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Brink Modification - Edit Overlay by Scheherazade05







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An addition for MyAnimeList lists using the "Brink" theme that changes the look of the edit overlay.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Brink Modification - Edit Overlay
@namespace      V.L
@description    An addition for MyAnimeList lists using the "Brink" theme that changes the look of the edit overlay.
@version        1.1.1
@author         Valerio Lyndon
@license        MIT
@preprocessor   uso

@var select theme "Switch theme." {
	"Dark:Dark": `
	:root {
		--bg: 240, 100%, 0%;
		--bgAlt: 240, 100%, 0%;
		--btn: 0, 100%, 35%;
		--btnLight: 0, 100%, 0%;
		--btnAccent: 0, 100%, 35%;
		--border: 0, 100%, 0%;
		--textBright: 0, 0%, 100%;
		--textMid: 0, 0%, 100%;
		--textDim: 0, 0%, 100%;
		--textProminent: 0, 100%, 35%;
		--textLinkHov: 0, 0%, 0%;
		--textIcon: 0, 0%, 100%;
		--arrowUp: url(;
		--arrowRt: url(;
		--arrowDn: url(;
		--arrowLt: url(;
		--checkmark: url(;
		--resize: url(;
	"light:Light": `
	:root {
		--bg: 0, 0%, 100%;
		--bgAlt: 0, 0%, 100%;
		--btn: 240, 3%, 100%;
		--btnLight: 240, 3%, 100%;
		--btnAccent: 240, 70%, 100%;
		--border: 240, 3%, 100%;
		--textBright: 0, 0%, 0%;
		--textMid: 0, 0%, 0%;
		--textDim: 0, 0%, 0%;
		--textProminent: 27, 94%, 0%;
		--textLinkHov: 240, 50%, 0%;
		--textIcon: 0, 0%, 0%;
		--arrowUp: url(;
		--arrowRt: url(;
		--arrowDn: url(;
		--arrowLt: url(;
		--checkmark: url(;
		--resize: url(;
	.page-common select.inputtext:disabled {
		background-blend-mode: darken;

@var select advancedToggle "Always show the advanced menu." {
	"yes:Yes": `
		#advanced-button {
			display: none;
		.advanced {
			display: block !important;
	"no:No": ""

@var select hidePriority "Hide priority." {
	"no:No": "",
	"yes:Yes": ".advanced tr:nth-of-type(2) { display: none !important; }"

@var select hideStorage "Hide storage." {
	"no:No": "",
	"yes:Yes": ".advanced tr:nth-of-type(3) { display: none !important; }"

@var select hideRewatchValue "Hide rewatch value." {
	"no:No": "",
	"yes:Yes": ".advanced tr:nth-of-type(5) { display: none !important; }"

@var select hideExtras "Hide Discussion & SNS options." {
	"no:No": "",
	"yes:Yes": ".advanced tr:nth-of-type(7), .advanced tr:nth-of-type(8) { display: none !important; }"

@var select hideHelp "Hide information tips." {
	"yes:Yes": ".fa-question-circle { display: none; }",
	"no:No": ""
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/myanimelist\\.net\\/ownlist\\/(anime|manga)\\/([0-9]+\\/edit|add).*") {
	/* from,700 */
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	/* latin-ext */
	@font-face {
		font-family: 'Sarabun';
		font-style: normal;
		font-weight: 700;
		src: local('Sarabun Bold'), local('Sarabun-Bold'), url( format('woff2');
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	:root {
		--font: "Sarabun", "Segoe UI", "Arial", "FontAwesome", sans-serif;
		--timeText: 60ms;
		--timeButton: 160ms;
		--timeButtonLarge: 260ms;
		--timeItem: 120ms;
		--timeMenu: 350ms;
		--bezierFast: cubic-bezier(.38,.32,.25,1);
		--bezierSmooth: cubic-bezier(.45,.32,.25,1);
		--bezierItemBounce: cubic-bezier(.6,.48,.7,1.45);
		--delayMenu: 333.4ms;
		/* THEME */
		--accent: 0, 100%, 35%;
		--current: 35, 49%, 46%;
		--completed: 324, 49%, 46%;
		--paused: 80, 91%, 23%;
		--dropped: 6, 44%, 46%;
		--planned: 56, 18%, 56%;
	  when hideLayout is not enabled
	.page-common #content {
		background: hsl(var(--bg));
		padding: 40px 40px;
		border-radius: 6px;
		margin: 30px 0 0;
	  !PAGE-BASE @Scrollbars
	/* Firefox */
	* {
		scrollbar-color: hsl(var(--accent)) hsl(var(--bgAlt));
	/* Chrome */
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		background: hsl(var(--bgAlt));
	*::-webkit-scrollbar-button:vertical {
		background: transparent center / 10px auto no-repeat;
	} *::-webkit-scrollbar-button:vertical:start {
		background-image: var(--arrowUp);
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		background-image: var(--arrowDn);
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		background-color: hsla(var(--accent), 70%);
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		width: 5px;
	/* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*\
	\*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
	#dialog {
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	#dialog a, #dialog a:visited {
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		color: hsl(var(--textLinkHov)) !important;
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		display: block;
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		color: hsl(var(--textMid));
		font: 13px var(--font);
	#dialog :is(tbody,tr,td) {
		display: block;
	#dialog td {
		padding: 0;
		border: none;
		font-size: 13px;
	#dialog .normal_header {
		display: none;
	#main-form table,
	#main-form td:first-child {
		display: block;
	#main-form tbody {
		display: flex;
		flex-flow: row wrap;
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		display: flex;
		flex-wrap: wrap;
		align-items: flex-start;
		height: auto;
	#main-form td {
		padding: 0;
	/* Advanced Button Toggle */
	#main-form #advanced-button {
		height: 44px !important;
		padding: 12px 6px 0;
	#main-form #advanced-button .separator {
		display: none;
	#main-form #advanced-button .toggle-button {
		width: 130px;
		height: 24px;
		padding: 0 4px 0 8px;
		background: hsl(var(--btn));
		border: 2px solid hsl(var(--btn));
		border-radius: 3px;
		margin-top: 4px;
		color: hsl(var(--textBright));
		font: 12px/18px var(--font);
		text-align: center;
		vertical-align: top;
		transition: all var(--timeButton) var(--bezierFast);
	} #main-form #advanced-button:hover .toggle-button {
		border-color: hsl(var(--btnAccent));
		color: hsl(var(--accent));
	/* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*\
	\*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
	#dialog .textarea,
	#dialog .inputtext {
		height: 24px;
		padding: 4px;
		background: hsl(var(--btn)) calc(100% - 5px) center / auto no-repeat;
		border: none !important;
		border-radius: 3px;
		margin-right: 6px;
		color: hsl(var(--textMid));
		font: 12px/1 var(--font);
		transition: all var(--timeButton) var(--bezierFast);
		-webkit-appearance: none;
		-moz-appearance: none;
		appearance: none;
	} #dialog select.inputtext {
		padding: 4px 20px 4px 4px;
		background-image: var(--arrowDn);
	} #dialog select.inputtext:disabled {
		background-blend-mode: soft-light;
		opacity: .57;
	/* Checkboxes */
	#dialog label {
		display: inline-block;
		margin-top: 6px;
		font-size: 12px !important;
		line-height: 18px;
	#dialog label * {
		font-size: 12px;
		vertical-align: top;


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