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Prolific Styliser by tylrt

Screenshot of Prolific Styliser



LicenseGPL 3.0 or later




Size183 kB


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A UserCSS script that changes the appearance of Prolific. It includes a variety of interface options.


Prolific Styliser is a UserCSS script for Prolific. It can partially restore an older look of Prolific, among other things.


How to use:

  1. Download Stylus for Firefox or Chrome-based browsers¹. This script will also work in any CSS injector that supports the Stylus preprocessor language.
  2. Install this script.
  3. A. On desktop: while on, click the Stylus icon.
    B. On mobile: while on, find Stylus in your mobile menu under extensions.
  4. Click the gear icon next to "Prolific Styliser" to change its settings.

Note: Prolific Styliser uses new lines (\n) in its settings labels to better categorize options, which Stylus pop-ups don't display by default because they lack a defined white-space property. A script such as Stylus Label Breaker will allow for this.

A list of features:


  • Classic appearance
  • Old logo
  • Display available balance on the toolbar
  • Flat study list
  • Swap [no] and [yes] button order
  • Wider non-dashboard pages²
  • Flip dashboard panels²
  • Preset themes (including dark themes)
  • Animation level (reduced, normal, or extra)
  • Study list header state (normal and compact forms, plus stickied)
  • Icon sizes


  • Banner height
  • Custom font
  • Font size adjustment
  • Study list width²
  • Actions panel width²
  • Study list entry paddings and margins

¹ Some browser examples: Firefox & Iceraven³; Chrome, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, & Kiwi³
² Only works at desktop resolutions
³ Android browsers

Questions or issues:, or leave a comment below.


        What's New:
            0.2.0   ~   2023-10-04
                --  Added .com URL
                --  @navadjust: account menu now adjusts to value
                --  @fontchoice: ID boxes
                --  @cashmoney: more accurate placement; consistent sizing

            0.1.5   ~   2023-07-14
                --  @classicons: mobile account page reverted
                --  @cashmoney: better alignment math
                --  UI fixes: mail indicator / disabled pagination hover
                --  meta: bold italic fonts don't render on certain devices

            0.1.4   ~   2023-07-14
                --  @var: label tweaks
                --  @oldlogo: submission received screen logo
                --  @cashmoney: alignment / behavior tweaks
                --  Institution icon borders are now transparent
                --  meta: border-radius construction

            0.1.3   ~   2023-07-07
                --  @cashmoney: desktop tweaks
                --  @listswap:
                        @headstate:sticky/stuffy mobile fix
                --  Not interested / report padding

            0.1.2   ~   2023-07-05
                --  @var: label tweaks
                --  @listswap:
                        @headstate:sticky/stuffy loading mask fix

            0.1.1   ~   2023-07-05
                --  @cashmoney: desktop alignment
                    "   "   "   more padding
                --  @oldlogo: lined up with the new logo

            0.1.0   ~   2023-07-05
                --  Initial release

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Prolific Styliser
@version        0.2.0
@description    A UserCSS script that changes the appearance of Prolific. It includes a variety of interface options.
@author         Tylrt <>
@license        GPL-3.0-or-later


@preprocessor   stylus

@var select     theme           "ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ  —\n\n    Theme chooser" [
    "copidark:Copious Dark",
    "gopackgo:Green Rayless"

@var select     animation       "    Animation level" [
    "0:Reduced animations",
    "1:Mostly standard",
    "2:Extra flourishes*"

@var checkbox   classicons      "    Classic mode" 1
@var checkbox   oldlogo         "    Old logo" 1
@var number     navadjust       "    Banner height (px)" [60, 45, 100, 0.5, 'px']
@var checkbox   cashmoney       "    Display available balance on banner" 1
@var checkbox   fontchoice      "    Custom font-family" 1
@var text       fontfam         "    (wrap 'multi-word fonts')" blinkmacsystemfont,-apple-system,'Segoe UI',Oxygen,Ubuntu,Cantarell,'Fira Sans','Droid Sans','Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif
@var number     fontsizer       "    Font size adjustment (px)" [0, -10, 10, .1, 'px']
@var checkbox   buttonswap      "    Button order as: [Yes] [No]" 1
@var checkbox   nogobyebye      "    Hide Delete Account option" 0

@var select     headstate       "\nᴅᴀꜱʜʙᴏᴀʀᴅ ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ  —\n\n    List header state" [
    "hidden:Hide it",

@var checkbox   flatlist        "    Flat study list" 1

@var number     card-yin        "    Study card vertical padding (px)" [0, 0, 100, 0.5, 'px']
@var number     card-xin        "    Study card horizontal padding (px)" [0, 0, 100, 0.5, 'px']
@var number     card-yout       "    Study card vertical margin (px, cards only)" [4, 0, 100, 0.5, 'px']
@var number     card-xout       "    Study card horizontal margin (px, cards only)" [16, 0, 100, 0.5, 'px']

