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Instgram Dark Theme v2.0 by siam395

Screenshot of Instgram Dark Theme v2.0



LicenseSalman Farsi




Size12 kB


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I created an amazing Dark theme for Instagram web with many more features. Sharing it now for everyone to enjoy. Your support fuels future themes.

Thanks! 😊


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
	/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Instagram DARK Theme v2.0
@version      2.0
@description  I Made this Dark theme for Instagram web version for myself with bunch of other features because Instagram app has dark theme but the Instagram web version doesn’t and I thought I should publish this so that many people can enjoy this theme.

If you liked my theme then please give me a little review which will help me to create more awesome themes in the future.

Thank you for reading 😊
@author       Salman Farsi
@license      Salman Farsi
@preprocessor   stylus

@var select     theme           "Chat Background" {
    "System default"           : "system",
    "Custom (Single Color)"    : "custom",
    "Custom (Gradient Color)"  : "custom-2",
@var color _chat "Message Color" #363738
@var color _chat-2 "Gradient msg Color-1" #363738
@var color _chat-3 "Gradient msg Color-2" #363738
@var text deg_ "Gradient degree" 60
==/UserStyle== */
	@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

		section {
			color: #ddd !important;

			--hscc-collapse-transition-duration: .3s;
			--post-separator: 15, 15, 15;
			--ig-badge: 220, 220, 220;
			--ig-badge-back: 56, 54, 55;
			--ig-close-friends-refreshed: 28, 209, 79;
			--ig-elevated-background: 15, 15, 15;
			--ig-elevated-separator: 45, 45, 45;
			--ig-error-or-destructive: 237, 73, 86;
			--ig-facebook-blue: 53, 121, 234;
			--ig-focus-stroke: 168, 168, 168;
			--ig-full-screen-background: 54, 54, 54;
			--ig-highlight-background: 58, 59, 60;
			--ig-link: 0, 110, 214;
			--ig-live-badge: 255, 1, 105;
			--ig-banner-background: 36, 37, 38;
			--ig-primary-background: 36, 37, 38;
			--ig-primary-button: 0, 149, 246;
			--ig-primary-text: 200, 200, 200;
			--ig-secondary-background: 24, 25, 26;
			--ig-secondary-button: 200, 200, 200;
			--ig-secondary-button-background: 36, 37, 38;
			--ig-secondary-button-hover: 40, 39, 38;
			--ig-secondary-text: 180, 180, 180;
			--ig-separator: 44, 45, 46;
			--ig-stroke: 219, 219, 219;
			--ig-subscribers-only: 118, 56, 250;
			--ig-success: 88, 195, 34;
			--ig-temporary-highlight: 245, 251, 255;
			--ig-tertiary-text: 199, 199, 199;
			--ig-text-on-color: 255, 255, 255;
			--modal-backdrop-dark: rgba(0, 0, 0, .85);
			--modal-backdrop-default: rgba(0, 0, 0, .65);
			--modal-border-radius: 12px;
			--modal-padding: 16px;
			--modal-z-index: 100;
			--orange-5: #fd8d32;
			--photo: 600px;
			--pink-5: #d10869;
			--post-step-indicator: 168, 168, 168;
			--purple-5: #a307ba;
			--red-4: #ff6874;
			--red-5: #ed4956;
			--red-6: #c62330;
			--red-7: #a70311;
			--tos-box-shadow: 0, 0, 0;
			--web-always-black: 200, 200, 200;
			--web-always-white: 255, 255, 255;
			--web-overlay-on-media: 38, 38, 38;
			--web-secondary-action: 224, 241, 255;
			--yellow-5: #fdcb5c;
			--text-primary: 221, 221, 221;
			--text-secondary: #B0B3B8;
			--text: #fff;
			--direct-message-max-width: 55vw;
			--nav-wide-width: 220px;

			/* Username links */
			--fe0: 0, 155, 255 !important;

			/* Follow Button */
			--d69: 0, 149, 246 !important;

			--b86: 88, 195, 34 !important;

			--i30: 237, 73, 86 !important;
			--c37: 237, 73, 86 !important;

			--f24: 0, 149, 246 !important;

			--fa7: 224, 241, 50 !important;

			--jbb: 53, 121, 234 !important;

			--eac: 237, 73, 86 !important;

			--e62: 245, 251, 50 !important;

			--b2f: 168, 60, 221 !important;

			/* Message interaction DMs */
			--jb7: 50, 50, 50 !important;
			--jd9: 255, 255, 255 !important;
			--cdd: 217, 217, 217 !important;

			/* Text and Usernames */
			--i1d: 255, 255, 255 !important;
			--d20: 190, 190, 190 !important;
			--eca: 30, 30, 30 !important;

			/* Username and Like count */
			--f75: 190, 190, 190 !important;
			--j64: 201, 201, 201 !important;

			/* Link Color and Time Labels */
			--f52: 113, 113, 113 !important;
			--ie3: 113, 113, 113 !important;

			--ba8: 87, 87, 87 !important;
			--c8c: 87, 87, 87 !important;

