 'bg-none ',
'Custom background image ': 'custom ',
'Default background ': 'default ',
'None ': 'none ',
@var text image_url 'Custom background image link' url('https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1434569117012-ce134ee1a088?fit=crop&w=1280&h=720&q=80')
@var range bg_opacity 'Background image opacity' [0.4, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var range bg_blur 'Background image blur size' [0, 0, 50, 1, 'px']
@var range bg_hue 'Background image hue' [320, 0, 360, 1, 'deg']
@var range bg_invert 'Background image invert colors' [0, 0.0, 1, 0.1]
@var checkbox chat_bg 'Enable chat background image' 1
@var text chat_image 'Custom image for chat' url('https://web.whatsapp.com/img/bg-chat-tile_9e8a2898faedb7db9bf5638405cf81ae.png')
@var range chat_bg_o 'Chat background image opacity' [0.15, 0.0, 1, 0.01]
@var range chat_bg_i 'Chat background image inverted colors' [0.6, 0.0, 1, 0.1]
@var checkbox ff_scroll 'Thin scrollbars in Firefox' 1
@var checkbox c_g_c 'Theme colors in groups' 1
@var select theme 'Color-scheme' {
'Dark blue (old) *': 'old',
'Dark gray (new) ': 'new',
'Custom colors ': 'custom',
@var color dark 'Color: Primary background ' #1f232a
@var color darken 'Color: Highlight background ' #252A33
@var color darker 'Color: Secondary background ' #333943
@var color light 'Color: Primary foreground ' #e9e9e9
@var color lighter 'Color: Secondary foreground ' #a1a1a1
@var color accent 'Color: Accent ' #7289da
@var color yellow 'Color: Yellow ' #e5c512
@var color orange 'Color: Orange ' #df4b16
@var color red 'Color: Red ' #dc322f
@var color magenta 'Color: Magenta ' #f33682
@var color violet 'Color: Violet ' #6c71c4
@var color blue 'Color: Blue ' #268bd2
@var color cyan 'Color: Cyan ' #2aa198
@var color green 'Color: Green ' #859900
@var color white 'Color: White ' #ffffff
@var color sh 'Color: Shadow light ' #00000025
@var color sh-h 'Color: Shadow heavy ' #00000035
==/UserStyle== */
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background-color: dark;
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background-color: dark;
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background-color: transparent;