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Frequently Asked Questions

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Non-specific questions.

What is our monetization strategy?

Since we don't have any means to make money, we rely on donations. Currently, we fund everything from our own pockets: server (including backup) cost is $6 per month (or $72 per year) and domain cost is $22 per year (as of April, 2022). You can support the project on Open Collective and help us stay afloat.

Why isn't [insert here] implemented?

Well, it could be a variety of reasons. Contact us directly, or open a new issue over at the issue tracker and let's discuss it first.

How can I contact the admins?

You could join us over on Discord, Matrix, or send us an email. If you contacted us via email and didn't get a reply within a couple of days, please join us on either chat platform and let's talk about it.


Questions regarding userstyles.

Why are @updateURL fields overriden?

It's done in order to avoid the possibility of tracking, as well as broken URLs.

Because of how inline search works, it may take up to 15 minutes for your style to show up or get metadata updated.

Make sure that you have set the category for your style properly. It may be the name of the service or a domain name. If the domain TLD is either .org or .com, you must omit it. If the TLD is something else, you must indicate both the domain and the TLD.

The subdomain part must also be included.

We have to accommodate for how Stylus displays them due to compatibility with USo: their ratings are on a scale of 1 to 3 (bad, okay, and good), meanwhile our ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5. That results in having to fit them within those bounds by multiplying the average rating by 3 then dividing it by 5 — or multiplying by 0.6 — so that Stylus can display them using appropriate icons.

How do view/install/update statistics work?

As of July 2021, statistics work like so:

That's the reason why some styles have more installs than views. You don't necessary need to visit a style page to have it installed, e.g. third-party applications can directly install any style (e.g. Stylus' inline search).

How do I remove the Get Stylus button?

Stylus extension removes it automatically from v1.5.18, or you can enable an option provided by Tweaks userstyle.

Why is mirroring source code updates not working?

First of all, make sure the checkbox "Mirror source code updates" is enabled. If it isn't enabled, enable it on the edit page, then save changes.

If you're mirroring source code from a different URL than your userstyle was originally imported from, make sure that the new URL location is correct. It's correct if Stylus' install/reinstall page shows up when you visit it.

Last, but certainly not least, make sure that you increase @version field in the UserStyle metadata header. The code is mirrored only if the new version doesn't match the one stored in our database, otherwise our updater ignores it.

Why is there no support for traditional userstyles?

Traditional userstyles don't fit in the current workflow because they can't be self-hosted like UserCSS userstyles. That means installing and/or updating any userstyle would be a manual process, which defeats the purpose of having USw.

Converting your traditional userstyle is as simple as exporting it in Mozilla format and using the mandatory UserStyle metadata header that's provided for you on the "Add userstyle" page. Documentation is on Stylus' Writing UserCSS page.

"Bad style format" error

Currently, there is an issue with Stylus integration that allows users to add broken userstyles because @-moz-document fields are not included in the process of adding styles written in "traditional" format. The issue causes incorrectly formatted styles to apply globally (in other words, on all sites).

In order to prevent addition of more broken userstyles (roughly 25% of them uses incorrect format), we have decided to not add them unless they pass a specific criteria: all newly created userstyles need to have @-moz-document fields.

To fix your userstyle, do the following:

  1. Open it in the editor
  2. Click on "Export" button to get code in Mozilla format
  3. Copy the source code to your clipboard (we'll create a new style)
  4. Click on "Back to manage" button in order to enable "Usercss" format
  5. Toggle on "as Usercss" checkbox (☑), then click on "Write new style" button
  6. Paste your code below Stylus' default Usercss template
  7. Remove the default @-moz-document domain("") { ... } block
  8. Edit UserStyle header with your info, links, etc.
  9. Finally, click on "Publish style" button

The resulting style should look along the lines of:

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Test style name
@version        1.0.0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
    * {
        color: crimson;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
    h1, h2, h3 {
        color: tan;

Please test your style to see whether it works after you publish it to USw. All broken styles will be removed. If you have issues, feel free to contact us via any of the links in the page footer or via our feedback email address.

P.S. If your style does apply globally, for the time being you'll have to wrap it in the following:

@-moz-document regexp(".*") {
    /* Your code goes here. */

/* You can also use the following. */
@-moz-document url-prefix("http") {
    /* Your code goes here. */

How does mirroring source code work?

Every 4th minute of every 4 hours (00:04 UTC+0, 04:04, and so on) we check for updates. Userstyle checking runs in batches of 25 (as of August 27, 2021), so it can take up to a few minutes for your userstyles to be processed. Code will be updated if @version field doesn't match the one in our database.

If your userstyle isn't being updated, read through troubleshooting steps first.