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kali twitter by AceDaManXd

Screenshot of kali twitter







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Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         starry twitter ✧・゚
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       birb-naise
@description  dark, cute, customizable twitter theme 🎨    ⚠️ theme color only works if theme color set to default blue (more > display)    🔧 If customization options DON'T WORK, try uninstalling the style, customize it, then reinstall it again!
@version      20221102.07.06
@license      NONE
@preprocessor uso
@advanced dropdown bg "background (⚠ URL option only works on images uploaded to twitter! ⚠)" {
    a "starry*" <<<EOT EOT;

	bg-custom-dropdown "Custom" <<<EOT /*[[bg-custom]]*\/ EOT;
@advanced text bg-custom "background (⚠ URL option only works on images uploaded to twitter! ⚠) (Custom)" ""
@advanced text bg-op "background dim (0.00 ->1.00)" "0.65"
@advanced text tweet-op "tweets background dim" "0.00"
@advanced color theme "theme color" #5AB7A7
@advanced dropdown lettercase "lowercase-ify" {
    c "Disabled*" <<<EOT unset EOT;
    b "enabled" <<<EOT lowercase EOT;

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
:root {
    --theme: /*[[theme]]*/;
    --bg: url('/*[[bg]]*/');
    --bg-op: /*[[bg-op]]*/;
    --tweet-op: /*[[tweet-op]]*/;                                            
    --lettercase: /*[[lettercase]]*/;

html {
    background: var(--bg) fixed !important;
    background-size: cover !important;

/*darken bg*/
.r-150rngu > div:nth-child(1):not(.r-1d0k16c):not(.r-kemksi):not(.r-1ye8kvj):not(.r-ouzzow):not(.r-136ojw6) {
    /* - DM bg, DM bg, DM bg, DM bg pop-out DM */
	background: rgba(0,0,0,var(--bg-op)) !important;
	outline: solid rgba(0,0,0,var(--bg-op)) 9999px !important;

/* remove original bg */
body {
    background: transparent !important;
    background-color: transparent;
    border: none;

/* tweet bg */
.r-1ljd8xs {
    background: rgba(0,0,0,var(--tweet-op)) !important;

/* misc bg fixes */

.r-k200y,                                       /* dm(recipient) */
.r-1r5jyh0,                                     /* profile hover */
.r-1ljd8xs:nth-child(2),                        /* pic preview sidebar */
.r-1ipicw7,                                     /* profile switcher */
.r-h3f8nf,                                      /* search popup */
.r-1jte41z,                                     /* mini messages window */
.r-htvplk,                                      /* big pop-ups */
.r-1upvrn0,                                     /* alt text */
.r-adacv,                                       /* qrt */
.r-1q9bdsx {                                    /* reply restriction */
    background: rgba(0,0,0,.8) !important;

/* light mode fixes */
.r-1re7ezh, .r-18jsvk2, .r-3s2u2q .r-qvutc0 {
    color: #dedede !important;
.r-9ilb82, .r-14j79pv, .r-1bwzh9t {
    color: #a9a9a9
.r-z2wwpe:not(.r-eqz5dr) {          /* options menu */
    background: rgba(0,0,0,.8) !important;

/* letter case */
.r-poiln3 {
    text-transform: var(--lettercase) !important;

/* letter case */
.r-poiln3 {
    text-transform: var(--lettercase) !important;

/* theme color */

::selection,                        /* text highlight */
.r-19u6a5r .r-15ysp7h,              /* sidebar follow */
.r-1waj6vr,                         /* new tweet button */
.r-l5o3uw,                          /* new tweet + outgoing DM */
.r-m5arl1,                          /* reply/thread line */
.r-1bimlpy,                         /* poll bars */
.r-10u4nep,                         /* video scrubber */
.r-1xfd6ze .r-1pz39u2 {             /* video progress bar */
    background: var(--theme) !important;

/* remove footer */
.r-1yadl64 nav.r-18u37iz  {
    display: none;


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