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holycrumb's hega style by holycrumb

Screenshot of holycrumb's hega style



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Custom stylesheet for "Hidden Empire - Galaxy Adventures" browsergame.


List of changes:

  • Replaced gray background with image of the planet "Scarif"

  • Added transparency to almost all UI elements to change visual appearance of game

  • Changed and checked all main- and sub-menus visually to overhaul complete experience. Menus/pages changed include: planet view, economy, buildings, research, shipyard, ground troops, fleet overview, fleet launch, messages/reports, clan, simulator, events & missions, trade center, blackmarket, techtree, address book, settings, ranking, player profiles, support

  • Added option to enable custom header image (currently deactivated, waiting for ok from devs)*

  • Added option to turn off the imp/rep banners left and right in the header*

  • Added option to turn off the news banner*

  • Added option to enable a blue cursor, instead of the default red one*

  • Added option to enable a blue hover effect, instead of the default red one to match the cursor*

  • Added option to rotate planet image to match the position of the sun from the Scarif background image*

  • Added option to always show (ground) troops in fleet view menu and fleet launch menu.* This option is further customizable with the "troopOffsetView" and "troopOffsetStart" sliders in stylus config*

  • Increased the height of the radarbox (left box in planet view, which shows incoming/outgoing fleets)*

  • Increased the height of the planet select box (box in planet view under the image of the planet, shows only two planets by default)*

  • Increased the height of the production/job queue window (right box in planet view). Now shows up to 7 jobs simultaneous, no more scrolling needed

  • Fixed the columns in the upkeep table in economy -> upkeep

  • Increased the size of the icons in energy cell production view in economy

* = this setting is further customizable by accessing the config menu of the style via stylus addon menu

Liste der Änderungen:

  • Der graue Hintergrund wurde durch ein Bild des Planeten "Scarif" ersetzt

  • Transparenz zu fast allen UI-Elementen hinzugefügt, um das visuelle Erscheinungsbild des Spiels zu verändern

  • Alle Haupt- und Untermenüs wurden optisch überarbeitet und überprüft, um das gesamte Spielerlebnis zu verbessern. Zu den geänderten Menüs/Seiten gehören: Planetenansicht, Wirtschaft, Gebäude, Forschung, Werft, Bodentruppen, Flottenübersicht, Flottenstart, Nachrichten/Berichte, Clan, Simulator, Events & Missionen, Handelszentrum, Schwarzmarkt, Techtree, Adressbuch, Einstellungen, Rangliste, Spielerprofile, Support

  • Option zum Aktivieren eines benutzerdefinierten Kopfzeilenbildes hinzugefügt (derzeit deaktiviert, warte auf Freigabe von den Entwicklern)*

  • Option hinzugefügt, um die Imp/Rep-Banner links und rechts in der Kopfzeile zu deaktivieren*

  • Option hinzugefügt, um das News-Banner abzuschalten*

  • Option hinzugefügt, um einen blauen Cursor anstelle des roten Standardcursors zu aktivieren*

  • Option hinzugefügt, um einen blauen Hover-Effekt zu aktivieren, anstelle des standardmäßigen roten, um ihn an den Cursor anzupassen*

  • Option hinzugefügt, um das Planetenbild so zu drehen, dass es der Position der Sonne aus dem Scarif-Hintergrundbild entspricht*

  • Option hinzugefügt, um (Boden-)Truppen immer im Flottenansichtsmenü und im Flottenstartmenü anzuzeigen* Diese Option kann mit den Schiebereglern "troopOffsetView" und "troopOffsetStart" in der Stylus-Konfiguration weiter angepasst werden*

  • Die Höhe der Radarbox (linke Box in der Planetenansicht, die eingehende/ausgehende Flotten anzeigt)* wurde erhöht.

  • Vergrößerung der Höhe der Planetenauswahlbox (Box in der Planetenansicht unter dem Bild des Planeten, zeigt standardmäßig nur zwei Planeten an)*

  • Die Höhe des Fensters für die Produktions-/Auftragswarteschlange (rechtes Feld in der Planetenansicht) wurde vergrößert. Jetzt werden bis zu 7 Aufträge gleichzeitig angezeigt, kein Scrollen mehr nötig

  • Die Spalten in der Unterhaltstabelle unter Wirtschaft -> Unterhalt wurden korrigiert.

