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Ogame little more modern MT by MisatoTremor






Size248 kB


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A style to give sort of "modern" & clean looking to Ogame 10.3
Tested up to:
Ogame 10.3.0
InfoCompte 9.0.14
Universeview 4.2.1
OGLight 4.1.0
AGR 10.1.0


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Ogame little more modern MT
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         Pumpk1in
@author         Misat0
@description    `A style to give some sort of "modern" & clean looking to Ogame 11<strong>Tested & tweaked up to:</strong>Ogame 12.0.4 + InfoCompte 9.0.14, Universeview 4.2.1, OGLight 4.1.0 &/or AGR 11.4.1`
@version        20241023.13.18
@license        CC-BY-NC-4.0
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */
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