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Gmail Mono by cisoun

Screenshot of Gmail Mono



LicensePublic domain



Size8.9 kB


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An implementation of gmail--mono by @guerriero_se.



A minimalist monochromatic style for Gmail.

Implementation of gmail--mono by Sebastiano Guerriero (guerriero_se).


I recommend using Stylus to import this style.


Issues can be reported on the Gist page.


Public domain

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           gmail--mono
@version        1.0.9
@description    Implementation of
@author         Sebastiano Guerriero, Cyriaque 'cisoun' Skrapits
==/UserStyle== */

 * WARNING: Use Gmail's default theme with this!
 * Version 1.0.9
 *  - Fixed logo style for latest changes.
 *  - Fixed font override.
 * Version 1.0.8
 *  - Fixed logo style for latest changes.
 * Version 1.0.7
 *  - Improved warning banner (in spam).
 *  - First attempt to redesign dropdowns.
 *  - Fixed colors of dropdowns in left panel.
 *  - Improved search box.
 * Version 1.0.6
 *  - White theme is not necessary anymore, just revert to default!
 *  - Improved menu toggling button style.
 *  - Improved logo style.
 *  - Improved icons style in left panel.
 *  - Adapted messages style to mockup.
 *  - Removed border in message checkbox.
 * Version 1.0.5
 *  - Add gap between items in left menu.
 *  - Improved compose button style.
 * Version 1.0.4
 *  - Reverted letter spacing.
 *  - Adapted compose button to mockup.
 *  - Added slight padding to top bar.
 * Version 1.0.3
 *  - Adapted selected section in left panel to mockup.
 *  - Improved style of hovered section in left panel.
 * Version 1.0.2
 *  - Adapted logo to original mockup.
 *  - Removed left padding from search box.
 *  - Improved style of hovered messages. 
 * Version 1.0.1
 *  - Restored original font weight.
 *  - Improved padding in messages list.
 *  - Adapted top icons in messages list.

@-moz-document domain("") {
    @import url('');    
    :root {
        /* Taken from */
        --dark-2:  #1E293B;
        --dark-3:  #334155;
        --dark-4:  #475569;
        --dark-5:  #64748B;
        --dark-6:  #94A3B8;
        --dark-7:  #CBD5E1;
        --dark-8:  #E2E8F0;
        --dark-9:  #F1F5F9;
        --dark-10: #F8FAFC;
        --yellow-0: #422006;
        --yellow-1: #713f12;
        --yellow-2: #854d0e;
        --yellow-3: #a16207;
        --yellow-4: #ca8a04;
        --yellow-5: #eab308;
        --yellow-6: #facc15;
        --yellow-7: #fde047;
        --yellow-8: #fef08a;
        --yellow-9: #fef9c3;
        --yellow-10: #fefce8;
        /* Transition speeds */
        --t-normal: 0.2s;
    * {
        font-family: 'Reddit Mono' !important;
    body {
        color: var(--dark-5);
        font-size: 11pt;
        font-weight: 500;
    /* Light elements */
    .w-asV.bbg.aiw {
        background-color: var(--dark-9);
    /* Mid dark elements */
    .Yb.dIH7rb.bax {
        background-color: var(--dark-8) !important;

