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eSix Café by mandorinn

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Screenshot of eSix Café



LicenseNo License




Size150 kB


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A comprehensive restyle of e621, made to be easier on the eyes while being compatible with the userscript "re621"!


Made with re621 in mind, check it outhere!

Themes available

  • Muted - the default
    • Classic blue
    • Pony
    • Discord-esque
    • Forest
    • Hot Coffee
  • Classic - the originals
    • Hexagon
    • Pony
    • Bloodlust
    • Serpent
    • Hotdog
  • Popular - popular text editor themes
    • Nord
    • Rosé Pine
    • Sonokai - Shusia
    • Everforest
    • Gruvbox

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           eSix Café
@namespace      mandorinn
@version        2.1.4
@description    A muted and easy on the eyes style for e621. Big credits to Faucet for the bug reports so far, thank you!
@author         mandorinn [(], faucet [(]
@preprocessor stylus

@var          select   themep    "Theme Pack" {
    "Muted": "muted",
    "Classic": "classic",
	"Popular": "pThemes"
@var select  roundness "Profile picture shape" {
@var		checkbox	buttons		"Comment Buttons" 1
@var		checkbox	borderRank	"Name Rank Border Colors ⚠️" 1

==/UserStyle== */

/* Search 'Styling starts now' to skip to content */

@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {
	/* */

if roundness == square {
	:root {
		--avatar-border-radius: 2.5%;
	.avatar .post-thumbnail {
		background-color: var(--elements-highlight);
if roundness == circle {
	:root {
		--avatar-border-radius: 50%;

if themep == muted {
	:root {
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		--user-janitor-hover: #8fc8f7;
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		--favorite-button-hover: #6dab83;
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		--remove-favorite-hover: #bf7e7e;
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		--button-text-hover: #c3ccd4;
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		--user-member-hover: var(--base-text-hover);
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		--user-privileged-hover: #b0e7ad;
		--user-contributor: #93c190;
		--user-contributor: #b0e7ad;
		--user-admin-hover: #eeae82;
		--user-moderator-hover: #8fc8f7;
		--user-former-staff: #6cd5aa;
		--user-former-staff-hover: #7ff7c6;
		--user-janitor: #7dafd8;
		--user-janitor-hover: #8fc8f7;
		--user-banned: #d46969;
		--user-banned-hover: #ef7676;
		--favorite-button: #538163;
		--favorite-button-hover: #6dab83;
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		--remove-favorite-hover: #bf7e7e;
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		--warn-button-hover: #e5aa80;
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		--button-text-hover: #c3ccd4;
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	body[data-th-main="bloodlust"] {
		--themeName: "Discord-esque";
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		--bg-400: #282b30;
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		--bg-visiting: #f3f3f3;
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		--user-privileged-hover: #b0e7ad;
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		--user-contributor-hover: #b0e7ad;
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		--user-former-staff-hover: #7ff7c6;
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		--user-janitor-hover: #8fc8f7;
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	body[data-th-main="serpent"] {
		--themeName: "Forest";
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		--flagged: #6e4848;
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		--mode-fullscreen: #365857;


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