Dark theme for Google Classroom
Google Classroom Dark Theme V2 by deltandy
![Screenshot of Google Classroom Dark Theme V2](https://userstyles.world/preview/12025/0.jpeg)
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I decided to create my own dark theme for Google Classroom because Dark Reader isn't perfect, and there is no good style that has the following:
- Currently works (no white areas)
- Has enough contrast to read
The old style's code had a lot of unneccesary stuff, was old, and broke with a UI update,
so I rewrote the entire theme from scratch. This version has more customizations.
To get the raw CSS (default configuration) or the Stylus code, go to this GitHub page: https://github.com/DeltAndy123/UserStyles-UserScripts/tree/main/classroom_dark_v2
Changelog (2025-1-7):
- Fix white popups
- Add dark theme for file uploading from Google Drive (2024-11-18):
- Fix low contrast checkboxes
- Add "BG Secondary Hover" variable (currently only used for announcement textbox)
- Add "Active Button" variable (currently only used for text formatting buttons)
- Classwork section:
- Fix background when clicking topic
- Fix border under topic
- Stream section:
- Fix textbox and formatting buttons in announcement creation
- Fix unstyled classes dropdown when posting announcement
- Fix "Announce to" popup (2024-10-29):
- Fix background for tabs below navigation bar
- Fix unstyled border in assignment page (2024-10-15):
- Fix assignment names (2024-10-8):
- Fix unstyled border in sidebar
- Fix help button in bottom right corner
- Remove 10th anniversary logo fix (logo no longer exists)
- Fix contrast for future dates in Calendar (2024-9-20):
- Fix unstyled border in Calendar (2024-9-20):
- Fix some educator-specific elements
- Fix comment separator in new assignment box in stream
- Fix unstyled borders
- Start commenting code to be easier to modify
- Remove invisible accent color fix as it is no longer needed
- Added fix to prevent white background when hovering over 10th anniversary Classroom
logo (Experimental, has visual glitches)
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Google Classroom Dark Theme
@namespace github.com/DeltAndy123
@description Dark theme for Google Classroom
@author DeltAndy
@preprocessor stylus
@var color bg-primary "Background Primary" #111111
@var color bg-secondary "Background Secondary" #111111
@var color bg-tertiary "Background Tertiary" #141414
@var color bg-popup "Popup Background" #222222
@var color bg-hover "Background Hover" #1a1a1a
@var color bg-2nd-hover "BG Secondary Hover" #161616
@var color border-primary "Border Primary" #1f1f1f
@var color border-2nd "Border Secondary" #3b3b3b
@var color navbar "Navigation Bar" #111111
@var color text-primary "Text Primary" #e8e5e3
@var color text-hover "Text Primary Hover" #999897
@var color text-secondary "Text Secondary" #b8b3ad
@var color text-tertiary "Text Tertiary" rgba(255,255,255,.549)
@var color active-button "Active Button" #202020
==/UserStyle== */
Google Classroom Dark Theme
The old code had a lot of unneccesary stuff, was old, and broke with a UI update,
so I rewrote the entire theme from scratch. This version has more customizations.
Since there was no good dark theme for Google Classroom and the Dark Reader extension
didn't work perfectly, I decided to create my own dark theme for Google Classroom. (2025-1-7):
- Fix white popups
- Add dark theme for file uploading from Google Drive
@-moz-document domain("classroom.google.com") {
body {
background-color: bg-primary;
color: text-primary;
.VfPpkd-xl07Ob .VfPpkd-StrnGf-rymPhb-IhFlZd, .VfPpkd-xl07Ob .VfPpkd-StrnGf-rymPhb-f7MjDc,
.cC1eCc .VfPpkd-k2Wrsb, // Submit/unsubmit popup title
color: text-primary;
.I7OXgf {
background-color: bg-primary;
.mwJvDe .KEDCCd,
.Tabkde, .Tabkde .OX4Vcb,
.lXuxY .u73Apc
background-color: navbar;
border-color: border-primary;
.WMQb5e .oBSRLe,
.ar1wE .eqqrO, .ySjuvd .eqqrO,
.DC55n td,
.hYt5f.FRDm8d .WkZsyc:not(:last-child), .hYt5f.FRDm8d .Kql9ed:not(:last-child),
