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Fallen London - Temp, not final by corran



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/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Fallen London - Temp, not final
@version      20240505.13.56
@description  Temp
@author       corran
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/* Shows Echo value for conflict cards and call in favours storylets and card */

/* A Blank Space on the Charts */
div[data-branch-id="247844"] h2::after {content: " [ -5 TW, 1 Creeping Fear / -60 Sailing, Sets TW to 4, +3 Nightmares ]";} /* There's an island here */
div[data-branch-id="247845"] h2::after {content: " [ Sets TW to 5, -2 Partial Map ]";} /* Fortuitous fragments */
div[data-branch-id="258294"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, -1 TW, +8-16 Chasing / 1 x Speed, -2 TW, +10-1? Chasing ]";} /* Search the uncharted waters for your quarry */

/* A Bounty Upon Your Head */
div[data-branch-id="258302"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +5 TW, 250-500 Plunder / 1 x Speed, +3 TW, 300-550 Plunder ]";} /* Open fire! */
div[data-branch-id="258303"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2-3 TW ]";} /* Evade them! */
div[data-branch-id="258833"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +5 TW, 150-400 Plunder / 1 x Speed, +3 TW, 200-450 Plunder ]";} /* Signal the HMS Ramillies for support */

/* A Chelonite Hunting Ketch */
div[data-branch-id="248261"] h2::after {content: " [ -500 x M-P, -500 x SoG, 1-7? x Fin Bones, Collected, 2-9? x Withered Tentacle, 1-5? x Crustacean Pincer ]";} /* Hail them and purchase a bag of assorted bones */
div[data-branch-id="248262"] h2::after {content: " [ -10 x Zee-Ztory, 15 x Tale of Terror!! ]";} /* Hail them and exchange stories */
div[data-branch-id="258324"] h2::after {content: " [ +3 TW, 400 Plunder ]";} /* Open fire! */
div[data-branch-id="258325"] h2::after {content: " [ Chasing 14 ]";} /* Exchange sightings of elusive beasts */
div[data-branch-id="251774"] h2::after {content: " [ 2 x Crystallised Curio ]";} /* Offer to help a Sharp Hunter */
div[data-branch-id="248448"] h2::after {content: " [ -4 TW, -10 x Tale of Terror, 250 x Moon-Pearl, 250 x Shard of Glim, 5 x Fin Bones, Collected ]";} /* Regale them with tales of your own hunts */

/* A Coral Commotion */
div[data-branch-id="255850"] h2::after {content: " [ 0.5 x Speed, +3 TW, 50 x Silk Scrap (rare: Knob of Scintillack) / 0.5 x Speed, +8 TW, +1 Creeping Fear ]";} /* Scavenge amidst the scrum of boats */
div[data-branch-id="255846"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW ]";} /* Weave through the throng */
div[data-branch-id="255845"] h2::after {content: " [ 0.5 x Speed, Discovered: The Principles of Coral ]";} /* Find a quicker route into Port Cecil */

/* A Corsair Galley */
div[data-branch-id="248127"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW ]";} /* Full steam ahead! */
div[data-branch-id="248276"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW ]";} /* Fire a warning shot */
div[data-branch-id="258328"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW, 300 Plunder / 1 x Speed, +2 TW, 350 Plunder ]";} /* Fight back! */

/* A Corvette of Her Majesty's Navy */
div[data-branch-id="247637"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, -2 TW ]";} /* Exchange pleasantries via semaphore */
div[data-branch-id="247638"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW, +3 Suspicion ]";} /* They're not slowing */

/* A Corvette of Her Majesty's Navy (Corsair)*/
div[data-branch-id="258304"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, -1 TW, +8 Chasing / 1 x Speed, -2 TW, +10 Chasing ]";} /* Exchange information via semaphore */
div[data-branch-id="258305"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 Unwelcome on the Waters, 1 x Speed, +4 TW, +2 Suspicion, 250-??? Plunder / 1 x Speed, +4 TW, 300-??? Plunder ]";} /* Take them for all they've got */
div[data-branch-id="258369"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW, +3 Suspicion ]";} /* They're not slowing */

/* A Distant Gleam */
div[data-branch-id="248077"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW, +4 or if > 0 +1 Eastern Wind, 5 x Memory of Distant Shores ]";} /* Fix a looking-glass on the horizon */
div[data-branch-id="248455"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +1 Eastern Wind, +1 Nightmares, 1 x Extraordinary Implication ]";} /* Measure the measureless */
div[data-branch-id="255285"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 Eastern Wind, +1 Nightmares, 1 x Memory of a Much Lesser Self ]";} /* Release your Uttermost Eel into the waters */

/* A Fellow Mourner */
div[data-branch-id="258311"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW, +15 Chasing / 1 x Speed, +17 Chasing ]";} /* Coordinate with your sister-ship's Prophet */
div[data-branch-id="258312"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW, 500 Plunder / 1 x Speed, +3 TW, 550 Plunder ]";} /* Load the cannons! */
div[data-branch-id="258313"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +6 TW ]";} /* Zail on by */