     * Top bar
    /* Add padding */
    .qp {
        padding-block: 8px;
    /* Menu hovered */
        background-color: var(--dark-8);
    /* Remove left padding of search box */
    .qp.qp .aJf[method="get"][role="search"] {
        margin-left: unset;
    /* Gmail logo */
    .gb_Md {
        filter: sepia(1) hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(0.5);
        width: 40px !important;
        height: 40px;
        object-fit: cover;
        object-position: left;
    a[href="#inbox"] {
        padding-left: unset;
    .gb_0d {
        border: none;
        transition: var(--t-normal) background-color;
    .gb_0d.gb_ve {
        background-color: white !important;
        border: none;
        box-shadow: 0 0 10px var(--dark-7);
     * Left panel
    /* Hide left most panel */
    .aeN.WR.a6o.anZ.baA.nH.oy8Mbf {
        display: none;
    /* Text */
    .J-Ke.n4.ah9.aiu > span {
        color: var(--dark-5) !important;
    /* Icons */
    .nM .yJ:nth-child(2) .qj {
        filter: sepia(2) brightness(1.4) hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(0.8);
    /* Add gap to lists */
    .TK {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        gap: 4px;
    /* Selected list item */
    .aim.ain > div {
        background-color: var(--dark-8) !important;
    .aim.ain a {
        color: var(--dark-4) !important;
    /* Hovered list item */
    .J-Ke.n4.ah9.aiu:focus {
        background-color: var(--dark-8);
    /* Hide scrollbar in left panel */
    .at9 {
        overflow-y: hidden;
    .Ls77Lb.aZ6 {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        overflow-y: scroll;
        padding-right: 20px; /* Increase/decrease this value for cross-browser compatibility */
        box-sizing: content-box;
    /* Border of list */
    .nH.bkK > .nH {
        border: 1px solid var(--dark-7);
    /* Compose button (relocated to top bar) */
    .T-I.T-I-KE.L3 {
        background-color: var(--dark-10);
        border-radius: 100%;
        border: 1px solid var(--dark-7);
        box-shadow: 0 0 3px var(--dark-7);
        color: transparent;
        left: 188px;
        margin: 0;
        min-width: unset;
        max-width: unset;
        max-height: 46px;
        max-width: 46px;
        padding: 0;
        position: absolute;
        top: -63px;
        z-index: 100;
    /* Compose button (hovered) */
    .T-I.T-I-KE.L3:hover {
        box-shadow: 0 3px 10px var(--dark-6);
    /* Compose button icon fix */
    .z0 > .L3::before {
        min-width: 48px;
    /* Remove space in compose button location */
    .z0 {
        height: 0;
        margin: 0;
    /* Remove space in menu */
    .at9 {
        padding-top: 0;
     * Main panel / messages
    /* Main panel */
    div[role="main"] {
        padding: 10px 20px;
    /* Main panel icons */
    .J-J5-Ji {
        filter: sepia(100%) hue-rotate(170deg);
    /* Main panel padding fix */
    .G-atb {
        padding-left: 17px;
    /* Dropdown buttons */
    .Wr {
        border-radius: 20px;
        padding: 0 20px 0 10px;
    .Wr:hover::before {
        background-color: var(--dark-8);

    /* Messages */
    table.F tr.zA {
        border: 0.1rem solid var(--dark-8);
        border-radius: 20px;
        box-shadow: none;
        margin-block: 3px;
    /* Unread message */
    table.F tr.zA.zE {
        background-color: var(--dark-9);
        border-color: var(--dark-9);
    /* Read message */
    table.F tr.zA.yO {
        background-color: white;
    /* Hovered message */
    table.F tr.zA:hover {
        background-color: var(--dark-8) !important;
        box-shadow: none;
    /* Selected message */
    table.F tr.zA.x7 {
        background-color: var(--dark-2);
    table.F tr.zA.x7:hover {
        background-color: var(--dark-4) !important;
    /* Hide message handle */
    table.F td.oZ-x3::before {
        display: none !important;
    /* Selected message text/icons color */
    table.F tr:has(.T-Jo-Jp) * {
        color: var(--dark-10);
    table.F tr:has(.T-Jo-Jp) .T-Jo-Jp,
    table.F tr:has(.T-Jo-Jp) .T-KT,
    table.F tr:has(.T-Jo-Jp) .pG > .a9q,
    table.F tr:has(.T-Jo-Jp) .bqX {
        color: white;
        filter: brightness(10);
    /* Remove border in message checkbox */
    .oZ-jc.T-Jo:focus::before {
        box-shadow: unset;
    /* Remove top line in list */
    .Wg {
        box-shadow: none;
    /* Dropdowns */
    .H2.HD {
        border: 0.1rem solid var(--dark-7);
    .H2.HD:hover {
        background-color: var(--dark-9);
    /* Warning banner */
    .Tm .ya {
        background-color: var(--yellow-8);
        border-radius: 25px;
        color: var(--yellow-3);
    /* Warning banner button */
    .Tm .ya > span {
        background-color: var(--yellow-6) !important;
        border-radius: 20px !important;
        color: var(--yellow-1) !important;
        margin-inline: 8px !important;
        overflow: hidden;
        padding-inline: 18px !important;
    .Tm .ya:hover > span::before {
        background: var(--yellow-0) !important;


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