"The end of that ugly old system." - Purdue Student
This Userstyle reskins Purdue University's computer lab availability system to make it a bit more modern and easy on the eyes. This was a one-off style, so do not expect any updates, however this should not be an issue as the site it's reskinning hasn't changed for years.
Userstyle doesn't have notes.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Purdue University Computer Availablity Reskin
@version 20211118.16.05
@namespace userstyles.world/user/sykeben
@description *"The end of that ugly old system."* - Purdue Student
This Userstyle reskins Purdue University's computer lab availability system to make it a bit more modern and easy on the eyes. This was a one-off style, so do not expect any updates, however this should not be an issue as the site it's reskinning hasn't changed for years.
@author sykeben
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://lslab.ics.purdue.edu/icsWeb/AvailableStations") {
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