- Optimize the space to display the max of info in the windows:
less scrolling! - Dark and Gray Flavor
Indexxx - Compact WideScreen Dark and Gray v.245 by janvier56

LicenseNo License
Categoryindexxx, widescreen, dark and gray, compact
Size333 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
- Dark and Gray Flavor
- Delete all junky sites into the submitted results (Paid, poor quality sites, etc...)
Same version on:
X Indexxx - Compact WideScreen Dark and Gray [GreasyFork]
Or if not logged (GreasyFork don't show Adult userscript when not logged):
X Indexxx - Compact WideScreen Dark and Gray [SleasyFork]
CSS theme for LARGE screen (1920x1080) :
► Optimize the space for a Widescreen.
► Organize each page for less scrolling:
Thumbnail compact Mosaic take the maximum of the screen.
► Many additional Info added and organized when is possible:
► Delete:
- Publicity and adverts etc..
- Sites links with only paid contents etc...
Work with my Adults Userscripts:
Change v.92:
Add support for userscript:
Indexxx Helper Userscript [GitHubub] v.3.12 by Peolic
(NOT work for Waterfox Classic)
Because Greasyfork don't show adult userscripts if you are not connected, find my Adults userscripts here (The "Sleazy" part of Greasyfork for adult userscript, strange but that's like that...) :
janvier56 [Sleazyfork]
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Indexxx - Compact WideScreen Dark and Gray v.245
@namespace indexxx.com
@version 245.0
@include http://indexxx.com/*
@include https://indexxx.com/*
@include http://*.indexxx.com/*
@include https://*.indexxx.com/*
@author janvier56
@description Large and Compact indexxx.com for large screen (1920x1080) without junky results
@license unlicense
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("indexxx.com") {
/* ==== X Indexxx - Compact WideScreen Dark and Gray v.245 (new245) - DEV CHROME ==
(With GM) "Indexx Helper(just script) - ADD CSS Selector for user name" ==== */
/* ====
USERSTYLES to Use with STYLISH (https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/stylish/ )
► ► CSS theme for LARGE screen (1920x1080) :
► Optimize the space with a widescreen.
► Organize each page for less scrolling:
- Thumbnail compact Mosaic take the maximun of the screen.
► Many additional Infos added and organized when is possible:
► Delete Publicity and adverts and junky sites in results etc...
==== */
/* ==== START - X Indexxx - FLAG INDICATOR ===== */
/* SUPP */
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/* DZ - Algeria */