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Wide Rising by JustDownloadin

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Screenshot of Wide Rising



LicenseMIT -> userstyles



Size14 kB


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Wider layout for Flight Rising, plus other improvements.


Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Wide Rising
@author         Valen
@version        0.8.2
@description    Wider layout for Flight Rising, plus other improvements.
@license        MIT
@preprocessor   stylus

@var checkbox customSize			"Change layout size" 1
@var range customWidth			"  ↳ Layout width (limited by the maximum width of your browser window)"[950, 950, 1900, 10, 'px']
	// Second value is the minimum the slider can go to, Third value is the maximum. Change these manually HERE if you need more or less than.
@var checkbox repeatBnnr		"  ↳ Repeat background images when stretching the layout (avoid empty space at the cost of aesthetics)" 0
@var range tomoWidth			"  ↳ Width of the Tomo speech bubble" [320, 320, 1000, 5,'px']
@var checkbox waywrdStn			"Hide the Which Waystone" 0
@var checkbox sillyMode			"Enable experimental features" 0

==/UserStyle== */
Please report any bugs or issues you may have:

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@-moz-document domain("") {

/* ========================== 

		customSize: Custom Website Width
=========================== */

	/*GENERIC REFERENCES == Default value // formula ('x' in 'size-X' always the difference between 950 and the specific element ('x')*/
		size-750 = customWidth - 200px
		size-735 = customWidth - 215px
		size-730 = customWidth - 220px
		size-725 = customWidth - 225px
		size-720 = customWidth - 230px
		size-715 = customWidth - 235px
		size-702 = customWidth - 248px
		size-700 = customWidth - 250px
		size-692 = customWidth - 258px
		size-680 = customWidth - 270px
		size-677 = customWidth - 273px
		size-670 = customWidth - 280px
		size-665 = customWidth - 285px
		size-650 = customWidth - 300px
		size-600 = customWidth - 350px
		size-570 = customWidth - 380px
		size-520 = customWidth - 430px
		size-510 = customWidth - 440px
		size-450 = customWidth - 500px
		size-440 = customWidth - 510px
		size-420 = customWidth - 530px
		size-415 = customWidth - 535px
		size-400 = customWidth - 550px
		size-360 = customWidth - 590px
		size-350 = customWidth - 600px
		size-340 = customWidth - 610px
		/*Uncertain how global these margin-X formulas are, but better to have them handy i guess*/
		margin-msg = ((700 - 677) / 2)
		margin-700 = (0.5 * (size-700)) - 350px
		margin-735 = (0.5 * (size-735)) - (735/2)px
		margin-400 = (0.5 * customWidth) - 300px
		margin-35 = ( (31/190) * customWidth) - 120px
		fuckingNerdLol = (((9 * size-700) / 20) - 315)
		margin-Swipp = ((63/125) * size-750) - 403px
		famNerd = ((1/4) * customWidth - (149/2))
		/* there's probably a better way to handle these... but tbh i don't really know. once i'm done with stuff i can try and make One All-Encopassing Formula
 		Possibly using attr()... I'll have to revisit that idea.*/

	if(customSize==1) {
		/*Making it a toggle is good for testing's sake*/

/* ========================== Generic width tweaks =========================== */

		#content, #loginarea, #loginarea > div, .container, .banner, .users-online {
			max-width: customWidth!important;
		.ways_button { /*Probably make a function so the wayward stone stays on-screen if the layout becomes too large*/
			margin-left: (customWidth/2);
		.custom-shops-list, .main, #dragon-profile-scene, #dragon-profile.common-row {
			width: size-750;
		#super-container, .menu_header {
			width: size-730!important;
		.recipe-list { /*Baldwin recipes*/
			width: size-725;
		#ticketgrid, #custom-shop-trades {
			width: size-720;
		.ah-landing-button-container, #nest-o-matic, #super-container > div:last-of-type, #super-container > div:last-of-type >, .divider {
			width: size-700!important;
		.inner-content, #hoard-result-items-content, #hoard-result-footer, #custom-shop-trades-frame, #msgactions, .menu_content { /*idk why these don't wanna work when grouped with the others - probably that scuffed selector*/
			width: size-700!important;
		#msg-header, #msg-show { /*DMs*/
			width: size-700; 
			margin-left: auto;
		#dragon-profile-bio.dragon-profile-bio, #dragon-profile-bio.dragon-profile-vista-bio {
			width: size-680;
		table#forum-fr, table#forum-general {
			width: size-670;
		form#new{ /*DMs*/
			width: size-677!important;

		#msg-editor { /*DMs*/
			width: size-665!important;
		#form-header /*DMs*/ {
			width: size-650
		.dev-tracker-search-results > .common-bubble-frame > .common-bubble {
			width: size-600;
		textarea#message {
			width: size-570;
		#msg-text {
			width: size-520;
		.archaeology-dig-site-index-row-details {
			width: size-510;
		.contentcontainer.home-contentcontainer > .main, .contentcontainer.home-contentcontainer > .main > .content, .clan-profile-main, #table-header, #ajaxbody table {
			width: size-440;

		hr.announce-separator {
			width: size-415;
		#home-content > .announcement {
			width: size-400;
		.feat {
			width: size-692
		/*Forums fixes*/
 		table#postlist > tbody > tr {
			width: size-702; 
		table#postlist td.topic {
			width: size-360; 
/* ========================== Generic margin tweaks =========================== */