@var number     study-xin       "    Study details horizontal padding (px)" [32, 0, 200, 1, 'px']
@var number     studyspace      "    Study details letter spacing (px)" [0, -1, 1, 0.05, 'px']

@var checkbox   widescreen      "\nꜰᴜʟʟ ᴅɪꜱᴘʟᴀʏ ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ  —\n\n    Wider non-dashboard pages" 0
@var checkbox   byeborders      "    Remove the left border from study cards" 0

@var number     listwidth       "    Study list width (%)" [50, 25, 75, 0.5, '%']
@var number     boxwidth        "    Study actions panel width (%)" [50, 25, 75, 0.5, '%']
@var checkbox   listswap        "    Flip study list & details panel" 0
@var checkbox   boxswap         "    Flip study details & study actions panel" 0

@var select     cardicon        "    Host icon size @ study cards" [
    "48px:48px (Normal)",

@var select     detailsicon     "    Host icon size @ study details" [
    "64px:64px (Normal)",

==/UserStyle== */

    ii = !important

@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {

    /*  Prolific Styliser  */

    boo = transparent
    row-row = row-reverse

    /*  Notes: ----------------------------------------

        What's New:
            0.2.0   ~   2023-10-04
                --  Added .com URL
                --  @navadjust: account menu now adjusts to value
                --  @fontchoice: ID boxes
                --  @cashmoney: more accurate placement; consistent sizing

            0.1.5   ~   2023-07-14
                --  @classicons: mobile account page reverted
                --  @cashmoney: better alignment math
                --  UI fixes: mail indicator / disabled pagination hover
                --  meta: bold italic fonts don't render on certain devices

            0.1.4   ~   2023-07-14
                --  @var: label tweaks
                --  @oldlogo: submission received screen logo
                --  @cashmoney: alignment / behavior tweaks
                --  Institution icon borders are now transparent
                --  meta: border-radius construction

            0.1.3   ~   2023-07-07
                --  @cashmoney: desktop tweaks
                --  @listswap:
                        @headstate:sticky/stuffy mobile fix
                --  Not interested / report padding

            0.1.2   ~   2023-07-05
                --  @var: label tweaks
                --  @listswap:
                        @headstate:sticky/stuffy loading mask fix

            0.1.1   ~   2023-07-05
                --  @cashmoney: desktop alignment
                    "   "   "   more padding
                --  @oldlogo: lined up with the new logo

