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Night Mode VK / Темная тема ВК (Dark) by exie

Screenshot of Night Mode VK / Темная тема ВК (Dark)



LicenseKAIF CC




Size33 kB


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Экспериментальная разработка.
Совместимый с плагинами для ВК, такие как VK Next
Все пожелания можете отправлять мне ВК
Мой ВК:


Версия: 3.0.0 Fresh Dark

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==

@name           Night Mode VK by rxrxrx


@version        3.0.0

==/UserStyle== */

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[dir] .ui_search.ui_search_fixed {
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[dir] .ui_tabs_header .ui_tab:hover,
[dir] .ui_tabs_header .ui_tab_sel,
[dir] .ui_tabs_sub_header .ui_tab:hover,
[dir] .ui_tabs_sub_header .ui_tab_sel,
[dir] .ui_tabs_box .ui_tab:hover,
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[dir=ltr] .ui_rmenu_item_sel,
[dir=ltr] .ui_rmenu_item_sel:hover {
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[dir] .ui_rmenu_subitem:hover {
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[dir] .chat_onl_inner {
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[dir] {
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[dir] .im-chat-input .im-chat-input--txt-wrap {
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[dir] .im-chat-history-resize {
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[dir] input.text,
[dir] input.big_text,
[dir] input.dark,
[dir] .fakeinput,
[dir] div[contenteditable=true],
[dir] textarea {
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input.text ~ .placeholder .ph_input,, ~ .placeholder .ph_input,
input.big_text ~ .placeholder .ph_input,
input.dark ~ .placeholder .ph_input,
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div[contenteditable=true] ~ .placeholder .ph_input,
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[dir] .im-navigation--to-end .im-navigation__button {
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[dir] #side_bar ol li .left_row:hover {
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[dir] .flat_button.ui_load_more_btn {
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[dir] .tt_default,
[dir] .tt_default_right {
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[dir] .mention_tt_actions {
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[dir] .flat_button.secondary:hover,
[dir] .flat_button.secondary.hover,
[dir] .button_gray button:hover,
[dir] .button_gray button.hover {
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.GroupsRecommendationsBlock__header {
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[dir] .flat_button.secondary,
[dir] .flat_button.secondary,
[dir] .button_gray button,
[dir] .button_gray button {
    background-color: #1d2229;
    color: #4193ce;
[dir] {
    background: #0d1720;
[dir] .im-mes...


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