  • Die Größe der Icons in der Produktionsansicht der Energiezellen in der Wirtschaft wurde erhöht.

* = Diese Einstellung kann weiter angepasst werden, indem das Konfigurationsmenü des Stils über das Stylus-Addon-Menü aufgerufen wird.

Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           holycrumb's hega style
@version        1.0.1
@description    Custom stylesheet for "Hidden Empire - Galaxy Adventures" browsergame.
@author         holycrumb
@preprocessor 	stylus
@var checkbox headerBackground "headerBackground (not available)" 1
@var checkbox headerBanner "headerBanner" 0
@var checkbox disableNews "disableNews" 0
@var checkbox blueCursor "blueCursor" 1
@var checkbox blueHover "blueHover" 1
@var checkbox rotatePlanet "rotatePlanet" 1
@var checkbox alwaysShowTroops "alwaysShowTroops" 1
@var checkbox textareaOverride "Override new textarea style" 1
@var range troopOffsetView "troopOffsetView" [247, 0, 1000, 1, "px"]
@var range troopOffsetStart "troopOffsetStart" [10, 0, 1000, 1, "px"]
@var range planetSelectBoxSize "planetSelectBoxSize" [116, 0, 300, 1, "px"]
@var range planetRadarBoxSize "planetRadarBoxSize" [105, 0, 300, 1, "px"]
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
	#heContentAjax {
		background-image: none;
		min-height: 75px;
	.heContentWrapper {
		min-height: 627px;
	.bg_lowblack {
		background-color: transparent;
	.row_hl:hover {
		background-color: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.6) !important;

	.techtree div.obj_main, .techtree div.obj_right {
		background-color: #111111;
		border-radius: 15px;
	.techtree {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

	.heObjectBuildlist {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	.heObjectJobList {
		margin-top: 5px;

	/*ship buyback*/
	.bm_shop_obj_list > li:nth-child(odd) {
		background-color: transparent;
	.bm_shop_obj_list {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	.bm_shop_obj_list > li:nth-child(1) {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);

	.clan-box {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	#tab-s1-box, #tab-s3-box, #tab-s4-box {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	#tab-s2-box {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
		padding: 40px;

	#warsim {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	#heContentAjax:has(#fightreport) {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

	.market-inner {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	.market-search-box, .market-siteselect {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);

	#sabacc, #bm-res-form {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

	/*address + messages*/
	.book-addresslist {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
		margin: 0px;
	.msg_reader, .book_entry_form, .book_entry_user {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	.book-addresslist-footmenu {
		background-color: rgba(45, 45, 45, 1);
	.book-addresslist-info {
		margin-top: 2px;
	.msg_bg:nth-child(even), .msg_bg:nth-child(odd) {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	.msg:hover {
		background-color: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.85) !important;
	.msg a:hover {
		text-decoration: none;
	.msg {
		border-bottom: none;

	/*settings + rang*/
	#settings-content, #ranglst {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

	.highcharts-container > svg > rect {
		fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
	.prod-ecells-costs, .prod-ecells-control {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);

	.prod-ecells-calcinfo > img[alt = "ecells"] {
		height: 50px;
	.prod-ecells-costs img:is([title = "Durastahl"], [title = "Tibannagas"], [title = "Kristall"], [title = "Energie"]) {
		height: 20px;
		position: relative;
		top: 5px;
		right: 5px;
	.producing-info, .producing-io {
		background-color: transparent !important;
	div.popup div.popup_ext_ext {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
	#heContent > .tbl-root-w100 {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	/*fix upkeep not being included */
	#heContent > form[action = "?s=prod"] {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	/*economy > upkeep*/
	.umcost-table > li > *:nth-child(1) {
		width: 30%;
	.umcost-table > li > *:nth-child(2) {
		width: 15%;
	.umcost-table > li > *:nth-child(3) {
		margin-left: 2%;
		width: 15%;
	.umcost-table > li > *:nth-child(4) {
		text-align: center;
		margin-left: 2%;
		width: 10%;
	.umcost-table > li > *:nth-child(5) {
		width: 10%;
	.umcost-table > li > *:nth-child(6) {
		text-align: right;
		margin-left: 1%;
		width: 15%;
	.umcost-footer > *:first-child {
		width: 62% !important;
	.umcost-footer > *:last-child {
		width: 38% !important;
	form[action = "?s=prod"] img[src = "./gfx/game/he/reb-hangar.jpg"] {
		display: none;