            0.1.0   ~   2023-07-05
                --  Initial release */

    /*  Theme storage
        (can't take the credit for this idea)   */
    sets = {
        'default':          { acau-4: #f5d56c, acau-3: #3498db, acau-2: #9b59b6, acau-1: #39b685, acda-700: #451c1c, acda-600: #681f1f, acda-500: #982020, acda-400: #d92929, acda-300: #f47171, acda-200: #ffafaf, acda-100: #ffd5d5, acda-50: #ffe7e7, acal-700: #63431b, acal-600: #7d4e14, acal-500: #a25f0e, acal-400: #d47e15, acal-300: #edb065, acal-200: #ffd9a9, acal-100: #ffefd4, acal-50: #fff5ea, acsu-700: #003d18, acsu-600: #00451b, acsu-500: #005a24, acsu-400: #008033, acsu-300: #54b27a, acsu-200: #a8ddbd, acsu-100: #dcf6e6, acsu-50: #f3fff8, acne-900: #000, acne-800: #191d22, acne-700: #333b46, acne-600: #4d5a6b, acne-500: #67778e, acne-400: #8395ab, acne-350: #9eb0c2, acne-300: #b7c7d5, acne-250: #cddae4, acne-200: #e0e8ee, acne-150: #eef3f6, acne-100: #f8fafc, acne-50: #fff, acac-900: #001b29, acac-800: #032a3a, acac-700: #073b4c, acac-600: #0e4f5e, acac-500: #15656f, acac-400: #1f7d81, acac-300: #43999f, acac-200: #72b8bd, acac-100: #abdadc, acac-50: #f0fafa, acpr-900: #083759, acpr-800: #08436d, acpr-700: #094f81, acpr-600: #0d5c95, acpr-500: #146aa8, acpr-400: #207bbc, acpr-300: #4192cd, acpr-200: #6daede, acpr-100: #a4cfee, acpr-75: #c8e2f5, acpr-50: #e3f3ff, asda-700: #451c1c, asda-600: #681f1f, asda-500: #982020, asda-400: #d92929, asda-300: #f47171, asda-200: #ffafaf, asda-100: #ffd5d5, asda-50: #ffe7e7, asal-700: #63431b, asal-600: #7d4e14, asal-500: #a25f0e, asal-400: #d47e15, asal-300: #edb065, asal-200: #ffd9a9, asal-100: #ffefd4, asal-50: #fff5ea, assu-600: #00451b, assu-500: #005a24, assu-400: #008033, assu-300: #54b27a, assu-200: #a8ddbd, assu-100: #dcf6e6, assu-50: #f3fff8, asne-900: #000, asne-700: #333b46, asne-600: #4d5a6b, asne-500: #67778e, asne-400: #8395ab, asne-350: #9eb0c2, asne-300: #b7c7d5, asne-250: #cddae4, asne-200: #e0e8ee, asne-150: #eef3f6, asne-100: #f8fafc, asne-50: #fff, asac-800: #032a3a, asac-700: #073b4c, asac-500: #15656f, asac-400: #1f7d81, asac-300: #43999f, asac-200: #72b8bd, asac-100: #abdadc, asac-50: #f0fafa, aspr-900: #083759, aspr-700: #094f81, aspr-600: #0d5c95, aspr-500: #146aa8, aspr-400: #207bbc, aspr-300: #4192cd, aspr-200: #6daede, aspr-100: #a4cfee, aspr-50: #e3f3ff, aone-050: #f4f8fb, aosc-025: #fff, aoco-025: #207bbc, aosc-050: #fff, aoco-050: #207bbc, amda-lt3: #e46969, amda-lt5: #ec9494, amda-lt7: #f4bfbf, amda-lt8: #f7d4d4, amda-lt9: #f0a9a9, amda-dk2: #ae2121, amal-lt3: #e1a55b, amal-lt5: #eabf8a, amal-lt7: #f2d8b9, amal-lt8: #f6e5d0, amal-lt9: #fbf2e8, amal-dk2: #aa6511, amsu-lt3: #4da670, amsu-lt5: #80c099, amsu-lt7: #b3d9c2, amsu-lt8: #cce6d6, amsu-lt9: #e6f2eb, amsu-dk2: #006629, ampr-lt3: #63a3d0, ampr-lt5: #90bdde, ampr-lt7: #bcd7eb, ampr-lt8: #d2e5f2, ampr-lt9: #e9f2f8, ampr-dk2: #1a6296, aebg-col: #f2f3f5, abco-000: #dcdfe6, abco-lt0: #e4e7ed, abco-ltr: #0d0903, abco-xlt: #14110a, abco-dk0: #1b1812, abco-dkr: #232019, afco-000: #f0f2f5, afco-lt0: #f5f7fa, afco-ltr: #fafafa, afco-xlt: #050505, afco-dk0: #0a0805, afco-dkr: #0f0d0a }
        'copidark':         { acau-4: #f5d56c, acau-3: #3498db, acau-2: #9b59b6, acau-1: #39b685, acda-700: #451c1c, acda-600: #f26262, acda-500: #ff7676, acda-400: #c33434, acda-300: #f47171, acda-200: #ffafaf, acda-100: #ffd5d5, acda-50: #6e1919, acal-700: #63431b, acal-600: #7d4e14, acal-500: #f3b76d, acal-400: #a55d07, acal-300: #edb065, acal-200: #ffd9a9, acal-100: #4d3000, acal-50: #743f05, acsu-700: #003d18, acsu-600: #00451b, acsu-500: #00d053, acsu-400: #01a234, acsu-300: #54b27a, acsu-200: #a8ddbd, acsu-100: #00451b, acsu-50: #f6fffb, acne-900: #000, acne-800: #cacaca, acne-700: #c1c1c1, acne-600: #97a4b4, acne-500: #aeafaf, acne-400: #7a7a7a, acne-350: #9eb0c2, acne-300: #1a1a1a, acne-250: #cddae4, acne-200: #e0e8ee21, acne-150: #121212b3, acne-100: #122e3a, acne-50: #fff, acac-900: #001b29, acac-800: #032a3a, acac-700: #073b4c, acac-600: #0e4f5e, acac-500: #15656f, acac-400: #1f7d81, acac-300: #43999f, acac-200: #3f90ca, acac-100: #083759, acac-50: #f0fafa, acpr-900: #083759, acpr-800: #08436d, acpr-700: #094f81, acpr-600: #2a8ed5, acpr-500: #cdcdcd, acpr-400: #739ad5, acpr-300: #265c80, acpr-200: #0d5c95, acpr-100: #a4cfee, acpr-75: #c8e2f5, acpr-50: #0e4266de, asda-700: #451c1c, asda-600: #c33434, asda-500: #a53939, asda-400: #681f1f, asda-300: #f47171, asda-200: #ffafaf, asda-100: #ffd5d5, asda-50: #6e1919, asal-700: #63431b, asal-600: #7d4e14, asal-500: #f3b76d, asal-400: #a55d07, asal-300: #edb065, asal-200: #ffd9a9, asal-100: #4d3000, asal-50: #743f05, assu-600: #00451b, assu-500: #018e39, assu-400: #045128, assu-300: #54b27a, assu-200: #a8ddbd, assu-100: #00451b, assu-50: #f6fffb, asne-900: #000, asne-700: #0f1e29, asne-600: #4d5a6b, asne-500: #5e5e5e, asne-400: #3f3f3f, asne-350: #9eb0c2, asne-300: #0b0b0b, asne-250: #cddae4...


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