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Sedecordle Enhancer by tylrt

Screenshot of Sedecordle Enhancer



LicenseGPL 3.0 or later




Size24 kB


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A script that modifies the layout of Sedecordle and Sedec-order. Some customization options are provided.


Sedecordle Enhancer changes the appearance of Sedecordle and Sedec-order from 90s squares to something more modern. It also condenses the tiles to reduce per-board scrolling.

Additional options:

  • Theme changer (default¹, Wordle, Quordle, Octordle, Foximax, Bookdle, and custom)
  • Boards per line (2¹, 4, 8, or 16)²
  • Numbered boards (off, above, or behind¹⁴)
  • Jump list location (normal, left-hand side¹, right-hand side)³
  • Other stuff

To use it, you'll need Stylus. It's available for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, Kiwi, etc.). This script will also work in any CSS injector that supports the Stylus preprocessor language.

Next, you can install the script using the button above.

To change the settings, find Stylus on your toolbar (or, in a mobile browser, under the menu). If you're on, the script will appear under Sedecordle Enhancer. Click the ⚙ to bring up user options. You can also find the script under the Manage menu.


¹ Default setting
² Desktop only
³ It moves down to the bottom if you have 8 or all 16 boards on a line.
You can adjust the transparency for this setting (smaller for more transparency). You can also hover over each board to bring the number into the forefront.

    /*  Changelog:

            1.1.1   ~   2023-08-09
                Added:      Bookdle themes

            1.1.0   ~   2023-08-09
                Added:      Option to click boards to highlight its number instead of hovering
                "   "       Option to remove backgrounds from empty tiles
                "   "       Themes:
                                Wordle Light
                                Wordle Light Hi-Contrast
                "   "       Colors:
                                Body text
                                Unselected key text
                                Empty tile borders
                                Board number text
                                Board number hover
                Fixed:      Losing display behavior on Daily Sedec-order

            1.0.0   ~   2023-08-08
                New     Initial release */

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Sedecordle Enhancer
@version        1.1.1
@description    A script that modifies the layout of Sedecordle and Sedec-order. Some customization options are provided.
@author         Tylrt <>
@license        GPL-3.0-or-later

@preprocessor   stylus

@var select     theme       "Theme chooser"                                             [
    "wordlite:Wordle Light",
    "wordlthc:Wordle Light Hi-Contrast",
    "wordle:Wordle Dark",
    "wordhc:Wordle Dark Hi-Contrast",
    "bookdle:Bookdle Light",
    "booklthc:Bookdle Light Hi-Contrast",
    "bookdark:Bookdle Dark",
    "bookdkhc:Bookdle Dark Hi-Contrast",

@var checkbox   keyboard    "On-screen keyboard adjustment"                             1
@var checkbox   animated    "Enable extra animations"                                   0
@var checkbox   unhinted    "Disable Daily Sedec-order keyboard hint"                   0
@var checkbox   backless    "Backless empty tiles"                                      0

@var select     numbered    "Number each board"                                         [
    "top:Above boards",
    "back:Behind boards*"

@var checkbox   clicker     "Numbers: highlight by clicking instead of hovering"        0

@var number     spook       "Back numbers: tile transparency \n(0: hide; 1: full)"      [0.85, 0, 1, 0.05]

@var select     viewport    "Desktop: number of boards per row"                         [

@var select     sidejump    "Desktop: jump numbers location"                            [
    "leftie:Left-hand side*",
    "rightie:Right-hand side"

