Are you tired of the same boring colors on Google Drive? Then try this modern color style based on the Dracula theme
Dracula for Drive by druxorey
![Screenshot of Dracula for Drive](
LicenseGNU General Public License v3.0
CategoryGoogle Drive
Size52 kB
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Official Dracula Theme Website:
Github Project:
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Dracula for Google Drive
@version 1.1
@description "Are you tired of the same boring colors on Google Drive? Then try this modern color style based on the Dracula theme"
@author Modified by Druxorey
@preprocessor stylus
@var color accentColor "Accent Color" #bd93f9
@var color darkColor "Dark Color" #282a36
@var color dark2 "Dark 2" #1d1e27
@var color dark3 "Dark 3" #1d1e27
@var color dark4 "Dark 4" #bd93f9
@var color text1 "Primary Text Color" #bd93f9
@var color text2 "Secondary Text Color" #f8f8f2
@var color text3 "Tertiary Text Color" #f8f8f2
@var number overlayOpacity "Overlay Opacity" [0.08, 0, 0.5, 0.01]
@var number overlayOpacity2 "Overlay Opacity 2" [0.14, 0, 0.5, 0.01]
@var number disabledOpacity "Disabled Opacity" [0.38, 0, 1, 0.01]
@var select activationMode "Enable Based On" ["Always", "System:System Setting*", "Never"]
@var select embedOn "Enable For Embeds" ["Match:Match Setting", "Always", "System", "Never"]
@var select enableShare "Enable For Share Menu" ["Match:Match Setting", "Always", "System", "Never"]
==/UserStyle== */
white = text1;
light = text2;
dark1 = darkColor;
accent = accentColor;
detransparentify(top, bottom = #fff, opacity) {
(1 - opacity) * red(bottom) + opacity * red(top),
(1 - opacity) * green(bottom) + opacity * green(top),
(1 - opacity) * blue(bottom) + opacity * blue(top)
/* === MAIN === */
@-moz-document regexp("https?:\/\/drive\.google\.com\/drive.*") {
activate() {
.vhoiae.KkxPLb {
--dt-background: darkColor;
--dt-on-background: text1;
--dt-outline: dark2;
--dt-on-disabled: #25282a;
--dt-disabled: #35383b;
--dt-inverse-on-surface: dark4;
--dt-inverse-surface: dark2;
--dt-on-surface-variant: text3;
--dt-on-surface: text3;
--dt-surface-variant: dark1;
--dt-surface1: dark2;
--dt-surface1-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0 1px 3px 1px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);
--dt-surface2: #1d1e27;
--dt-surface2-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0 2px 6px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);
--dt-surface3: dark1;
--dt-surface3-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0 4px 8px 3px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);
--dt-surface4: #f00;
--dt-surface4-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0 6px 10px 4px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);
--dt-surface5: #44475a;
--dt-surface5-shadow: 0 4px 4px 0 rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.3), 0 8px 12px 6px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);
--dt-surface: dark2;
--dt-scrim: rgba(32, 33, 36, 0.6);
--dt-on-primary-container: #3c4043;
--dt-on-primary: #f00;
--dt-primary-action-state-layer: accentColor;
--dt-primary-action-stateful: accentColor;
--dt-primary-action: accentColor;
--dt-primary-container-icon: accentColor;
--dt-primary-container-link: accentColor;
--dt-primary-container: #44475a;
--dt-primary-icon: #f00;
--dt-primary-link: #f00;
--dt-primary-outline: #185abc;
--dt-primary: #ff79c6;
--dt-on-secondary-container: text3;
--dt-on-secondary: #f00;
--dt-secondary-action-state-layer: #3c4043;
--dt-secondary-action-stateful: #202124;
--dt-secondary-action: text2;
--dt-secondary-container-icon: #3c4043;
--dt-secondary-container-link: accentColor;
--dt-secondary-container: #1d1e27;
--dt-secondary-icon: #f00;
--dt-secondary-link: #f00;
--dt-secondary-outline: #3c4043;
--dt-secondary: #3c4043;
--dt-on-tertiary-container: #3c4043;
--dt-on-tertiary: #f00;
--dt-tertiary-action-state-layer: #137333;
--dt-tertiary-action-stateful: #0d652d;
--dt-tertiary-action: #137333;
--dt-tertiary-container-icon: #137333;
--dt-tertiary-container-link: #137333;
--dt-tertiary-container: #e6f4ea;
--dt-tertiary-icon: #f00;
--dt-tertiary-link: #f00;
--dt-tertiary-outline: #137333;
--dt-tertiary: #188038;
--dt-error-action-state-layer: #c5221f;
--dt-error-action-stateful: #b31412;
--dt-error-action: #c5221f;
--dt-error-container-icon: #c5221f;
--dt-error-container-link: #c5221f;
--dt-error-container: #fce8e6;
--dt-error-icon: #f00;
--dt-error-link: #f00;
--dt-error-outline: #b31412;
--dt-error: #d93025;
--dt-on-error-container: #3c4043;
--dt-on-error: #f00;
--dt-on-warning-container: #3c4043;
--dt-on-warning: #202124;
