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Empty @name replaces the default template - 3/6/2022, 8:10:10 PM by robynrbieber



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/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Empty @name replaces the default template - 3/6/2022, 8:10:10 PM
@version        1.1.0
@description    A new userstyle
@author         Me
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
   /* Insert code here... */

 * Robyn's Notion Style Minimal 
 * Created: 3-6-22
 * Author: Robyn Bieber
 * Version: 1.0

 =         			VARIABLES                   =

/*---------------------  Page Styling  ---------------------*/
/*---------------------  Colors  -------------------*/			
/*- Gray  ----------*/
--black--dark: rgb(51, 51, 51);	
--black--dark--50: rgba(51, 51, 51, .5);	
--gray--light: rgb(234, 234, 234);	
--gray--dark:rgb(221, 220, 225);		
--gray--dark--50:rgb(221, 220, 225, .5);	
--gray--dark--30:rgb(221, 220, 225, .3);	
/*- Tan (Orange) ----------*/	
--tan--dark:rgb(206, 201, 190);
--tan--med--50:rgba(236, 232, 224, .79);
--tan--med--30:rgba(206, 201, 190, .5);
--tan--dark--50:rgb(175, 151, 121, .5);

/*- Yellow  ----------*/
--yellow--light-50: rgba(255, 252, 186, .5);	
/*- White ----------*/	

/*- Red ----------*/	
--red--light: rgb(223,97,66);
--red--dark: rgb(190,87,42);
--red--dark--50: rgba(190,87,42, .5);
/*- Lavender (Purple) ----------*/	
--lavender--med: rgb(237, 213, 240);
--lavender--dark: rgb(241, 209, 245);
--lavender--dark--50: rgba(241, 209, 245, .50);	
--lavender--dark--25: rgba(241, 209, 245, .25);
/*- Brown ----------*/		
--brown--dark: rgb(194, 173, 146);
--brown--dark--50: rgb(194, 173, 146, .5);	
--white--dark: rgb(255,255,255);
--white--dark--50: rgba(255,255,255, .5);
/*---------------------  Fonts  ----------------------*/	
--heading--font: 'Canela';
--secondary--heading--font:'Roboto Mono';
--body--font: 'Jost';
--accent--font: 'Roboto Mono';	

/*---------------------  Accents  ---------------------*/
/*- Borders ----------*/
--border--width: 1px;
--border--type: solid;
--border--color: var(--gray--dark--50);
--border--style: var(--border--width) var(--border--type) var(--border--color);
--border--radius--sm: 7px;
--border--radius--med: 10px; 
--border--radius--lrg: 30px;	
--border--radius--full: 100%;
/*- Box Shadow ----------*/	
--box--shadow--full: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 1px 3px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06) 0px 1px 2px 0px;;
--transition--cards: box-shadow 0.12s ease-in 0s;	

 =         	  		REFACTOR                    =

/*---------------------  Fonts ----------------------*/	
@font-face {
font-family: 'Canela';
src: ('');  
font-weight: 500 !important;

@font-face {
font-family: 'Jost';
src: (''); 
font-weight: normal !important;

@font-face {
font-family: 'Nanum Gothic';
src: (''); 
font-weight: 700 !important;

@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto Mono';
src: ('');     
font-weight: 500 !important;

@font-face {
font-family: 'Montserrat';
src: ('');     

/*---------------------  Headings  ----------------------*/	
[placeholder*="Heading 1"]{
  font-family: var(--secondary--heading--font) !important;	

[placeholder*="Heading 2"]{
font-family: var(--secondary--heading--font) !important;	
font-weight: 500 !important;

[placeholder*="Heading 3"]{
  font-family: var(--secondary--heading--font) !important;	
	font-weight: 700 !important;

[style*='Georgia'] {
font-family: var(--body--font) !important;
[style*='iawriter-mono'] {
  font-family: var(--accent--font) !important;

.notion-selectable.notion-quote-block div[spellcheck='true'] {
  font-family: var(--accent--font) !important;
[placeholder='Heading 1']{
font-family: var(--title--font) !important;

[placeholder='Heading 2'],
[placeholder='Heading 3'] {
font-family: var(--secondary--heading--font) !important;
letter-spacing: -.03em !important;

/*---------------------  Body  ----------------------*/	

html,body,input,button,input:-webkit-autofill::first-line .notion-frame{
font-family: var(--body--font)!important;
text-rendering: geometricPrecision;
font-weight: 400 !important;