@var color      mybkgs      "Custom: background color"                                  "#181a1b"
@var color      mybdtc      "Custom: body text"                                         "#fff"
@var color      mytnot      "Custom: default tile color"                                "#242729"
@var color      mytnob      "Custom: default tile border"                               "#242729"
@var color      mytyes      "Custom: correct tile color"                                "#00cc88"
@var color      mytoff      "Custom: misplaced tile color"                              "#ffcc00"
@var color      mytont      "Custom: found tile text"                                   "#000000"
@var color      mypckd      "Custom: selected key color"                                "#5c5c5c"
@var color      mypktx      "Custom: selected key text"                                 "#181a1b"
@var color      mypknt      "Custom: unselected key color"                              "#242729"
@var color      mypntx      "Custom: unselected key text"                               "#fff"
@var color      myksoh      "Custom: Sedec-order hint color"                            "#5c5c5c"
@var color      myksot      "Custom: Sedec-order hint text"                             "#000000"
@var color      mywins      "Custom: victory color"                                     "#008000"
@var color      myloss      "Custom: failure color"                                     "#ff0000"
@var color      mybnsc      "Custom: board number static color"                         "#a0a0a0"
@var color      mybnrc      "Custom: board number reveal color"                         "#fff"
@var checkbox   myicfc      "Custom: invert icons"                                      0

==/UserStyle== */

    ii = !important

@-moz-document domain("") {

    /*  Sedecember Changes  */

    viewhalf = (viewport / 2)

    /*  Changelog:

            1.1.1   ~   2023-08-09
                Added:      Bookdle themes

            1.1.0   ~   2023-08-09
                Added:      Option to click boards to highlight its number instead of hovering
                "   "       Option to remove backgrounds from empty tiles
                "   "       Themes:
                                Wordle Light
                                Wordle Light Hi-Contrast
                "   "       Colors:
                                Body text
                                Unselected key text
                                Empty tile borders
                                Board number text
                                Board number hover
                Fixed:      Losing display behavior on Daily Sedec-order