		#form-header, #msg-editor /*Send DMs form*/ {
			margin-left: margin-msg;
			margin-right: margin-msg;

		#raffle-background, #raffle-slots {
			left: margin-735;
			/* used to have #nest_dad*/
		#ah-sell-column-container, #nest-o-matic, #archaeology-npc-text, #crim-text, #glorious-gift-text, #fantastic-familiar-text, .gather_container > .gather_row:nth-of-type(1) > .gather_box:first-child, /*Meat*/ .gather_container > .gather_row:nth-of-type(2) > .gather_box:first-child /*Plants*/ {
			margin-left: margin-700;
			/* used to have #nest_mom*/
		.gather_container > .gather_row:nth-of-type(1) > .gather_box:last-child, /*Bugs*/ .gather_container > .gather_row:nth-of-type(2) > .gather_box:last-child /*Scavenging*/ {
			margin-right: margin-700;
		#dr-outfit-page > div:nth-of-type(3), .ah-landing-button, .ah-landing-star {
			margin-left: margin-700!important;
		#gather_collect_buttons {
			left: margin-400;
		.bestiary-familiar-box > .bestiary-familiar-tumbnail-frame .common-animated-familiar {/*Bestiary*/
			left: margin-35!important;
		#ajaxbody table { /*Messages*/
			margin: auto;
		#trading-post-content .common-row {
			margin-left: fuckingNerdLol;
			margin-right: fuckingNerdLol;	

		#swipp, #baldwin #baldwin-himself {
			left: margin-Swipp;
		#tomo-text {
			width: customWidth - tomoWidth;
/* ========================== Specific code =========================== */		
		#gather_success_bg {
			left: ((size-450 / 2) - 100);

		#clan-profile .common-bubble {/*Clan comments*/
			width: ((96 / 95) * size-420) - 85px;

		.onecol .main {/*Lair*/
			width: size-750;
		#archaeology-dig-plots, #predict-morphology {/*Digsite minigame & morphology*/
			margin: 0 auto;
		#archaeology-settings .common-row > .common-column:nth-of-type(1) { /*Digsite settings*/
		#archaeology-settings .common-row > .common-column:nth-of-type(2) {
		#trading-post-content .common-column { /*Trading post*/
			width: 210px;
		.post-text { /*Forum posts*/
			width: size-700 - 145px;
		.custom-shop-trade, .recipe { /*Grand Exchange, Baldwin*/
			width: 47%;
			/*Remember to calculate margins later...*/

		.achievement-item-details-1 {
			width: size-700 - 435px;
		#super-container {
			margin-bottom: 1260.2px!important;
		#super-container > div:last-of-type > div:first-child {
			width: 40%!important;
		#super-container > div:last-of-type > div:last-child {
			width: ((( 375 / 700 )) * 100)%!important;
		#super-container > div:last-of-type > img {
		.contentcontainer {
			background-color: #dad6c8;
		.leftcolumn { /*For the Settings page and its really weird shenanigans...*/
			background-color: #dad6c8;
			border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
		.main {
			background-color: #fff;
			margin-bottom: 0;
		.editor-text { /*Forum message editor*/
			width: size-700 - 147;
		.market-item-result {
			width: (( size-700 - 54 ) / 2)px;
		#dominance-background-image {
			right: (0.5 * size-750) - 375px;
		#dragon-profile > .dragon-profile-interactives.common-column {
			width: ((73/150) * size-750) - 175px;
		#dragon-profile > .dragon-profile-dragon.common-column {
			width: ((142/375) * size-750) + 66px;
		#dragon-profile-secondary > .dragon-profile-interactives.common-column, #dragon-profile-owner-buttons > .dragon-profile-interactives.common-column, #dragon-profile-details-style {
			width: ((8/35) * size-700);
		#dragon-profile-secondary > .dragon-profile-dragon.common-column, #dragon-profile-owner-buttons > .dragon-profile-dragon.common-column, #dragon-profile-details-misc {
			width: 0.5 * size-700;
		#dragon-profile-secondary > .dragon-profile-familiar.common-column, #dragon-profile-owner-buttons > .dragon-profile-familiar.common-column, #dragon-profile-details-lineage {
			width: ((19/70) * size-700);
		#msg-show { /*DMs*/
			margin-bottom: 10px;
		#tomo-content {
			width: size-700;
			background-repeat: no-repeat;
			padding: 0 25px;

		#raffle-background {
			width: size-735;
			background-repeat: no-repeat;
		#raffle-slots .raffle-slot[data-slot="1"], #raffle-slots .raffle-slot[data-slot="4"] {
			left: margin-735 + 515px;


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