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BetterGPT - AIRPM SUPPORT by Tobralla

Screenshot of BetterGPT - AIRPM SUPPORT



LicenseNo License



Size17 kB


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Custom GPT theme, Modern, Sleek, Purple, Dark, AIRPM


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           BetterGPT - AIRPM SUPPORT
@namespace      USO Archive - INXX
@author         aintasimp - INXX
@description    Custom GPT theme
@version        1.0
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */
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  #__next > div >\:pl-\[260px\] > main >\:border-t-0.dark\:border-white\/\\:dark\\\\:\!bg-transparent.dark\:md\:bg-vert-dark-gradient > form > div >\\:pl-4.relative.border.border-black\/\:border-gray-900\/50.dark\:text-white.dark\:bg-gray-700.rounded-md.shadow-\[0_0_10px_rgba\(0\,0\,0\,0\.10\)\].dark\:shadow-\[0_0_15px_rgba\(0\,0\,0\,0\.10\)\]
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    font-size: 26px;


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