Hides 2023 April Fools "reactions" prank on Tumblr
Stop Brick Whartley 2023 (No Reactions on Tumblr) by citrusella
Size655 B
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Failed to fetch stats.
Was only tested with XKit on so it may be possible that for non-XKit-users it may not hide the button for adding initial reactions if a post doesn't have any. Will see if I can test that in the morning to figure out if I need to add any more code. (Update after I've slept now: I've tested with XKit off and have slightly adjusted the code to account for that!)
Other update just after that first update: Fixed a bug I introduced that would hide the delete button and blaze button on your own posts.
New update: Okay NOW it should have both groups covered
On April 3 this style will be blanked out (prior to being fully deleted) because it is not intended to hide the share button but will hide that button now that April Fools is over!
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Stop Brick Whartley 2023 (No Reactions on Tumblr)
@namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/662334
@version 1.0.3
@description Hides 2023 April Fools prank for Tumblr. Blanked in prep for deletion!
@author citrusella
@license CC-BY-SA-4.0
@supportURL https://citrusella-flugpucker.tumblr.com
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("tumblr.com") {
/*.ASz80.Y9XIm,.sfGru:empty,.sfGru.xkit-interface-control-button + .sfGru:not(.xkit-interface-control-button),.m5KTc:not(:first-of-type) .sfGru:not(.xkit-interface-control-button):first-child {
display: none !important;