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TeenyTumblr Tweaker by JustDownloadin

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Screenshot of TeenyTumblr Tweaker



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Size7.8 kB


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Making tumblr just a tad nicer. Not by much though


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           TeenyTumblr Tweaker
@version        1.5.2
@description    Making tumblr just a tad nicer. Not by much though
@author         Zana
@preprocessor	stylus

@var color		ahrefColor	"External link color" #00b8ff
@var select		ahrefItalic "External link style" ["normal*", "italic", "bold"]
@var select		upTab		"Display the upper bar" ["Yes", "No"]
@var checkbox	oldNotes	"Make the notes counter look like the old one again" 1
@var color		chatColor	"Chat blog name color" #000
@var checkbox	noButtons	"Hide the 'follow post' and display options ('oldest first', 'comments and reblogs'...) from the notes" 0

==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

		No = none!important;
		RBs = #0ab335!important;
		Lks = #ff4930!important;
		Rps = #00b8ff!important;
		Otr = #7c5cff!important;

/* 1.5.0 patchnotes: Hello! You may be surprised to find that this style has updated. After the whole One Piece Clown fiasco, I kept this style around to tweak small things I didn't like about Tumblr's layout. Very small things. Figured it could be of use to someone else, so here it is! Not super clean, since it was all originally meant just for me, but whatever */

/*Heard there may be some font changes in the future so I'm saving this here: --font-family = "Favorit", "Helvetica Neue", "HelveticaNeue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif */

/* Hides recommended blogs, tumblr radar, the adblock message, that stuff. The explore button stays because i think it's cute :3 */
.FZkjV, .HOjIH,
.IYrO9.g8SYn[title="Get a domain"],
/*Hides the Following/For you/Your tags bar*/
.Dk06o.X4W3M {
	display: upTab;
/* Changes external link look */
/*body.accesskit-blue-links article a[target="_blank"][href^=""], body.accesskit-blue-links article a[target="_blank"][href^=""]*/
article :is(.k31gt) a[target="_blank"] {
	color: ahrefColor!important;
	font-style: ahrefItalic unless (ahrefItalic=="bold")!important;
	font-weight: ahrefItalic if (ahrefItalic=="bold")!important;
/* Changes name and button colour of blog in chat */
div.ySwFJ > a.BSUG4 {
	color: chatColor!important;
.znXuz .mEtpN > button > span.EvhBA > svg {
	--icon-color-primary: chatColor!important
.j17Mp.Nz43S {
	border-radius: 0!important;
.nZ9l5._QSie {
	background-color: transparent;	

/* Removes annoying buttons from user panel and replies*/
li.IYrO9.ywBwc > a[href="/settings/domains"],
li.IYrO9.ywBwc > a[href="/settings/purchases"],
li.IYrO9.ywBwc > a[href="/settings/gifts"] {
	display: No;

/*Post border radius*/
.FtjPK {
	border-radius: 0 25px 8px 0!important;
/* Tweaks the activity button's menues*/
.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"] {
	border-style: none!important;
.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8 {
	border-radius: 1px!important;
	border-style: none none solid!important;
	transition:0.050s ease-in-out!important;
	/*Activity button*/
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8:nth-child(1) {
		border-color: #ff4930ab!important
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"]:nth-child(1) {
		color: Lks;
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8:nth-child(1):hover,
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"]:nth-child(1):hover {
		background-color: #ff49301c!important
	/*Mention button*/
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8:nth-child(2) {
		border-color: #7c5cffab!important
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"]:nth-child(2) {
		color: Otr;
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8:nth-child(2):hover,
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"]:nth-child(2):hover {
		background-color: #7c5cff1c!important

	/*Reblogs button*/
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8:nth-child(3) {
		border-color: #0ab335ab!important
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"]:nth-child(3) {
		color: RBs;
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8:nth-child(3):hover,
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"]:nth-child(3):hover {
		background-color: #0ab3351c!important

