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Webnovel - Dark Theme by Gishi1



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A dark theme for Webnovel/Qidian International


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Webnovel - Dark Theme
@namespace      ew0345
@version        1.0.9
@description    A dark theme for Webnovel/Qidian International
@author         ew0345
==/UserStyle== */


    Version 1.0.9:
        Book page styled.

    Version 1.0.8:
        Library & History pages styled.

    Version 1.0.7:
        Settings/Edit profile page styled.

    Version 1.0.6:
        Badges page styled.
        Profile page styled.
        "Limited Free For You" section on homepage styled.

    Version 1.0.5:
        Rankings page styled.

    Version 1.0.4:
        Browse/category page styled.

    Version 1.0.3:
        Login pop-up & login w/ email pop-up styled.

    Version 1.0.2:
        Header search styled.

    Version 1.0.1:
        Header bar styled.

    Version 1.0.0:
        Main page/homepage styled.

@-moz-document domain("") {
    /* Variables */
    :root {
        --bg: #232323;
        --bg_dark: #1f1f1f;
        --bg_light: #303030;
        --bg_light_hover: rgba(100,100,100,0.5);
        --bg_selected: #3b66f5;
        --txt: #eee;
        --txt_dark: #aaa;
        --txt_genre: #83848f;
        --txt_title: lightslategray;
        --txt_lcol1: #eb1551;
        --txt_lcol2: #ff8d29;
        --txt_lcol3: #39cca0;

@-moz-document domain("") {
    /* Sign-in/passport */
    body div {
        background: var(--bg);
    .m-main-hd h3 {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    p.m-input input {
        color: var(--txt);
@-moz-document regexp("http(s)://(www.)*)"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*)"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*)"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*") {
    /* Header Bar */
    .g_header {
        background-color: var(--bg);
        border-bottom-color: var(--txt_title);
    .g_header .g_search svg,
    .g_header .g_search strong {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    .g_header .g_hd_link svg,
    .g_header .g_hd_link strong {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Header Bar - Search */
    .g_search_modal .g_search_header,
    .g_search_modal .g_search_header .g_search_input input {
        background-color: var(--bg_dark);
    .g_search_modal .g_search_header .g_search_input input {
        border-color: var(--txt_title);
        color: var(--txt_title);
    .g_search_result_list ul {
        background-color: var(--bg_dark);
    .g_search_pop_list a,
    .g_search_result_list a,
    .g_search_result_list svg,
    .j_search_history a {
        color: var(--txt) !important;
    .g_search_pop_list a:hover,
    .g_search_result_list a:hover {
        background: var(--bg_light_hover);
    .j_search_history .g_search_tags a {
        background-color: var(--bg_light);

@-moz-document regexp("http(s)://(www.)*)") {
    /* Main Page */
    /* Page Body */
    body {
        background: var(--bg_dark);
        color: var(--txt);
    /* Weekly Book */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Weekly Book"] h3 {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Recent Activities */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Recent Activities"] h3 {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Recent Activities"] ul :hover {
        /*background: var(--bg_light_hover);*/
        background: none;
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Recent Activities"] ul :hover h4 {
        color: var(--txt_dark) !important;
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Recent Activities"] p {
        color: var(--txt_dark) !important;
    /* Weekly Featured */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Weekly Featured"] h3,
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Weekly Featured"] h4, 
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Weekly Featured"] h4 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    .m-book3 {
        background-color: var(--bg);
    /* Limited Free For You */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Limited Free For You"] h3,
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Limited Free For You"] h3 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Special For You */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Special For You"] h3,
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Special For You"] h3 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Ranking */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Ranking"] h3,
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Ranking"] h5 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Ranking"] p a {
        color: var(--txt_genre);
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Ranking"] .c_danger {
        color: #eb1551 !important;
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Ranking"] .c_warning {
        color: #ff8d29 !important;
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Ranking"] .c_success {
        color: #39cca0 !important;
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Ranking"] .ff_number {
        color: var(--txt);
    /* New Ongoing Release */
    section[data-report-blocktitle="New Ongoing Release"] {
        background: var(--bg_dark);
    section[data-report-blocktitle="New Ongoing Release"] h3,
    section[data-report-blocktitle="New Ongoing Release"] h4 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Potential Starlet */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Potential Starlet"] h3,
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Potential Starlet"] h3 a{
        color: var(--txt_title);
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Potential Starlet"] .bc_light_default {
        background: var(--bg);
    /* New Tropes */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="New Tropes"] h3,
    div[data-report-blocktitle="New Tropes"] h3 a{
        color: var(--txt_title);
    div[data-report-blocktitle="New Trops"] p a {
        color: var(--txt_genre);
    /* Encouraging Novels */
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Encouraging Novels"] {
        background: var(--bg_dark);
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Encouraging Novels"] h3,
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Encouraging Novels"] h4 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Completed */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Completed"] h3,
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Completed"] h3 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Completed"] .bc_light_default {
        background: var(--bg);
    /* Promising Novels */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Promising Novels"] h3,
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Promising Novels"] h3 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Promising Novels"] p a {
        color: var(--txt_genre);
    /* Trending Original */
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Trending Original"] h3,
    div[data-report-blocktitle="Trending Original"] h4 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Potential Entrant */
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Potential Entrant"] h3,
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Potential Entrant"] h4 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Potential Entrant"] p a {
        color: var(--txt_genre);
    section[data-report-blocktitle="Potential Entrant"] {
        background: var(--bg_dark);

@-moz-document regexp("http(s)://(www.)*"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*"), regexp("http(s)://(www.)*") {
    /* Browse Page */
    /* Page body */
    body {
        background-color: var(--bg_dark);
        color: var(--txt);
    /* Headers */
    .j_filter_form h4 {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Genre List */
    .m-switch {
        background-color: var(--bg_light);
    .m-switch label {
        color: var(--txt_genre);
    .m-switch-0:checked ~ .m-switch label:first-child,
    .m-switch-1:checked ~ .m-switch label:not(:first-child) {
        background-color: var(--bg_selected);
        color: var(--txt);
    .m-accordion-bd li a {
        color: var(--txt_genre);
    .m-accordion-icon {
        color: var(--txt);
    /* Novel List */
    .j_category_wrapper h3 a {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    .j_category_wrapper p,
    .j_category_wrapper p strong {
        color: var(--txt_genre)

@-moz-document regexp("http(s)://(www.)*") {
    /* Rankings Pages */
    /* Page body */
    body {
        background-color: var(--bg_dark);
        color: var(--txt);
    /* Headers */
    .g_hr h4 {
        color: var(--txt_title);
    /* Genre List */
    .m-accordion-bd a {
        color: var(--txt_genre);
    .m-accordion-icon {
        color: var(--txt);
    /* Ranking List */
    .f1 h5 {
        color: var(--txt_genre);
    .m-release-item strong,
    .j_show_filter_sel strong,
    .j_show_filter_sel svg {
        color: var(--txt);
    .j_rank_wrapper i.c_danger {
        color: var(--txt_lcol1) !important;
    .j_rank_wrapper i.c_warning {
        color: var(--txt_lcol2) !important;
    .j_rank_wrapper i.c_success {
        color: var(--txt_lcol3) !important;
    .j_rank_wrapper .ff_number.tac {
        color: var(--txt);
    .j_rank_wrapper h3 a {
        color: var(--txt_title)
    .j_rank_wrapper .vam {
        color: var(--txt...


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