/* ==UserStyle==
@name Amazon - Dark slate
@namespace USO Archive
@author Sean Mayes
@description https://github.com/el-profesor926/OcUK-Theme-Amazon-Dark-Slate USE GITHUB FOR LATEST CODE, THIS SITE IS DEAD. If you use and like feel free to buy me a coffee, paypal: rail.monkey@ntlworld.com Amazon - Dark slate - I'm back! Although it applies to many many amazon sites it is only tessted on amazon.co.uk so there may be some inconsistences on other other countries sites. PLEASE donate to keep me updated or give me a thanks in the comments, Paypal: rail.monkey@ntlworld.com
@version 20220107.01.26
@license NONE
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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font-size: 13px;
line-height: 19px;
color: #aaa !important;
font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;
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color: #ccc;
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color: #ff0000;
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color: #3dc6da;
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/* Darken info hud scrolling arrows */
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/** quick look **/
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color: #ddd !important;
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/** adjust price colour here **/
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color: #ff0000!important;
/** New top area nightmare **/
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/** END New top nightmare **/
/** New layout fixes WIP **/
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background: #272b35 !im...