	.profile-box {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	#heContent:has(.settings-avatar-boxes) {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

	#planetimg {
		display: block;
	#rendertarget {
		background-image: none;
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	#newsbox {
		display: block;
		opacity: 0.5;
	#newsbox:hover, #plindexbox #pli_tp, #radar_tp, #radar_bt {
		opacity: .9;
	#plindexbox #pli_bt {
		top: 81px + planetSelectBoxSize;
		opacity: .9;
	#plindexbox #pli_mn {
		bottom: 21px - planetSelectBoxSize;
		opacity: .9;
	#radar_mn {
		min-height: 347px + planetRadarBoxSize;
		opacity: .9;
	#plindexbox #pli_mn ul li span.pli_txtm {
		top: 12px;
	#filterbox {
		display: block !important;
		top: 10px;
		width: 100%;
	#radar_output {
		top: 30px;
		bottom: 25px;
	#rightbox_txt_mn {
		height: 340px;
	#btn_scroll_up, #btn_scroll_down {
		display: none;
	#radarbox_sec {
	#radar_tp_sec, #radar_mn_sec, #radar_bt_sec{
		opacity: .9;

	/*support page*/
	form[action = "?s=support"] {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

	/*poll page*/
	#heContentAjax:has(.quest-group, .list-quest-title) {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
	.quest-group {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
		margin: 0px auto 0;
	.quest-group:hover, .quest-list > li > a:hover {
		background-color: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.9);
		border-color: white;
	.quest-action {
		background-color: rgba(26, 26, 0, 0.6) !important;
	} {
		background-color: rgba(26, 26, 0, 1) !important;
	.list-quest-content {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) !important;
	.list-quest-content:has(.quest-pickup-request) {
		border: 1px solid #AAAA00 !important;
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) !important;
	.quest-action:hover {
		border-color: white !important;
	.quest-list > li > a {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
		color: #FFF;
		margin: 0;

	form[name = "Flottenauswahl"] .fleet-smallbox, form[name = "Flottenauswahl"] .fleet-bigbox {
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
		height: 584px;
	if alwaysShowTroops {
		.fleet-selection-listwrapper {
			margin-right: 10px;
			width: 300px;
		.fleet-shiplist-wrapper {
			width: 925px !important;
		.fleet-selection-list > li > input {
			width: 66px;
		.fleet-selection-list > li {
			width: 300px;
		#troop_select_box > a[title = "Fenster schließen"] {
			display: none;
		form[name = "Flottenvorbereitung"] #troop_select_box {
			display: block !important;
			top: 60px;
			right: troopOffsetStart;
			left: auto;
			width: 315px;
			opacity: 1;
			box-shadow: none;
		form[name = "Flottenvorbereitung"] #troop_select_box input {
			width: 68px;
		form[name = "Flottenvorbereitung"] #troop_select_box ul .float_r {
			position: relative;
			top: 0px;
		div#troop_select_foot {
			left: auto;
			right: 100px;
		#troop_select_foot #freight_text_l {
			right: 120px;

		.fleet-smallbox, .fleet-bigbox {
			background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
		form[name = "Flottenauswahl"] #troop_select_box {
			display: block !important;
			top: 60px;
			left: auto;
			right: troopOffsetView;
			margin-left: 0;
			width: 310px;
			box-shadow: none;
			opacity: 1;
			background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
		#def_select_box {
			opacity: 1;

	prevent possible overrides by placing at the eof
	if textareaOverride {
			background-image: none;
	if disableNews {
		#newsbox {
			display: none;

	if !headerBanner {
		.heHeaderDecoration {
			background: transparent;
	if rotatePlanet {
		/*rotate 2d planet*/
		#planetimg {
			transform: rotate(100deg);
			filter: contrast(1.1);
			position: relative;
			top: 10px;
		/*rotate 3d planet*/
		#rendertarget > canvas {
			transform: rotate(120deg);
			filter: contrast(1.1);
			position: relative;
			top: 10px;
			left: 5px;
	.heMenuIconsSmall_cells {
		background-image: url(./gfx/game/he/icons_res_energycell.svg);

	/* i dont like the already available, blue colored cursors */
	if blueCursor {
		html, body {
			cursor: url(../../../gfx/game/cursor/1/auto.cur) 8 0, auto;
			cursor: url('...


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