This version of twitter is less likely to cause cancer and retardation. by modelflat
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/* ==UserStyle==
@version 20230716.17.50
@namespace ?
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* This version of twitter is less likely to cause cancer and retardation. */
/* Remove useless suggestion shit, couldn't care less what they think I need */
header [href="/explore"],
header [href="/i/verified-choose"],
header [aria-label="Communities"],
[data-testId="sidebarColumn"] {
display: none !important;
/* Rework main components flow */
#react-root header {
flex-grow: 0;
#react-root main {
align-items: stretch !important;
#react-root main>div {
/* width: auto; */
header div.r-o96wvk {
width: 350px !important;
main .r-1xnzce8 {
flex-grow: 1 !important;
main section[aria-label="Section navigation"] {
min-width: 350px !important;
max-width: 350px !important;
main .r-1jgb5lz.r-1ye8kvj.r-13qz1uu {
max-width: none;
/* Make menu bar buttons more compact */
header nav .r-1awozwy.r-sdzlij.r-18u37iz.r-1777fci.r-dnmrzs.r-xyw6el.r-o7ynqc.r-6416eg {
padding-bottom: 4px;
padding-top: 4px;
justify-content: flex-end;
/* Make buttons stretch and non-ugly */
header nav[aria-label="Primary"] * {
align-items: stretch;
justify-content: center;
/* Reorder menu bar button icons */
header nav[aria-label="Primary"] div[dir='ltr'] {
order: -1;
/* Hide that useless twitter home button just above the menu bar */
header .r-dnmrzs.r-1vvnge1 {
display: none;
/* Fix Tweet button width */
header .r-1r5su4o.r-e7q0ms {
width: 100% !important;
/* Stretch content feed to allow for better picture viewing */
main [data-testId="primaryColumn"] {
max-width: none !important;
main .r-k200y {
align-self: auto !important;
/* Allow post content to auto-scale as needed */
main article .r-1adg3ll.r-1udh08x {
width: auto !important;
height: auto !important;
/* Remove useless stuff around '<username> follows' suggestions from the timeline and make entries thinner */
main .r-1wtj0ep.r-1ny4l3l.r-ymttw5.r-1f1sjgu,
main .r-1loqt21.r-1ny4l3l.r-ymttw5.r-1yzf0co.r-o7ynqc.r-6416eg,
main .r-1ny4l3l.r-ymttw5.r-1f1sjgu.r-o7ynqc.r-6416eg .r-15zivkp {
/* background-color: #761919; */
display: none;
main [aria-label="Timeline: Messages"] .r-1loqt21.r-1ny4l3l.r-ymttw5.r-1yzf0co.r-o7ynqc.r-6416eg {
/* background-color: #247619; */
display: flex !important;
main .r-gu4em3.r-109y4c4.r-1p6iasa {
margin: 0px;
/* Hide "Follow" button from the user suggestions */
main .r-42olwf.r-sdzlij.r-1phboty.r-rs99b7.r-15ysp7h.r-4wgw6l.r-1ny4l3l.r-ymttw5.r-o7ynqc.r-6416eg.r-lrvibr[aria-label^="Follow"] {
display: none;
/* Dim actual user suggestions */
main [aria-label$="Tweets"] .r-1ny4l3l.r-ymttw5.r-1f1sjgu.r-o7ynqc.r-6416eg {
/* background-color: #4b0d0d; */
opacity: 0.333 !important;
/* Reduce messages tab size (might be not portable across display sizes, but neither is twitter's own solution) */
.r-173mn98.r-kemksi.r-c67a83.r-1qk6wnv.r-qo02w8.r-1mf7evn.r-hvns9x.r-1jte41z {
width: 300px !important;
min-width: 300px !important;
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* Less general adjustments */
/* I don't need a fucking home button. What I need is a way to get to my profile, fast */
[aria-label="Home"] {
display: none;
[aria-label="Profile"] {
order: -1;
[aria-label="Profile"] div[dir='ltr'] {
margin-top: 16px;
margin-bottom: 16px;
font-size: 24px;
/* I don't bookmark anything, it is stupid. */
[aria-label="Bookmarks"] {
display: none;
/* Hide the messages thingy */
/* .r-173mn98.r-kemksi.r-c67a83.r-1qk6wnv.r-qo02w8.r-1mf7evn.r-hvns9x.r-1jte41z {
display: none;
} */