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DuckDuckGo - background image by procyon-b

Screenshot of DuckDuckGo - background image



LicenseCC BY-NC 4.0




Size3.9 kB


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This userstyle lets you specify the url of an image to use as a background to DuckDuckGo pages.


The screenshot shows the userstyle applied to the dark theme, but it also works on the default theme and any of the other themes available in DuckDuckGo options.

There is a default background image set by default in the userstyle. Go to Stylus popup menu, click the gear icon next to the stylename and paste the url of an image you want to use, with the option "Background size" set to "cover".

Default image is:
`""` (source: )

You must keep the quotes around the url. You must ensure that you add them around the url you'll be using afterward. (there is a reminder in the label of the option)

For more userscripts, styles, extensions, tips, ..., visit my programming page.

0.9.1: (2021-09-23) fixed a small issue where sometimes the results blocks in darkmode were displayed without a black background.
0.9.2: (2021-09-24) ddg is modifying its styles, fixing result blocks background color (in "news")
0.9.3: (2021-09-24) the background image is now only displayed on selected pages. Not on "images" and "videos" anymore (bgimg wasn't visible, but scrolling was a little bit sluggish).
0.9.4: (2021-09-24) fix to fill empty space at startup (bg displayed immediately). Bug introduced in "0.9.3" due to alternate method to display image
0.9.5: (2021-10-02) some elements without background-color
0.9.6: (2021-10-13) added an option (enabled) for width of result box
0.9.7: (2022-04-27) classname changed
0.9.8: (2022-05-23) minor changes. Added lighter background on ads
0.9.9: (2023-02-28) set a default background image (for those who install from stylus' popup)
0.9.10: (2023-05-16) fix sidebar's background color in light mode

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         DDG background image
@version      0.9.12
@description  Specify the url of an image to use as a background on DuckDuckGo
@license      CC BY-NC 4.0
@preprocessor stylus

@var text     img_url  'Image url (enclosed in "")' '""'
@var select   img_opts "Background options" ["no-repeat","repeat","no-repeat top center","no-repeat top right"]
@var select   img_sz   "Background size" ["cover", "auto","contain"]
@var checkbox result_w "Result boxes not narrower" 1    
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {

if img_url {

body {
  background-attachment: fixed !important;
  background-position: left top;
.site-wrapper {
  background-color: transparent;
.search-filters-wrap:before, .search-filters-wrap:after {
  display: none;
html:not(.dark-header) body {
  background: url("" img_url) img_opts;
  background-size: img_sz;
html:not(.dark-header) .results--sidebar .module, /*sidebar*/
html:not(.dark-header) .results .result:not(.result--sep), /*results*/
html:not(.dark-header) [data-testid="result"], /*20220427*/
html:not(.dark-header) .search-filters-wrap, /*subnav*/
html:not(.dark-header) .settings-page-wrapper, /*config*/
html:not(.dark-header) #links > .result__sitelinks, /*not caught by id=m*/
html:not(.dark-header) #links > [id^="m"],
html:not(.dark-header) .results--main > .ia-modules,
html:not(.dark-header) .msg,
html:not(.dark-header) .no-results,
html:not(.dark-header) #more-results,
html:not(.dark-header) ol.react-results--main > li:not([data-layout="ad"]):not([data-layout="organic"]) {
  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.85) !important;

/* 202305 sidebar elements background */
html:not(.dark-header) [data-testid="sidebar"] .module {
  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.85) !important;

html.dark-header body {
  background: url("" img_url) img_opts;
  background-size: img_sz;
html.dark-header .results .result.result.result:not(.result--sep), /*results*/
html.dark-header [data-testid="result"], /*20220427*/
html.dark-header .search-filters-wrap, /*subnav*/
html.dark-header .settings-page-wrapper, /*config*/
html.dark-header #links > .result__sitelinks, /*not caught by id=m*/
html.dark-header #links > [id^="m"],
html.dark-header .results--main > .ia-modules,
html.dark-header .msg,
html.dark-header .no-results,
html.dark-header #more-results,
html.dark-header ol.react-results--main > li:not([data-layout="ad"]):not([data-layout="organic"]) {
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85) !important;

/* ads 20220523 */
html.dark-header #ads article,
html.dark-header .js-sidebar-ads article {
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.60) !important;
html:not(.dark-header) #ads article,
html:not(.dark-header) .js-sidebar-ads article {
  background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.60) !important;

/* filters 20220523 */
.search-filters-wrap > div > .dropdown {
  margin-bottom: 0 !important;
.search-filters-wrap {
  margin-bottom: .5em;
  height: unset !important;
ol.react-results--main > li:not([data-layout="ad"]):not([data-layout="organic"]) {
  border-radius: var(--rounded-md);
.is-not-mobile-device .search-filters {
  height: unset !important;
/* space below "more..." 20230605 */
ol.react-results--main > li:not([data-layout="ad"]):not([data-layout="organic"]):not([data-layout="related_searches"]) > :last-child > :last-child {
  padding-bottom: 7px;

/* erase gradient 20230605 */
article > :last-child ul:last-child::after {
  background: none;


if result_w {

#links > .result, #links > .result__sitelinks {
  max-width: unset !important;




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