Quotev becomes pink yay
Pink Quotev by ghfdjskdfhg

LicenseNo License
Size5.3 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
Recent Fix: Fixed Quizzes still being normal.
If you make your own variation, please put some form of credit towards me in either notes or description. Thank you! I made this so it would be easier for others to edit, so I do not mind variations. I DO mind lack of credit or claims of ownership.
In light of recent events: I do not endorse eyestrain edits of this userstyle and encourage you to host these privately.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Pink Quotev
@version 20230903.22.02
@namespace ?
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.quotev.com/") {
div.fixedMenu a {
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color: #8A496B
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color: #442c3b
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border-color: #AF7794
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color: #AF7794 !important;
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div.profileBody .sectionSelect {
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div.profileBody .sectionSelect .inner > a {
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border-bottom: 3px solid transparent !important;
#p_profile .activity_comments {
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border-color: #AF7794;
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
#notifHead, #chatListHead {
background-color: #8A496B;
color: #fff;
#activity_new {
background: #8A496B;
color: white
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div.dlg_pop_inner > div.title {
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color: #fff;
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background-color: #8A496B
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border-color: #8A496B !important;
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@media screen and(min-width: 1200px) {
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background-color: #F1DCE7;
div.profileBody a, .pProfile div.quiz h2 a:visited {
color: #8A496B;
element {
color: #8A496B;
element {
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color-scheme: light dark;
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element {
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margin: 2px 0;
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div.quiz div.descr {
color: #8A496B;
#searchAreaInput, #searchMenu input.input {
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color: #8A496B;
element {
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div.newType {
background-color: #F1DCE7 !important;
div.newTypeRecent {
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background-color: #F1DCE7 !important;
element {
background-color: #F1DCE7;
div.homeList {
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background-color: #8A496B;
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color: #8A496B;
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color: #fff !important;
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div.mainc {
background-color: #F1DCE7;