A Better CSS Code for Lichess to look Way Better!
Use Stylus for the code to work.
BetterLichessStyle by creativewinning
LicenseNo License
Size18 kB
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Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Better Lichess Style
@namespace github.com/hunterthepro/BetterLichessStyle
@version 1.2.7
@description For those who enjoy using lichess at night. Theme inspired by ANSI terminal look and feel.
@author hunterthepro
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("lichess.org") {
* {
color: crimson;
body {
background: #202020 no-repeat;
.marble .is2d cg-board
background-image: url("https://alejandrok7vell.neocities.org/red.svg");
.rclock .bar {
background: #33ffbd;
.rclock.running .time {
background: #3bce9d85;
color: #fff;
.rclock.emerg.running .time {
background-color: #841411;
color: #e3e3e3;
square.selected {
background-color: rgba(255, 197, 126, .62);
square.last-move {
background-color: rgba(246, 255, 118, .58);
.user-link.online .line,
.is-green::before {
color: #5df0bf;
opacity: 0.9;
#friend_box .content a.user-link .line::before {
color: rgb(103, 255, 242);
.tabs-horiz span.active,
.lobby__streams .stream.highlight strong,
.mini-game__clock.clock--run {
color: #caff53;
.tabs-horiz span::after {
content: '';
background: rgb(202 255 81);
#topnav div {
border-left: 2px solid #caff53;
#topnav div a:hover, #topnav div a:hover::after {
background: #caff53;
color: #000;
.activity section h2,
.tour-sched .tour__main__header h1,
.tour-sched .tour__main__header .img {
color: #33ffbd;
.activity .entry>i {
background-color: #ffcd7d;
color: #624b28;
.activity .entries {
border-left: 3px solid #ffcd7d;
good {
color: #94ff1c;
.tour__standing streak,
.tour__meta section.conditions.accepted,
.tour__meta section.conditions .accepted {
color: #fff379;
.tour__standing double,
.is-gold::before {
color: #ff437f;
bad {
color: #ff4e74;
.hooks__list tr.join:hover td {
background: rgba(189, 255, 96, .2);
opacity: 1;
.site-title a:hover span,
.site-title a:hover {
color: #b7ff6a;
body.dark div.ruser rating,
body.dark div.sub-ratings strong,
body.dark div > span.title,
body.dark .tour__duels strong,
body.dark .user-link,
body.dark .vstext,
body.dark #powerTip .ratings *,
body.dark table.slist thead,
body.dark .tview2 > index,
body.dark .tview2 comment {
color: #0F0
#dasher_app .links a:hover,
#dasher_app .links a:hover,
#dasher_app .links a:hover::before,
#dasher_app .links button:hover,
#dasher_app .subs .sub:hover,
#dasher_app .sub:hover::before {
background: #dcff8f;
color: #000;
opacity: 1;
signal>i, .cmn-toggle:checked+label {
background-color: #dcff8f;
#dasher_app .sub::before,
.swiss__main__header .time {
color: #dcff8f;
/* Analysis Bar */
.eval-gauge {
background: #fff;
.eval-gauge .black,
.context-streamer {
background: #000;
.eval-gauge tick.zero,
.eval-gauge tick {
display: none;
.ceval .bar span,
.study__player.ticking .analyse__clock,
.ceval .engine .cloud,
.tour__notice {
background: #feff80;
color: #000;
.cmn-toggle:checked+label::before {
color: #feff80;
.ceval .technology.good {
color: #feff80;
.mchat__tab input:checked {
background: #165c4f;
border-color: #5dffe5;
.tour__standing tr.me td:first-child,
.swiss__standing tr.me td:first-child {
background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff76c 0px, #cfdf76 5px, rgba(0,0,0,0) 5px, rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%);
.fbt.active {
background: #f1ff8b !important;
color: #000;
/* change this for Enter Button */
.tour__controls .highlight {
background: #000;
color: #f1ff8b;
border-bottom: 5px solid #f1ff8b;
text-shadow: 0 -1px #fff76c;
.analyse__tools .sub-box .title {
background: #363717;
.analyse__tools .sub-box,
.action-menu {
border-bottom: 3px solid #f1ff86;
.tour-spotlight:hover {
background: #000;
.rclock .time {
background: #000;
color: #7d7d7d;
#friend_box .friend_box_title,
