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Custom Messenger (un-updated) by rejuiin

Screenshot of Custom Messenger (un-updated)



LicenseNo License

CategoryMessenger, Messenger Dark Mode, Messenger Animation



Size23 kB


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Dark mode and Animation(basically duh)

Animations no longer work and other things.


Sooo basic no guides

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Custom Messenger
@description    Change Color & Animation
@author         Rejuiin
@preprocessor   stylus
@version        20220912.14.42

@var text       imagelink       "Background Image"              link
@var checkbox   animation       "Off/On Animation"              1
@var checkbox   border          "Off/On Borders"                1
@var text       sidebarSpeed    "Sidebar speed"                 .5s
@var text       sidebarDelay    "Sidebar leave delay"           .1s
@var select     sidebarEase     "Sidebar easing" {
    "Ease*"         : "ease",
    "Ease-in"       : "ease-in",
    "Ease-out"      : "ease-out",
    "Ease-in-out"   : "ease-in-out"
@var text       sidebarWidth    "Sidebar width (focused)"       360px

@var select     theme           "Preset color theme" {
    "bg-image"         : "Background-Image",
    "Darker"            : "darker",
    "Gruvbox-Soft"      : "gruvbox-s",
    "Gruvbox-Medium"    : "gruvbox-m",
    "Gruvbox-Hard"      : "gruvbox-h",
    "Nord"              : "nord",
    "Discord"           : "discord",
    "Mastodon"          : "mastodon",
    "Moonlight"         : "moonlight",
    "Proton"            : "proton",
    "Breeze"            : "breeze",
    "Adwaita"           : "adwaita",
    "Fuchsia"           : "fuchsia-dark",
    "Custom*"            : "custom",
@var text       fontName        "Custom font"                   default
@var checkbox   colorScrollbars "Custom scrollbars"             1
@var checkbox   colorConvos     "Theme conversation colors"     1
@var checkbox   colorSelect     "Theme text selection"          1
@var text       pbw             "Primary Border Width"          2px
@var text       sbw             "Secondary Border Width"        0.5px
@var color      pbc             "Primary Border Color"          rgba(48, 2, 100, 1)
@var color      sbc             "Secondary Border Color"        rgba(2, 77, 100, 1)
@var color      bg-mt           "Message search match color"    #d8df064f
@var color      sb-bg           "Scrollbar Background"          rgba(4,51, 57, 1)
@var color      sb-bg2          "Scrollbar Hover"               rgba(0, 223, 255, .64)
@var color      sb-bg3          "Scrollbar Color"               rgba(241, 0, 255, .86)
@var color      bg-ac           "Selected chat color"           rgba(1, 15, 125, .64)
@var color      bg-ac2          "Recieved chat color"           rgba(1, 15, 125, .64)
@var color      bg-1            "Custom Background 1"           #0e0017
@var color      bg-2            "Custom Background 2"           #35368c
@var color      bg-3            "Custom Background 3"           #333
@var color      fg-1            "Custom Font Color 1"           #fff
@var color      fg-2            "Custom Font Color 2"           #aaa
@var color      ic-1            "Custom icon color"             #05a812
@var color      ac-1            "Custom accent color"           #ff00f4
@var color      bg-bb           "Custom sender bubble color"    #00a7ff
@var text       ic-2            "Custom icon filter"            invert(79%) sepia(2%) saturate(19%) hue-rotate(325deg) brightness(89%) contrast(81%)
@var text       ac-2            "Custom accent filter"          invert(50%) sepia(94%) saturate(3979%) hue-rotate(183deg) brightness(104%) contrast(103%)
@var checkbox   darkButtonText  "Custom: Dark button text"      0
==/UserStyle== */

    Some icons require CSS filters due to them using images instead of vectors. (eg. three-dot menu, arrows, and payment icons)
    To make or generate your own CSS filter, you can use any tool that converts color values to CSS filter.
    Convert ic-1 (icon) and ac-1 (accent color) color values for consistency, or do whatever you want.

@-moz-document domain("") {
    .__fb-dark-mode {
        --bg-image : bg-image;
            background-attachment: fixed;
            background-size: cover;

