Official devs did a rework, So I reworked the entire thing as well.
Touch-ups, changes to some elements - Better Disqus readability. More to come!
AnimeSuge - Re-imagined. by skyflair
LicenseMIT License
Size19 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
Second update*
Fixed some issues with borders and text, as well as placement of objects.
Re-styled the media player a bit, might look into changing it more - but for now its more in-line with the overall color theme.
Also added luffy as the media player's timeline button, just as a bonus!
First update*
Originally, I made this theme because the website was a little outdated in style (in my opinion) - but as of 29/06 - 2023 they reworked it and I have no complaints.
So as the original goal is no longer needed - the focus of this "modern coat" is purely based on what I personally would consider further improvements.
This is a work in progress, I have little time at the moment so ive brought out the most important features that I wanted as of now. More changes will come later to change up the layout for easier readability, navigation and to give it more of a "wow" feel (hopefully)
If anybody needs a less vibrant, as in less RED. I'd be happy to upload a separate version with less forced colors. I just personally like the visual stimuli I suppose.
You might need Montserrat font installed which can be found here:
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name AnimeSuge - Re-imagined.
@namespace USO Archive
@author Sander van H (SkyFlair)
@description `A simple touch-up .Highly recommend downloading the font "Montserrat"`
@version 20230123.0.59
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
/* ==UserStyle==
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@version 1.0.0
==/UserStyle== */
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/* AS Re-Imagined. by skyflair.
I really have to organize this code */
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content: ' | AS Re-ima...