In November 2021 the Steve Jackson Forums changed to use lighter yellows than before.
This CSS changes everything to shades of gray.
LicenseCC BY-SA 4.0
Size2.1 kB
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In November 2021 the Steve Jackson Forums changed to use lighter yellows than before.
This CSS changes everything to shades of gray.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Gray Colors on the SJG Forums
@version 1.0.0
@description Changes the SJG forum background colors to grays.
@author Michael Miller
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
Gray Colors on the SJG Forums
created by Michael Miller
Version 1.0.0
In November 2021 the Steve Jackson Forums changed to use lighter yellows than before.
This CSS changes everything to shades of gray.
.page {
background: #777777 !important;
/* Table rows. (Threads and posts.) */
.alt1, .alt1Active {
/* background: #ffedae; */
background: #cccccc !important;
/* color: #000000; */
.alt2, .alt2Active {
/* background: #fff3c9; */
background: #dddddd !important;
/* color: #000000; */
/* Post editor. */
.panel {
/* background: #ffffcc; */
background: #eeeeee !important;
/* color: #000000; */
/* padding: 10px; */
/* border: 2px outset; */
.panelsurround {
/* background: #ffdd66; */
background: #dddddd !important;
/* Menu Header */
.vbmenu_control, .tcat, .thead, .tfoot {
/* background: #996600; */
background: #bbbbbb !important;
.vbmenu_control, .tcat, .thead, .tfoot,
.vbmenu_control a:link, .vbmenu_control_alink,
.vbmenu_control a:visited, .vbmenu_control_avisited,
.tcat a:link, .tcat_alink,
.tcat a:visited, .tcat_avisited,
.thead a:link, .thead_alink,
.thead a:visited, .thead_avisited,
.tfoot a:link, .tfoot_alink,
.tfoot a:visited, .tfoot_avisited {
/* color: #FFFFFF; */
color: #440022 !important;
.vbmenu_control a:hover, .vbmenu_control_ahover,
.tcat a:hover, .tcat_ahover,
.thead a:hover, .thead_ahover,
.tfoot a:hover, .tfoot_ahover {
color: #cc0000 !important;
} div.smallfont[align="center"], div.smallfont[align="center"] a:link, div.smallfont[align="center"] a:visited {
color: #000000 !important;