        if theme == bg-image {
            --bg-1: rgba(0,0,0, .5);
            --bg-2: rgba(0,0,0, .5);
            --bg-3: rgba(0,0,0, .5);
            --fg-1: rgba(0,0,0, .5);
            --fg-2: rgba(0,0,0, .5);
            --ic-1: rgba(0,0,0, .5);
            --ac-1: rgba(0,0,0, .5);
            --bg-bb: rgba(0,0,0, .5);
            --ic-2: invert(79%) sepia(2%) saturate(19%) hue-rotate(325deg) brightness(89%) contrast(81%);
            --ac-2: invert(50%) sepia(94%) saturate(3979%) hue-rotate(183deg) brightness(104%) contrast(103%);
        } else if theme == darker {
            --bg-1: #111;
            --bg-2: #1b1b1b;
            --bg-3: #222;
            --fg-1: #eee;
            --fg-2: #999;
            --ic-1: #999;
            --ac-1: #06c;
            --bg-bb: #048;
            --ic-2: invert(72%) sepia(0%) saturate(6%) hue-rotate(251deg) brightness(86%) contrast(82%);
            --ac-2: invert(24%) sepia(95%) saturate(1745%) hue-rotate(195deg) brightness(96%) contrast(104%);
        } else if theme == gruvbox-s {
            --bg-1: #32302f;
            --bg-2: #504945;
            --bg-3: #3c3836;
            --fg-1: #ebdbb2;
            --fg-2: #a89984;
            --ic-1: #a89984;
            --ac-1: #83a598;
            --bg-bb: #076678;
            --ic-2: invert(67%) sepia(5%) saturate(1223%) hue-rotate(356deg) brightness(91%) contrast(91%);
            --ac-2: invert(77%) sepia(3%) saturate(1992%) hue-rotate(105deg) brightness(82%) contrast(87%);
        } else if theme == gruvbox-m {
            --bg-1: #282828;
            --bg-2: #3c3836;
            --bg-3: #32302f;
            --fg-1: #ebdbb2;
            --fg-2: #a89984;
            --ic-1: #a89984;
            --ac-1: #83a598;
            --bg-bb: #076678;
            --ic-2: invert(67%) sepia(5%) saturate(1223%) hue-rotate(356deg) brightness(91%) contrast(91%);
            --ac-2: invert(77%) sepia(3%) saturate(1992%) hue-rotate(105deg) brightness(82%) contrast(87%);
        } else if theme == gruvbox-h {
            --bg-1: #1d2021;
            --bg-2: #282828;
            --bg-3: #32302f;
            --fg-1: #ebdbb2;
            --fg-2: #a89984;
            --ic-1: #a89984;
            --ac-1: #83a598;
            --bg-bb: #076678;
            --ic-2: invert(67%) sepia(5%) saturate(1223%) hue-rotate(356deg) brightness(91%) contrast(91%);
            --ac-2: invert(77%) sepia(3%) saturate(1992%) hue-rotate(105deg) brightness(82%) contrast(87%);
        } else if theme == nord {
            --bg-1: #2e3440;
            --bg-2: #364054;
            --bg-3: #424c60;
            --fg-1: #eceff4;
            --fg-2: #d8dee9;
            --ic-1: #d8dee9;
            --ac-1: #7ea1cc;
            --bg-bb: #587ba6;
            --ic-2: invert(95%) sepia(6%) saturate(837%) hue-rotate(185deg) brightness(95%) contrast(91%);
            --ac-2: invert(66%) sepia(24%) saturate(566%) hue-rotate(173deg) brightness(91%) contrast(87%);
        } else if theme == discord {
            --bg-1: #36393f;
            --bg-2: #3d414a;
            --bg-3: #4d515a;
            --fg-1: #fff;
            --fg-2: #99aab5;
            --ic-1: #99aab5;
            --ac-1: #7289da;
            --bg-bb: #5c73c5;
            --ic-2: invert(74%) sepia(8%) saturate(537%) hue-rotate(160deg) brightness(90%) contrast(84%);
            --ac-2: invert(58%) sepia(26%) saturate(1117%) hue-rotate(192deg) brightness(90%) contrast(89%);
        } else if theme == mastodon {
            --bg-1: #191b22;
            --bg-2: #272b36;
            --bg-3: #313543;
            --fg-1: #fff;
            --fg-2: #9baec8;
            --ic-1: #9baec8;
            --ac-1: #2b90d9;
            --bg-bb: #1074be;
            --ic-2: invert(73%) sepia(5%) saturate(1409%) hue-rotate(176deg) brightness(96%) contrast(83%);
            --ac-2: invert(56%) sepia(17%) saturate(2412%) hue-rotate(169deg) brightness(87%) contrast(94%);
        } else if theme == moonlight {
            --bg-1: #223;
            --bg-2: #2b2b3c;
            --bg-3: #334;
            --fg-1: #fff;
            --fg-2: #aab;
            --ic-1: #aab;
            --ac-1: #99e;
            --bg-bb: #66b;
            --ic-2: invert(77%) sepia(18%) saturate(187%) hue-rotate(201deg) brightness(88%) contrast(86%);
            --ac-2: invert(62%) sepia(28%) saturate(665%) hue-rotate(202deg) brightness(97%) contrast(93%);
        } else if theme == proton {
            --bg-1: #1c1b22;
            --bg-2: #23222b;
            --bg-3: #2b2a33;
            --fg-1: #fff;
            --fg-2: #aaa;
            --ic-1: #fbfbfe;
            --ac-1: #0df;
            --bg-bb: #126171;
            --ic-2: invert(97%) sepia(8%) saturate(1873%) hue-rotate(183deg) brightness(107%) contrast(99%);
            --ac-2: invert(65%) sepia(32%) saturate(2926%) hue-rotate(145deg) brightness(104%) contrast(105%);
        } else if theme == breeze {
            --bg-1: #232629;
            --bg-2: #292d32;
            --bg-3: #31363b;
            --fg-1: #fff;
            --fg-2: #aaa;
            --ic-1: #aaa;
            --ac-1: #3daee9;
            --bg-bb: #224e65;
            --ic-2: invert(79%) sepia(2%) saturate(19%) hue-rotate(325deg) brightness(89%) contrast(81%);
            --ac-2: invert(63%) sepia(20%) saturate(1601%) hue-rotate(164deg) brightness(95%) contrast(93%);
        } else if theme == adwaita {
            --bg-1: #242424;
            --bg-2: #2b2b2b;
            --bg-3: #353535;
            --fg-1: #f5f5f5;
            --fg-2: #aaa;
            --ic-1: #eeeeec;
            --ac-1: #78aeed;
            --bg-bb: #1b70c9;


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