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FPL Dark Mode 🌚 #FPLDARKMODE 24/25 by nathanza

Screenshot of FPL Dark Mode 🌚 #FPLDARKMODE 24/25



LicenseNo License

CategoryFPL, PL, Fantasy PL, Fantasy Premier League, Dark, Darkmode, Dark Mode, FPL Dark Mode, Dark mode for FPL



Size97 kB


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If there are visual bugs, come tell me (Nathanza) on the Telegram group @FootballFPL (

You may need to reinstall.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           FPL Dark Mode 24/25 #FPLDARKMODE
@version        1.3.13
@description    FPL Dark Mode 24/25 - Fantasy Premier League #FPLDARKMODE
@author (@Nathanza)
==/UserStyle== */

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    /* CHANGELOG 1.3 JULY 2024✍️
24/25 season update. This is a first version and likely there will be issues. I will be updating as I get time to fix stuff and if there is any new features.
   πŸ“± July 18th 1.3.6: Fixed some MOBILE stuff, but probably broke something too. Navigation should work now.
    July 20th 1.3.7: Made some more tweaks to fix some stuff. When you go over budget the number will show red. I also did some stuff that I don't actually know wtf it is, so it might break something. (flow-root)
    July 21st 1.3.8: Put back the red injury info, and a few other minor tweaks. Need to update that part again once GW1 is done.
    August 16th: 1.3.9: Removed the ugly idiot 'Team Saved' modal with ugly idiot content.
    August 16th: 1.3.10/11: The game went live and did something ugly on the player history overlay. 
    August 23rd: 1.3.12: Fixed colours for yellow/red flagged players. Changed the remove player X to white. I probably broke something else.
    September 22nd: 1.3.13: Very small change. Added orange colour to name and status for orange flagged players. (Thanks for nothing Zinchenko)

    /* πŸ’¬ Found an issue? Join our Telegram group: and @Nathanza */
        /* LAZY NEW UPDATE FOR 24/25  --- START   */
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                    /*FDR Small Player Profile Main*/
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