--dt-warning-action-state-layer: #ea8600;
--dt-warning-action-stateful: #202124;
--dt-warning-action: #3c4043;
--dt-warning-container-icon: #3c4043;
--dt-warning-container-link: #3c4043;
--dt-warning-container: #fef7e0;
--dt-warning-icon: #3c4043;
--dt-warning-link: #3c4043;
--dt-warning-outline: #ea8600;
--dt-warning: #f9ab00;
body {
color: light;
background-color: darkColor;
body[jsaction='UjQMac:.CLIENT;wINJic:.CLIENT'] {
background: none;
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
.g3Fmkb {
background: var(--dt-background);
:focus {
outline-color: accentColor;
input {
font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
::placeholder {
/* Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari 10.1+ */
color: light !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
/* Firefox */
a {
color: accentColor;
.a-Va-Zb-vb:focus, .a-Va-Zb-vb:hover {
border: 1px solid transparent;
box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 accentColor;
/* drive text next to logo */
.gb_Vc .gb_Xd {
color: text2;
.gb_0c .gb_2d {
color: text2;
/* various top menu bar/navbar things */
.ak25Me {
border-bottom: none;
.gb_qa svg, .gb_Cc svg, .gb_Zc .gb_fe, .gb_Oc .gb_fe {
color: light;
fill: light;
.gb_pa svg, .gb_Ac svg, .gb_Wc .gb_5d, .gb_Mc .gb_5d {
color: light;
.a-qc-La {
background: transparent;
.a-U-J-x {
color: light;
.a-U-ye-ha > .a-U-J .a-U-Ze svg, .a-U-xc-J .a-Ng-c-wk svg, .a-U-J .a-U-Ze svg {
fill: light;
.Hb-ja-Na .a-U-xc:focus .a-U-ye.a-U-Vd-jh>.a-U-J {
background-color: dark3;
border-color: accentColor;
.a-U-ye-ha > .a-U-J > .a-U-J-x {
color: accentColor;
.a-Ng-c-ha svg {
fill: accentColor;
.a-D-B {
background-color: dark2;
/* app switcher icon active state */
.gb_C[aria-expanded=true] .gb_Ve, .gb_C[aria-expanded=true] .gb_We {
fill: accentColor;
/* some icons */
.gb_qa svg, .gb_Bc svg, .gb_Xc .gb_6d, .gb_Nc .gb_6d {
color: light;
/* svg icons */
.a-s-fa-Ha-pa {
fill: light;
header#gb {
background-color: dark2 !important;
.gb_sa svg, .gb_Fc svg, .gb_8c .gb_he, .gb_Rc .gb_he {
color: light;
/* == SCROLL BAR == */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: transparent;
.a-t-j .a-s-oe:focus::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .a-t-j .a-s-oe:hover::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color: transparent;
body::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
background-color: transparent;
border-color: transparent;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track:hover {
background-color: unset;
/* == LEFT SIDEBAR == */
/* left sidebar background */
.ZHllM, .ALpC8b {
background: dark1;
/* left sidebar item hover */
:not(.a-U-ye-ha)>.a-U-J:hover, :not(.a-U-ye-ha)>.a-U-J-W {
background-color: dark2;
/* active left sidebar item */
.a-U-ye-ha > .a-U-J {
background-color: rgba(accentColor, 0.2);
/* drag and drop over left sidebar item */
.a-U-ye:not(.a-U-ye-ha) .a-U-J.a-l-Sa-Wa-ka {
background-color: rgba(accentColor, 0.2);
/* new button */
.a-ec-Gd .Kzazxf.x6jRSb {
background-color: dark3;
color: white;
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, overlayOpacity), 0 1px 3px 1px rgba(black, overlayOpacity);
.a-ec-Gd .Kzazxf.x6jRSb:hover, .a-ec-Gd .Kzazxf.x6jRSb:focus {
background-color: dark2;
.a-U-J-x {
color: light;
/* dividers between file type and arrow */
.a-S8Cb5b-aa:before {
border-left-color: rgba(text1, overlayOpacity);
/* TOP BAR */
.gb_oa svg, .gb_Ec svg, .gb_1c .gb_3d, .gb_Qc .gb_3d {
color: light;
/* search bar */
// .gb_Se {
// background: dark1;
// &.gb_Te {
// background: dark3;
// }
// }
// .gb_Xe {
// background: dark1;
// &.gb_Ze {
// background: dark3;
// }
// }
.gb_ye {
background: dark1;
&.gb_ze {
background: dark3;
// .gb_4e, .gb_Ue, .gb_Te, .gb_Ne {
// background: darkColor !important;
// }
// .gb_Me {
// background: dark3;
// }
// .gb_Qe {
// background: dark1;
// }
// .gb_Le {
// background: darkColor;
// }
.gb_rf, .gb_of, .gb_gf, .gb_ff, .gb_cf {
color: white !important;
&::placeholder {
color: light !important;
/* search bar active */
.gb_7e.gb_8e, .gb_Ve.gb_We, .gb_Ue.gb_Ve, .gb_Te.gb_Ue {
background: dark3 !important;
transition: 0.2s ease-in-out;
.gb_Le.gb_Me {
background: dark3;
.gb_Qe.gb_Re {
background: dark3;
/* search bar active icons */
.gb_Ne.gb_Oe button svg {
color: light;
/* search bar bg */
.a-D-B-WErN3d-j {
border-bottom-color: dark3;
/* search bar input (old) */
.gb_ef, .gb_Te.gb_Ue .gb_ef, .gb_8e, .gb_Ne.gb_Oe .gb_8e, .gb_6e, .gb_Le.gb_Me .gb_6e {
color: white;
caret-color: white;
/* search bar input */
// .gb_df {
// color: text2;
// }
// .gb_if, .gb_Xe.gb_Ze .gb_if {
// color: text2;
// }
.gb_Te:not(.gb_bf), .gb_ye.gb_ze .gb_Te {