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D&D Beyond Encounters by cregkly

Screenshot of D&D Beyond Encounters






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Attempts to make the D&D Beyond (dndbeyond) Encounters usable by increasing the amount of vertical space that is available for the combatants, and reducing the amount of precision scrolling required.


Clicking on My Encounters returns the use to a page will all the navigation available again. Each element that has been removed is commented so it can be selectively added back if needed.

A left shift was added to try and make room for the game log, however this is highly dependent on the user's screen resolution.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           D&D Beyond Encounters
@version        1.2.3
@description    `Removes unecessary elements that take up vertical space and expands the combatants box`
@author         Craig Dean
@license        CC0-1.0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

    /* Remove the DDB search bar */
    .site-bar { display: none; } 

    /* Remove the navigation menu bar*/
    .mm-mega-menu { display : none; }

    /* Remove the beta banner */
    .release-indicator { display: none; }

    /* Removes vertical margins and padding */
    .ddb-page-header__breadcrumbs { margin: unset;}
    .ddb-page-header { padding:0 24px 0; }
    .combat-tracker-page__body { padding: 0 0 0; }
    /* prevents the combat tracker box from being constrained to 6 or 4 combatants. */
    .combat-tracker__combatants { max-height: unset; }

    /* Remove the footer so we can scroll to the bottom of the page */
    .ddb-footer { display: none; }

    /* If the screen is wide enough then move the page over to make room for the game log */    
    @media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
        .combat-tracker-page__body { 
            position: relative;
            left: -50px;
        .ddb-page-header { 
            position: relative;
            left: -50px;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
    /* prevents the encounter box from being constrained to 6 or 4 combatants. */
    .encounter-details-summary__monsters { max-height: unset; }

    /* Remove the footer so we can scroll to the bottom of the page */
    .ddb-footer { display: none; }



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