/* A Flock of Prophets */
div[data-branch-id="258301"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW, +8-16 Chasing / 1 x Speed, +10-18 Chasing ]";} /* Take auspices */
div[data-branch-id="258300"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW ]";} /* Zail around them */

/* A Giant Angler Crab */
div[data-branch-id="248452"] h2::after {content: " [ 0.5 x Speed ]";} /* Full Reverse! Turn us away! */
div[data-branch-id="248453"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, -2 TW ]";} /* Ready the guns and fire at its soft spots */
div[data-branch-id="248454"] h2::after {content: " [ +1 TW, removes Rumbling Stomachs, 5 x Deep-zee Catch ]";} /* Reach for your harpoon; call for ramming speed! */
div[data-branch-id="253510"] h2::after {content: " [ 1.2! x Speed ]";} /* Pursue it to its spawning grounds */

/* A Good Meal */
div[data-branch-id="247854"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW, 3 x (Crya, Prel, & Theo Notes), 1 x Moon-Pearl ]";} /* And a little bonus */

/* A Hazard to Shipping */
div[data-branch-id="247855"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW ]";} /* Set a course around the thing */

/* A Huge Terrible Beast of the Unterzee! */
div[data-branch-id="247664"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, 1 x Unacc Peckish (max 1), Rumbling Stomachs 1, 2 x Appalling S, 4 x Tale of T ]";} /* Delicious, delicious lumps */
div[data-branch-id="247665"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW, Silent Stalker 1 ]";} /* Steam on by */

/* A Khaganian Patrol Vessel */
div[data-branch-id="258401"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed ]";} /* Give them a wide berth */
div[data-branch-id="258306"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW, +14 Chasing ]";} /* Hail them with their own passphrases */
div[data-branch-id="258307"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 Unwelcome on the Waters, 1 x Speed, +4 TW, +2 Suspicion, 400 Plunder / 1 x Speed, +2 TW, 450 Plunder ]";} /* Man the cannons! */
div[data-branch-id="258370"] h2::after {content: " [ 0.5 x Speed, 4-7 x Moves in the Great Game ]";} /* Record their position */

/* A Light in the Fog */
div[data-branch-id="247856"] h2::after {content: " [ 0.5 x Speed, +3 TW, 5 x ZeeZtory, +5 WalkingtFC ]";} /* Get as close as you dare */
div[data-branch-id="247857"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +1 TW ]";} /* Keep away from the lighthouse */
div[data-branch-id="258326"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW, +?? Chasing ]";} /* Listen for news of your quarry */

/* A Message in a Bottle */
div[data-branch-id="258464"] h2::after {content: " [ Directions to a Hidden Stash 1-8 ]";} /* Unfurl the paper */

/* A Mountain of the Unterzee */
div[data-branch-id="247639"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW, 5 Appalling Secret ]";} /* "Hard to port! Reverse engines!" */
div[data-branch-id="247640"] h2::after {content: " [ -1 TW, 1 Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory: 2.5E ]";} /* "Hold!" */

/* A Navigation Error */
div[data-branch-id="248080"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, 10 Map Scrap ]";} /* Correct your course */
div[data-branch-id="248081"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, 12 Map Scrap ]";} /* Listen to the Zee */
div[data-branch-id="248440"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, 13 Map Scrap ]";} /* Consider what you learned from the Starved Men */
div[data-branch-id="258319"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +3 TW, +8-16 Chasing / 1 x Speed, -1 TW, +10-1? Chasing ]";} /* Use your disorientation to your advantage */

/* A Pirate Steamer! */
div[data-branch-id="248121"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW ]";} /* All power to the engines! */
div[data-branch-id="248122"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW ]";} /* Ready the guns! */
div[data-branch-id="258329"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW, +16 Chasing ]";} /* Flash a pass-sign of the Mourn */

/* A Promising Wreck */
div[data-branch-id="258298"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW, 250-500 Plunder, if Zub: 1 U Artefact / 1 x Speed, 300-550 Plunder ]";} /* Dive for salvage */
div[data-branch-id="258351"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW ]";} /* Zail on by */

/* A Ragtag Flotilla */
div[data-branch-id="255274"] h2::after {content: " [ 0.5 x Speed, -2 TW, 1 x Tale of Terror!! ]";} /* Hail a ship and inquire about their purpose */
div[data-branch-id="255275"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW ]";} /* Steam on by */

/* A Ship of Zealots */
div[data-branch-id="247846"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW ]";} /* See them off */
div[data-branch-id="247847"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +1 TW ]";} /* Race away from these lunatics */
div[data-branch-id="248435"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW ]";} /* Preach a variant creed */
div[data-branch-id="248436"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW ]";} /* Signal your experience on the Samaritan */
div[data-branch-id="258316"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +2 TW, 250-450 Plunder / 1 x Speed, 300-500 Plunder ]";} /* Send them down to the Fathomking's court */

/* A Sighting of the (Bounty) */
div[data-branch-id="258335"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +4 TW, +8-16 Chasing / 1 x Speed, +2 TW, +10-18 Chasing ]";} /* Follow that ship! */
div[data-branch-id="258336"] h2::after {content: " [ 1 x Speed, +6 TW ]";} /* Let them pass over the horizon */

/* A Spi...


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