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Amazon - Dark slate by ryu1845

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Screenshot of Amazon - Dark slate







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If you use and like feel free to buy me a coffee, paypal:

Update: Colored tracking section, bar etc etc
Update 2: Cleared out some more orange.
Update 3: More re-colors as I notice them.
Update 4: Thank you box colored, think we are nearing completion!
Update 5: Added support.
Update 6: Comparison blocks themed.
Update 7: Killed some banners.
Update 8: Black Friday table color.
Update 9: Fixed wishlist bug.
Update 10: Nav should be fixed, where they added an advert and put a border around the element.
Update 11: Prime video has a border fix, thanks to Mr Nathan Smith for finding the culprit.
Update 12: Fixed caution banners always showing on orders page.
Update 13: Colored nav-flyouts to match theme.
Update 14: Themed add to list popup. Next is to fix cancel order section, this will done once I place another order.
Update 15: Themed pagination page nav.
Update 16: More wish list tweaks.
Update 17: Fixed cancellation area colors.
Update 18: 3 more nice fixes, profile section white removed, picture review white background fixed, navbar flyout sidebar background fixed.
Update 19: results cards themed! believe we are nearing completion.
Update 20: Gift card section themed.
Update 21: Killed orange nav text.
Update 22: FIXED profile page.
Update 23: Fixed orders header.
Update 24: New hud fix and ad removal.
Update 25: Fixed hud arrow positioning.
Update 26: working on the new front page layout, WIP, not 100% happy with it.
Update 27: Boom! fixed the front page, thank me with a donation ;)
Update 28: Ok they broke it again but I fixed it AGAIN.
Update 29: Quick look popup themed.
Update 30: Fixed tracking font color.
Update 31: Loads of fixes.
Update 32: Friends List fixes.
Update 33: Video fixes.
Update 34: A literal ton of fixes, including fully themed Amazon drive.
Update 35: Wish list tweaks.
Update 36: Front page redesign, removed most green apart from some text.
Update 37: Major overhaul

This is about 95% done at the moment, it's such a huge site that I will have missed parts, I'll update as I notice them.
It's pretty tidy as is though and the front page has lost all the clutter.

Please consider a donation no matter how small, I can't work due to serious ill health and everything helps.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Amazon - Dark slate
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       Sean Mayes
@description    USE GITHUB FOR LATEST CODE, THIS SITE IS DEAD.      If you use and like feel free to buy me a coffee,  paypal:    Amazon - Dark slate - I'm back!    Although it applies to many many amazon sites it is only tessted on so there may be some inconsistences on other other countries sites.    PLEASE donate to keep me updated or give me a thanks in the comments, Paypal:
@version      20220107.01.26
@license      NONE
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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.r4m-sou-comparison-details {
    border-left: 1px solid #545b6b;
.r4m-sou-comparison-header-price * {
    color: #ff0000;
#promise-container #secondaryStatus {
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a:visited {
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/* Move info hud scrolling arrows to center */
.hud-white-dashboard .feed-carousel-control.feed-right,
.hud-white-dashboard .feed-carousel-control.feed-left {
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/* Darken info hud scrolling arrows */
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.a-price[data-a-color=base] {
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.deals-shoveler.fresh-shoveler {
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.deals-shoveler .dealPrice {
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/** quick look **/
#gw-asin-popover .title {
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#gw-asin-popover {
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#gw-asin-popover .pricing .price,
#gw-asin-popover .pricing .price .a-color-price {
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.sims-wrapper {
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/** adjust price colour here **/
.a-color-price {
    color: #ff0000!important;

/** New top area nightmare **/
#pageContent #gw-dashboard-grid #gw-dashboard-ad {
    display: none;
.hud-white-dashboard {
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.a-fixed-right-flipped-grid .a-col-left {
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.hud-white-dashboard .hud-feed-carousel .feed-carousel-card {
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.hud-white-dashboard .hud-card-subtext-line1 {
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/** END New top nightmare **/
/** New layout fixes WIP **/
#gw-content-grid-bottom > div,
#gw-content-grid-top > div {
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div[class$="a-box-inner a-alert-container"],
div[class="a-box-inner a-alert-container"],
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#actionPanelWrapper.burj {
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#actionPanel #merchant-info {
    color: #aaa;
#cbcc_banner {
    display: none;
form-actions {
    border-top: 1px solid #404552 !important;
    background: #272b35 !im...


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