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GSM Arena - Dark X by Saadski

Screenshot of GSM Arena - Dark X



LicenseNo License




Size8.1 kB


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Dark theme for GSM Arena.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         GSM Arena - Dark X
@version      20240616.09.06
@description  Dark theme for GSM Arena.
@author       Saadski
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

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img + font,
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} li:after, li.checked:after
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#review-body .image-row:after,
center + br + font:after,
center ~ font:after
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.green thead th
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#review-body .audio-comparison-widget .flex-row > :last-child
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#specs-list .review-comparisons
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.specs-box .info
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.specs-box em
    background: var(--darker)


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