            1.0.0   ~   2023-08-08
                New     Initial release */

    /*  bkgs: bg color, wins: victory, loss: failure, tyes: correct tile, toff: off tile, tnot: default tile, tont: found tile text, pckd: key picked, pknt: key pickn't, pktx: picked text, ksoh + ksot: not available */
    sets = {
        'default':      { bkgs: #181a1b, bdtc: #ffffff, wins: #008000, loss: #ff0000, tyes: #00cc88, toff: #ffcc00, tnot: #242729, tnob: #242729, tont: #000000, pckd: #5c5c5c, pknt: #242729, pktx: #181a1b, pntx: #ffffff, ksoh: #5c5c5c, ksot: #000000, bnsc: #a0a0a0, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 0 }
        'wordlite':     { bkgs: #ffffff, bdtc: #000000, wins: #6aaa64, loss: #b53b3b, tyes: #6aaa64, toff: #c9b458, tnot: #787c7e, tnob: #787c7e, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #787c7e, pknt: #d3d6da, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #000000, ksoh: #787c7e, ksot: #808080, bnsc: #6f6f6f, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 1 }
        'wordlthc':     { bkgs: #ffffff, bdtc: #000000, wins: #f5793a, loss: #4ac4c4, tyes: #f5793a, toff: #85c0f9, tnot: #787c7e, tnob: #787c7e, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #787c7e, pknt: #d3d6da, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #000000, ksoh: #787c7e, ksot: #808080, bnsc: #6f6f6f, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 1 }
        'wordle':       { bkgs: #121213, bdtc: #ffffff, wins: #538d4e, loss: #b53b3b, tyes: #538d4e, toff: #b59f3b, tnot: #272729, tnob: #272729, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #272729, pknt: #565758, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #ffffff, ksoh: #272729, ksot: #808080, bnsc: #a0a0a0, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 0 }
        'wordhc':       { bkgs: #121213, bdtc: #ffffff, wins: #f5793a, loss: #4ac4c4, tyes: #f5793a, toff: #85c0f9, tnot: #272729, tnob: #272729, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #272729, pknt: #565758, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #ffffff, ksoh: #272729, ksot: #808080, bnsc: #a0a0a0, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 0 }
        'quordle':      { bkgs: #1f2937, bdtc: #ffffff, wins: #22c55e, loss: #e11d48, tyes: #00cc88, toff: #ffcc00, tnot: #3f3f46, tnob: #3f3f46, tont: #000000, pckd: #9ca3af, pknt: #6b7280, pktx: #000000, pntx: #ffffff, ksoh: #155e75, ksot: #0891b2, bnsc: #a0a0a0, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 0 }
        'octordle':     { bkgs: #181a1b, bdtc: #dde6dd, wins: #00bb33, loss: #ff6600, tyes: #00bb33, toff: #ffdd66, tnot: #555e55, tnob: #555e55, tont: #33332d, pckd: #889188, pknt: #3a433a, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #ffffff, ksoh: #889188, ksot: #545454, bnsc: #b7b7b7, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 0 }
        'foximax':      { bkgs: #1f2517, bdtc: #ffffff, wins: #588133, loss: #cf4000, tyes: #588133, toff: #575c51, tnot: #383e38, tnob: #383e38, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #575c51, pknt: #8f928b, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #ffffff, ksoh: #575c51, ksot: #ffffff, bnsc: #b7b7b7, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 0 }
        'bookdle':      { bkgs: #ffffff, bdtc: #6b7280, wins: #22c55e, loss: #f43f5e, tyes: #22c55e, toff: #eab308, tnot: #94a3b8, tnob: #475569, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #94a3b8, pknt: #e2e8f0, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #000000, ksoh: #272729, ksot: #808080, bnsc: #6f6f6f, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 1 }
        'booklthc':     { bkgs: #ffffff, bdtc: #6b7280, wins: #22c55e, loss: #f43f5e, tyes: #f97316, toff: #06b6d4, tnot: #94a3b8, tnob: #475569, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #94a3b8, pknt: #e2e8f0, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #000000, ksoh: #272729, ksot: #808080, bnsc: #6f6f6f, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 1 }
        'bookdark':     { bkgs: #0f172a, bdtc: #d1d5db, wins: #22c55e, loss: #f43f5e, tyes: #22c55e, toff: #eab308, tnot: #334155, tnob: #475569, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #1e293b, pknt: #475569, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #ffffff, ksoh: #272729, ksot: #808080, bnsc: #a0a0a0, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 0 }
        'bookdkhc':     { bkgs: #0f172a, bdtc: #d1d5db, wins: #22c55e, loss: #f43f5e, tyes: #f97316, toff: #06b6d4, tnot: #334155, tnob: #475569, tont: #ffffff, pckd: #1e293b, pknt: #475569, pktx: #ffffff, pntx: #ffffff, ksoh: #272729, ksot: #808080, bnsc: #a0a0a0, bnrc: #fff, icfc: 0 }
        'custom':       { bkgs: mybkgs, bdtc: mybdtc, wins: mywins, loss: myloss, tyes: mytyes, toff: mytoff, tnot: mytnot, tnob: mytnob, tont: mytont, pckd: mypckd, pknt: mypknt, pktx: mypktx, pntx: mypntx, ksoh: myksoh, ksot: myksot, bnsc: mybnsc, bnrc: mybnrc, icfc: myicfc }

    for dye in sets {
        if dye == theme {
            bkgs = sets[dye].bkgs
            bdtc = sets[dye].bdtc
            wins = sets[dye].wins
            loss = sets[dye].loss
            tyes = sets[dye].tyes
            toff = sets[dye].toff
            tnot = sets[dye].tnot
            tnob = sets[dye].tnob
            tont = sets[dye].tont
            pckd = sets[dye].pckd
            pknt = sets[dye].pknt
            pktx = sets[dye].pktx
            pntx = sets[dye].pntx
            ksoh = sets[dye].ksoh
            ksot = sets[dye].ksot
            bnsc = sets[dye].bnsc
            bnrc = sets[dye].bnrc
            icfc = sets[dye].icfc

    :root {
        --view: viewport;
        --jumpbtn: calc(55px * var(--view));
        --jumpwide: calc(var(--jumpbtn) + 4px);
        --float: calc((var(--jumpbtn) - (var(--jumpbtn) * 2)) - 6px);
        --boxy: 28px;

        if numbered == "back" {
            --spook-green: alpha(tyes, spook);
            --spook-yellow: alpha(toff, spook);
            --spook-empty: alpha(tnot, spook);
        else {
            --spook-green: tyes;
            --spook-yellow: toff;
            --spook-empty: tnot;


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