	/*Replies button*/
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8:nth-child(4) {
		border-color: #00b8ffab!important
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"]:nth-child(4) {
		color: Rps;
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8:nth-child(4):hover,
	.lUKCu .SAqxs .BG5X8[aria-selected="true"]:nth-child(4):hover {
		background-color: #00b8ff1c!important
Changes activity feed's notifications
.TZgeO[aria-label="Notification"]:hover {
	background-color: #eeeeee78!important;
.TZgeO.Q9pIH[aria-label="Unread Notification"] {
	background-color: #75c3e21c!important;
.TZgeO.Q9pIH[aria-label="Unread Notification"]:hover {
	background-color: #00b8ff1c!important;

/*Changes tags in a post you're writing*/
.sHSSD .aLlJL,
.s7YOu .fdQ5Z,
.sHSSD .aLlJL > button > span.EvhBA > svg {
	border-radius: 5px!important;
	color: #018ec5!important;
	background-color: #00b8ff24!important;
	--icon-color-primary: #018ec5!important;
.s7YOu .fdQ5Z {
	border-radius: 25px!important;
.s7YOu .mbROR {
	color: #018ec5!important;

	/*=========oldNotes start=========*/
if(oldNotes=="1") {
	/* Hides the note count on posts with 0 notes */
	div.gstmW:has([title="0 notes"]) {
		visibility: hidden!important;
	/* Makes the '# notes' button more like it used to be */
	div.vE6sH {
		border: none!important;
		padding: 6px 6px!important;
	span.xu5ZG, span.lJK40 {
		font-weight: bold!important;
		color: #595959!important;
	div.ePsyd {
		padding: 0!important;
		background-color: transparent!important;
	/* Makes the other buttons in the lower bar of dashboard posts the same colour as the notes, because I noticed they were different and it was driving me crazy */
	span.EvhBA > svg,
	a[aria-label="Reblog"] > svg {
		--icon-color-primary: #595959!important
	/*Hides Blaze button in post footer (yeah this belongs here, shush*/
	.tOKgq .MCavR.r3vIz {
		visibility: hidden!important;
	/* Changes new note details */
	.blSOv > .poThh {
		padding: 6px var(--post-padding);

	.ykm3O.lRHNZ.F_5SW > span[title="Number of replies"] {
		color: Rps;
	.ykm3O.lRHNZ.F_5SW[title="Replies"] {
		background: transparent!important;
	.ykm3O.lRHNZ.F_5SW[title="Replies"] > svg use {
		--icon-color-primary: Rps;
	.ykm3O._vT58.F_5SW > span[title="Number of reblogs"] {
		color: RBs;
		transition:0.050s ease-in-out!important;
	.ykm3O._vT58.F_5SW[title="Reblogs"] {
		background: transparent;
	.ykm3O._vT58.F_5SW[title="Reblogs"] > svg use {
		--icon-color-primary: RBs;
	.ykm3O.ztxCq.F_5SW > span[title="Number of likes"] {
		color: Lks;
		transition:0.050s ease-in-out!important;
	.ykm3O.ztxCq.F_5SW[title="Likes"] {
	.ykm3O.ztxCq.F_5SW[title="Likes"] > svg use {
		--icon-color-primary: Lks;
		/*Reblog Graph*/
	.ykm3O.jTUmS.F_5SW[title="Reblog Graph"] {
		transition:0.050s ease-in-out!important;
	.ykm3O.jTUmS.F_5SW[title="Reblog Graph"] > svg use {
		--icon-color-primary: Otr;
	/*=========oldNotes end=========*/

/*=========noButtons start=========*/
if(noButtons=="1") {
	.TRX6J[aria-label="Oldest first"], .TRX6J[aria-label="Newest first"], .TRX6J[aria-label="Comments and tags"], .TRX6J[aria-label="Tags only"], .TRX6J[aria-label="Other reblogs"], .gAoFY[aria-label="Follow post"] {
		display: No;
	/*=========noButtons end=========*/


@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
	/*Displays the "Latest/Top" bar on searches if the "For you" bar is hidden in the dashboard*/
.Dk06o.X4W3M {
	display: flex!important;



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