Attempts to make the D&D Beyond (dndbeyond) Encounters usable by increasing the amount of vertical space that is available for the combatants, and reducing the amount of precision scrolling required.
D&D Beyond Encounters by cregkly
Size1.7 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
Clicking on My Encounters returns the use to a page will all the navigation available again. Each element that has been removed is commented so it can be selectively added back if needed.
A left shift was added to try and make room for the game log, however this is highly dependent on the user's screen resolution.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name D&D Beyond Encounters
@version 1.2.3
@description `Removes unecessary elements that take up vertical space and expands the combatants box`
@author Craig Dean
@license CC0-1.0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* Remove the DDB search bar */
.site-bar { display: none; }
/* Remove the navigation menu bar*/
.mm-mega-menu { display : none; }
/* Remove the beta banner */
.release-indicator { display: none; }
/* Removes vertical margins and padding */
.ddb-page-header__breadcrumbs { margin: unset;}
.ddb-page-header { padding:0 24px 0; }
.combat-tracker-page__body { padding: 0 0 0; }
/* prevents the combat tracker box from being constrained to 6 or 4 combatants. */
.combat-tracker__combatants { max-height: unset; }
/* Remove the footer so we can scroll to the bottom of the page */
.ddb-footer { display: none; }
/* If the screen is wide enough then move the page over to make room for the game log */
@media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
.combat-tracker-page__body {
position: relative;
left: -50px;
.ddb-page-header {
position: relative;
left: -50px;
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* prevents the encounter box from being constrained to 6 or 4 combatants. */
.encounter-details-summary__monsters { max-height: unset; }
/* Remove the footer so we can scroll to the bottom of the page */
.ddb-footer { display: none; }