			--e22: 46, 46, 46 !important;
			--edc: 46, 46, 46 !important;

			/* Borders */
			--b38: 100, 100, 100 !important;
			--b6a: 100, 100, 100 !important;
			--ca6: 100, 100, 100 !important;

			/* Spacerbar */
			--ce3: 100, 100, 100 !important;

			--bb2: 21, 21, 21 !important;
			--a97: 7, 7, 7 !important;

			/* Main Background */
			--b3f: 25, 25, 25 !important;
			--d62: 25, 25, 25 !important;
			--a72: 25, 25, 25 !important;
			--h1d: 25, 25, 25 !important;
			--de5: 25, 25, 25 !important;

			/* Header Backgrounds */
			--d87: 25, 25, 25 !important;
			--f23: 25, 25, 25 !important;

			/* Message interaction */
			--jb7: 50, 50, 50 !important;
			--jd9: 255, 255, 255 !important;
			--cdd: 217, 217, 217 !important;

		/* Buttons */
		.Fifk5 a[href="/"] [fill="#262626"],
		.XrOey path {
			fill: var(--text-secondary)

		[fill="#262626"] {
			color: var(--text-secondary)

		/* logo */
		.sx_7d646c {
			filter: invert(1);

		.glyphsSpriteBirthday_cake/*Instagram logo Sign*/
			filter: invert(1)

		._a3gq ._aad3 {
			filter: invert(1);

		._abw9 {
			background: var(--ig-badge-back);

		._ac0x {
			filter: invert(1);

		/*general messages*/
		._a3gq ._aa5a {
			filter: invert(1);

		/*log out divider*/
		._a3gq ._aa1g {
			background-color: var(--none);

		/*messages max width*/
		._ab8j._ab8l._ab8w._ab94._ab99._ab9h._ab9k._ab9o._ab9s._abcm {
			max-width: 999999999px !important;
			border: none;

		/*translucent fix*/
		._a3gq ._ab5x {
			padding-top: 0

		/*Fix Border*/
		._a3gq ._aa-g {
			border-top: none;

		textarea {
			background-color: var(--ig-secondary-text);

		/*.xvbhtw8 {
    background-color: var(--ig-primary-background);
} */
		._aava/*border removal*/
			border-top: none;
			border-right: none;
			border-left: none;
			border-bottom: none;

		._ab5x/*translucent fix*/
			padding-top: 0

		/* Dark Scrollbar*/
		::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
			background: #1c1e21 !important;
			width: 8px

		::-webkit-scrollbar-button {
			display: none !important;

		::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
			background: #999 !important;
			width: 8px !important;
			border-radius: 10px;
			transition: .1s !important;

		::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:not(:active):hover {
			background: #777 !important;
			transition: .1s !important;

		::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover:active {
			background: #5c5c5c !important;
			transition: .1s !important;

		/* Special Effects */
		.xnwf7zb {
			background-color: red;

		.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6[aria-label="Like"] {
			fill: red !important;

		.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6[aria-label="Choose an emoji"],
		.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6[aria-label="Emoji"] {
			fill: #fff500 !important;
			filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #fef500d0)!important;

		.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6[aria-label="Toggle selection"] {
			fill: #0095f6 !important;
			filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #0095f6d0)!important;

		.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6[aria-label="Verified"] {
			fill: #0095f6 !important;
			filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0px #fff0)!important;

		.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6[aria-label="Muted"] {
			fill: #fff500 !important;

		.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6[aria-label="Remove"] {
			color: #0f0 !important;
			fill: #0f0 !important;
			filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #00ff00d0)!important;

		.x1lliihq.x1n2onr6[aria-label="Liked"] {
			fill: #e42c3a !important;
			filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #fe0000d0)!important;

		path.x19hqcy {
			fill: #fff !important;
			color: #fff !important;
			filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #ffffffd0)!important;


		/* 	Other Styles */
		.xyzq4qe {
			background-color: #000!important;

		.xk5f4mz {
			background-color: #0095f6 !important;

		span.x1lliihq.x1plvlek.xryxfnj.x1n2onr6.x193iq5w.xeuugli.x1fj9vlw.x13faqbe.x1vvkbs.x1s928wv.xhkezso.x1gmr53x.x1cpjm7i.x1fgarty.x1943h6x.x1i0vuye.x1fhwpqd.x1s688f.x5n08af.x1s3etm8.x676frb.x10wh9bi.x1wdrske.x8viiok.x18hxmgj {
			color: #0095f6 !important;

		.x1gjpkn9:hover {
			background-color: #4a4b4c!important;

		div#splash-screen {
			background: rgb(36, 37, 38) !important;

		i {
			background-position: 0px 0px !important;

		.xseo6mj {
			position: fixed !important;
			width: -webkit-fill-available !important;
			max-width: 25% !important;
			right: 2% !important;

				*Under Test*	
		div[role="button"] > canvas {
            color: #ffffff50 !important;

	@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

		if theme=="system" {
			/* Theme: System Default */


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