A darker version of lichess, enjoy! c:
lichess.org Darker Theme by alejandritok7vell

LicenseNo License
Size9.5 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
It works with dark theme of lichess.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Darker Theme
@namespace https://lichess.org/@/Alejandritok7vell
@version 1.0.0
@description A lichess darker theme
@author Alejandritok7vell
==/UserStyle== */
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background-image: url("https://alejandrok7vell.neocities.org/red.svg");
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color: #fff;
.rclock.emerg.running .time {
background-color: #841411;
color: #e3e3e3;
square.selected {
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square.last-move {
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color: #624b28;
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good {
color: #94ff1c;
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signal>i, .cmn-toggle:checked+label {
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color: #dcff8f;
/* Analysis Bar */
.eval-gauge {
background: #fff;
.eval-gauge .black,
.context-streamer {
background: #000;
.eval-gauge tick.zero,
.eval-gauge tick {
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/* change this for Enter Button */
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color: #f1ff8b;
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background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #131313, #0e0e0e 100%);
/* Lobby */
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background: #000;
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opacity: 0.8;
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background: rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.5);
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background: #0b0b0b;
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background: #111;
/* Donate - Swag Store */
.lobby__support a {
background: #0c0c0c;
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rm6 .buttons,
rm6 i5z,
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background: #131313;
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background: #030f1a;
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background: #0e0e0e;
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solid #000000;
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background: #131313 !important;
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background: #000;
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background: #2a557d;
/* Tournaments Buttons */
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color: #6b6b6b;
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border: 1px solid #2fa5ff;
.eval-gauge .black {
background: #000;
.mselect__list .current {
background: #000;
.puzzle__feedback.after .continue:hover {
background: #4582bd;
.puzzle__feedback.after .continue {
background: #416180;
.storm--end__score {
background: #557530;
.storm--end__high {
background: #8e6522;
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background-color: #000;
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background: #547332;
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background: #446c91;
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background: #3b7c99;
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background: #446c91;
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background: #446c91;
/* Practice */
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background: #3c6c3e !important;
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background: #446c91;
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