Brings back Larry The Bird after Elon replaced him with an ugly looking X.
Logo is a bit pixelated but there's not much I can do to change that.
Size636 B
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Brings back Larry The Bird after Elon replaced him with an ugly looking X.
Logo is a bit pixelated but there's not much I can do to change that.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Bring Back The Bird
@namespace USO Archive
@author Cassie (Catalyst-GP)
@description Brings back Larry The Bird after Elon replaced him with an ugly looking X
@version 20140929.03.28
@license NONE
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix( {
a[aria-label="Twitter Blue"]{
display: none;
a[aria-label="Twitter"] svg[aria-hidden="true"] {
display: none;
a[aria-label="Twitter"] {
background: url(;
background-size: 100%