group.radio label,
.slist thead,
.study__metadata h2,
.video .card .info,
.video .card .reveal,
.tournament-leaderboards h2,
.tournament-shields h2,
.rcontrols .rematch.fbt,
.swiss__player-info .stats h2,
.tour__actor-info .stats h2 {
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #131313, #0e0e0e 100%);
/* Lobby */
.lobby__app .lredir {
background: #000;
.hooks__list {
opacity: 0.8;
.hook__filters {
background: rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.5);
.lobby__box__content {
background: #0b0b0b;
.lobby__box tr:nth-child(even) {
background: #111;
/* Donate - Swag Store */
.lobby__support a {
background: #0c0c0c;
#topnav div,
.site-buttons .shown .toggle,
.site-buttons .dropdown,
#challenge-app .empty,
#sf_variant option,
#sf_timeMode option,
.learn__table .goal,
.learn__table .progress a,
.page-menu nav .active,
.dashboard-teacher-overview .dashboard-nav a.active,
.dashboard-nav a.active,
.dashboard-teacher-progress .dashboard-nav a.active,
.dashboard-teacher .progress,
.crosstable fill,
.crosstable povs,
.board-editor__tools .metadata,
.number-menu--tabs .nm-item.active,
.activity section h2 time,
.round__app rm6,
.tour__team-standing tbody tr:nth-child(odd),
.tour__stats {
background: #0e0e0e;
color: #39cea6
/* Hover Menus */
#topnav.hover section:hover>a, #topnav section:active>a {
background: #0e0e0e;
border-color: #caff53;
.game-setup .optional_config,
#modal-wrap .close,
.slist tbody tr:nth-child(even),
#puzzle-difficulty option,
.puzzle__themes__selector option,
.puzzle-of-player__form input,
.search input,
.coach-list__main .coach-widget:nth-child(even),
.dashboard-teacher .progress-choices,
.form-group input,
.form-group textarea,
.streamer-list .streamer:nth-child(even),
.streamer-edit .status,
.blog .meta-headline,
.explorer-box tr:nth-child(even),
.community__leaders .leaderboards li:nth-child(even),
.tournament-leaderboards li:nth-child(even),
.tournament-shields li:nth-child(even),
.tournament-shields li:nth-child(even),
.tournament-shields li:nth-child(even),
rm6 .buttons,
rm6 i5z,
.streamer-show .ratings,
.swiss__player-info .pairings tr:nth-child(odd),
.tour__player-info .pairings tr:nth-child(odd),
background: #131313;
.ps__chapter.active {
background: #030f1a;
.practice__side .finally,
.practice-box .comment,
background: #0e0e0e;
.ps__chapter {
border-bottom: 1px
solid #000000;
.user-show .number-menu .to-games.active,
.user-show #games.number-menu {
background: #131313 !important;
.game-setup .optional_config {
border-top: 1px solid #131313;
.game-setup .ratings {
background: #000;
#sf_variant {
background: #000;
#sf_timeMode {
background: #000;
.button-green {
background: #293719;
.button {
background: #2a557d;
/* Tournaments Buttons */
.tsht-eastern {
background-color: #0072b273;
.tsht-hourly {
background-color: #3d933373;
.tview2-column > index {
border-right: 1px solid #404040;
color: #6b6b6b;
.tview2 move.current {
border: 1px solid #2fa5ff;
.eval-gauge .black {
background: #000;
.mselect__list .current {
background: #000;
.puzzle__feedback.after .continue:hover {
background: #4582bd;
.puzzle__feedback.after .continue {
background: #416180;
.storm--end__score {
background: #557530;
.storm--end__high {
background: #8e6522;
.racer__countdown__lights {
background-color: #000;
.learn-stages .stage.done {
background: #547332;
.learn__side-home {
background: #446c91;
.learn__side-home .progress {
background: #31485e;
.learn__screen {
background-color: #131313;
.learn__screen h1 {
color: #fff;
.learn__screen .buttons .next {
background: #3b7c99;
.learn__table .progress a.active {
background: #446c91;
.learn__table .title {
background: #446c91;
/* Practice */
.practice-app .study.done {
background: #3c6c3e !important;
.practice-app .study.ongoing {
background: #446c91;
.practice-side {
background: #446c91;
.practice-side .progress {
background: #31485e;