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Nitro Type, InSchool Typing Style by g11777gold

Screenshot of Nitro Type, InSchool Typing Style



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Have you ever been caught playing Nitro Type During School?
If the answer is yes, then this style is perfect for you. it integrates google docs images to make it appear just like google docs and there is a 80% chance if a teacher sees it when ur using a car that is not bold, that they would not be able to notice what ur actually doing. Have fun and keep racing in school kids. -G1_1777gold


I recommend continuing to dim ur screen in school to make it hard for ur teacher to see to improve the chance that ur teacher would not know that ur on NT instead of google docs.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
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    background: fixed;

    background-image: url(;
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    color: #ffffff;

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@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
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