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PDB Azura (W.I.P) by Winterveil

Screenshot of PDB Azura (W.I.P)



LicenseNo License




Size26 kB


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A minimalistic light theme for PDB partially inspired by the early 2010's Facebook layout


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         PDB Azura (W.I.P)
@description  A minimalistic light theme for Personality Database
@author       Parakeet
@version      2023627

==/UserStyle== */
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svg.question-icon path{
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svg.question-icon:hover > path:first-child {
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.vote-detail .personality-vote {
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.vote-detail .type1 {
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.vote-detail .personality-vote .personality-vote-header svg path {
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.vote-detail .personality-vote .personality-vote-count[data-hot="hot"]::after {
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.vote-detail .personality-vote .personality-vote-item label {
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.vote-detail .vote-detail-func .desc {
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.profile-detail .vote {

.profile-detail .vote .vote-count h2 {
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border-radius: 3px;

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.profile-description .profile-description-basic {
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.profile-description .profile-description-text {
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.profile-description .edit-wrapper .edit-item::before {
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.profile-description .last-update::before {

.profile-description .last-update {
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.profile-description .contributor::before {
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.profile-description .contributor {
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.profile-description .contributor a{
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.vote-detail .vote-detail-letter .letter {
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.vote-detail .vote-detail-letter .percent {
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.profile-detail .vote .vote-btn svg {

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.profile-detail .vote .vote-btn.voted {
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.pdb-profile-association-list.vertically .group > .group-name {
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.pdb-profile-association-list .group > .group-name svg path {
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.profile-detail .vote .vote-count svg path {
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.pdb-profile-association-list .group > .group-name {
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.pdb-profile-association-list .group > .group-name span {
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.pdb-profile-association-list .show-all {
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.pdb-profile-association-list .show-all .show-btn label {
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.pdb-profile-association-list .association-list-item::after {
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.feed-card .feed-card-header .info .username {
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.userinfo .avatar img {
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.feed-card .feed-card-header .info .personality {
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.feed-card .readmore .container {
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.feed-card .readmore .container:hover {
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.feed-card .feed-card-vote {
  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0);
  border-radius: 0px;
  padding: 0px 0px;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #566288;
  margin: ...


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