A simple fix to make the games in the fairgrounds and coli render better at any scale.
Feel free to send me a comment on FR (AlicetheWitch) if you use this <3
LicenseNo License
Size665 B
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A simple fix to make the games in the fairgrounds and coli render better at any scale.
Feel free to send me a comment on FR (AlicetheWitch) if you use this <3
I made this in like 5 minutes. Credit to Leafalie for the help!
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Coli/Fairgrounds Fix for Firefox
@version 20220515.22.47
@namespace userstyles.world/user/alicethewitch
@description A simple fix to make the games in the fairgrounds and coli render better at any scale.
Feel free to send me a comment on FR (AlicetheWitch) if you use this <3
@author alicethewitch
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Fairgrounds Fix
@author AlicetheWitch
@description `A simple fix to make the fairgrounds render smoother. No more ugly UI!`
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("flightrising.com") {
canvas {
image-rendering: auto;