/*---------------------  Block Quotes ----------------------*/	

.notion-selectable.notion-quote-block div[spellcheck='true'] {
  font-family: var(--accent--font) !important;

 =          	 	COLOR REFACTOR        		  =

/*- Borders ----------*/
.notion-light-theme *[style*="border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(233, 233, 231)"]{
	border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gray--dark--50) !important;

.notion-light-theme *[style*="border-top: 1px solid rgb(233, 233, 231);"] {
    border-top: 1px solid var(--gray--dark--50) !important;

.notion-light-theme *[style*="border-top: 1px solid rgb(233, 233, 231);"] {
    border-right: 1px solid var(--gray--dark--50) !important;

.notion-light-theme *[style*="border-top: 1px solid rgb(233, 233, 231);"] {
    border-left: 1px solid var(--gray--dark--50) !important;

.notion-light-theme *[style*="border:rgb(45, 170, 219);"] {
    border: 1px solid var(--lavender--dark) !important;

/*--------------------- #4A90E2; Element Colors: Text background, blocks background, tags background, NOT TEXT (changed color in parentheses!)----------------------*/	
/*- That damn blue! ----------*/
#notion-app  *[style*="color:rgb(45, 170, 219)"]{
	 color: var(--lavender--dark--50) !important;
#notion-app  *[style*="background-color:rgb(45, 170, 219)"]{
	 background-color: var(--lavender--dark--50) !important;
#notion-app  *[style*="backgroundr:rgb(45, 170, 219)"]{
	 background: var(--lavender--dark--50) !important;
#notion-app  *[style*="color:#4A90E2"]{
	 color: var(--lavender--dark--50) !important;
#notion-app  *[style*="background-color:#4A90E2"]{
	 background-color: var(--lavender--dark--50) !important;

#notion-app  *[style*="background: rgba(46, 170, 220, 0.15)"]{
	 background: var(--lavender--dark--50) !important;

#notion-app  *[style*="rgb(46, 170, 220) 0px 0px 0px 2px inset;"]{
	box-shadow: var(--black--dark) 0px 0px 0px 0px  !important;

.notion-focusable:focus-visible {
	box-shadow: none!important;

/*- Gray colors----------*/
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background:rgba(241, 241, 239, 1)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(241, 241, 239)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.09)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(227, 226, 224)"] {
    background: var(--gray--dark--50) !important;

.notion-light-theme *[fill*="background:rgba(241, 241, 239, 1)"]{
fill: var(--black--dark) !important;
/*- Tan (Tan Medium) ----------*/
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background:rgba(244, 238, 238, 1)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(244, 238, 238)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(238, 224, 218)"] {
    background: var(--tan--med) !important;
 .notion-light-theme *[style*="color: rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.5)"]{
	 color: var(--black--dark) !important;
 .notion-light-theme *[style*="-webkit-text-fill-color: rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.5)"]{
	 color: var(--black--dark) !important;

/*- Pink (Red) ----------*/
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgba(253, 235, 236, 1)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(253, 235, 236)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(255, 226, 221)"] {
    background: var(--red--dark--50) !important;
/*- Orange (Tan transparent) ----------*/
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background:rgba(251, 236, 221, 1)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(251, 236, 221)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(250, 222, 201)"] {
    background: var(--tan--dark--50) !important;
/*- Yellow ----------*/
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background:rgba(251, 243, 219, 1)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(251, 243, 219)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(253, 236, 200)"] {
    background: var(--yellow--light-50) !important;
/*- Green ADD COLOR----------*/
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background:rgba(237, 243, 236, 1)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(237, 243, 236)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(219, 237, 219)"] {
      background: var(--NONE--) !important; 
/*-Blue ADD COLOR----------*/ 
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background:rgba(231, 243, 248, 1)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(231, 243, 248)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(211, 229, 239)"] {
    background: var(--NONE--) !important; 
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background:rgba(244, 240, 247)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgba(244, 240, 247, 0.8)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(232, 222, 238)"] {
    background: var(--lavender--dark--25) !important;
/*-Pink again (Brown) ----------*/
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgba(249, 238, 243, 0.8)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(249, 238, 243)"],
  .notion-light-theme *[style*="background: rgb(245, 224, 233)"] {
    background: var(--brown--dark--50) !important; 

/*---------------------  Cards ----------------------*/	


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