.geqPvd .VfPpkd-WLXbod, .geqPvd,
.d6CWTd, .ycbm1d,
.O9YpHb, .Iwp0Ue:not(:first-child), // Assignments in Classwork
border-color: border-primary;
.xVPuB .mIZh1c, .vnnr5e .mIZh1c, .oQ5Hqe,
.VfPpkd-rymPhb-clz4Ic // Sidebar split between Home/Calendar and classes
background-color: border-2nd;
.MHxtic:not(:last-child), .LKqFXc,
.uO32ac, .ypv4re, // Topic name bottom border
.nl5VRd, // Separator between assignment name and description
border-color: border-2nd;
.dDKhVc, .WdYux, .tLDEHd, .ViCi4,
.Erb9le:not(.RDPZE) .qmMNRc:hover, .Erb9le:not(.RDPZE) .qmMNRc.y7OZL,
.ReCbLb:not(.VfPpkd-O1htCb-OWXEXe-OWB6Me) .VfPpkd-uusGie-fmcmS,
.FUvKMe, // wtf is this class name
.lziZub, .lziZub:visited,
.s8kOBc .VfPpkd-rymPhb-fpDzbe-fmcmS,
.WmnPA:not(.VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe-OWXEXe-OWB6Me) .VfPpkd-fmcmS-wGMbrd, // Textbox Label
.onkcGd, .onkcGd:visited, .WPhuJf, .WPhuJf:visited, .OGhwGf, .OGhwGf:visited, // "# class comments" under assignment in Stream
.cC1eCc .VfPpkd-cnG4Wd, // Submit/unsubmit popup description
.VfPpkd-I9GLp-yrriRe // Hide classroom popup "Don't show this message again" label
color: text-secondary;
.wZTANe .J1raN,
.A6dC2c-J3yWx, .z3vRcc-J3yWx,
.z3vRcc, .tDxNLe
.A6dC2c, .saYe1e,
.cfWmIb:not(.VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe-OWXEXe-OWB6Me) .VfPpkd-fmcmS-wGMbrd,
.Evt7cb, .Evt7cb:visited,
.geqPvd .VfPpkd-Rj7Y9b,
.q6oraf .VfPpkd-StrnGf-rymPhb,
.s8kOBc .VfPpkd-rymPhb-ibnC6b-OWXEXe-gk6SMd .VfPpkd-rymPhb-fpDzbe-fmcmS, .s8kOBc .VfPpkd-rymPhb-ibnC6b-OWXEXe-pXU01b .VfPpkd-rymPhb-fpDzbe-fmcmS, .s8kOBc .VfPpkd-rymPhb-ibnC6b-OWXEXe-gk6SMd.VfPpkd-rymPhb-ibnC6b-OWXEXe-SfQLQb-M1Soyc-Bz112c .VfPpkd-rymPhb-KkROqb, .s8kOBc .VfPpkd-rymPhb-ibnC6b-OWXEXe-pXU01b.VfPpkd-rymPhb-ibnC6b-OWXEXe-SfQLQb-M1Soyc-Bz112c .VfPpkd-rymPhb-KkROqb,
.Vx8Sxd, .Vx8Sxd:visited, .Vx8Sxd:hover, .Vx8Sxd:focus,
.apFsO.onkcGd, .apFsO.onkcGd:visited, // Assignments under classes in Home
.Eajscb .vT1Gyc.N4XV7d, // Future dates in Calendar
.B7SYid, // Assignment names
.zuzKle.xVPuB, .zuzKle.vnnr5e, // Announcement composer textbox
color: text-primary;
.wZTANe .J1raN:hover,
.LjDxcd:hover:not(:disabled), .LjDxcd.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe:not(:disabled), .LjDxcd:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus:not(:disabled), .LjDxcd:active:not(:disabled),
.WmnPA:hover:not(.VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe-OWXEXe-OWB6Me) .VfPpkd-NLUYnc-V67aGc, // Textbox Label
.xlHPle .VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe:hover:not(.VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe-OWXEXe-OWB6Me) .VfPpkd-NLUYnc-V67aGc, // Textbox Label (Alt)
.vnnr5e:not(.RDPZE):not(.u3bW4e):hover .I9OJHe.vTcY1d .snByac,
.EN2Rfc:not(.RDPZE) .XTO5bf:hover, .EN2Rfc:not(.RDPZE) .XTO5bf.y7OZL, // Announcement composer formatting buttons
color: text-hover;
.K6Ovqd, .sdDCme, .oBSRLe, .IMvYId, .IMvYId:visited, .LjDxcd:not(:disabled) {
color: text-tertiary;
.hgjBDc, .DC55n td,
.IzVHde, // Class code under banner
background-color: bg-secondary;
.Aopndd, // Box border
.ZNE4y, // Stream assignment box separator
.RIDjNe // Calendar box separator
background-color: bg-secondary;
border-color: border-primary;
.vnnr5e .I9OJHe, .vnnr5e .CIy9F, // Create announcement textbox
.fWf7qe .Yalane, .aSjeL.aSjeL td,
.xlHPle .VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe:not(.VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe-OWXEXe-OWB6Me), // Textboxes
.WufxEd .ynt9Dc .VfPpkd-WLXbod, .WufxEd .ynt9Dc,
.hVNH5c .K0NPx,
.s8kOBc .VfPpkd-rymPhb-ibnC6b.VfPpkd-rymPhb-ibnC6b-OWXEXe-gk6SMd,
.cLpBac, // Class dropdown for announcements
background-color: bg-tertiary;
.cC1eCc .VfPpkd-P5QLlc, // Most popups (submit/unsubmit, class code, etc)
background-color: bg-popup;
.fWf7qe:not(.RDPZE):hover .Yalane,
.TisIWb .kKn9Nc:before,
.Mupove .tUJKGd:not(.xp2dJ):focus-within.boxOzd, .Mupove .tUJKGd:not(.xp2dJ):focus-within.idtp4e, .Mupove .tUJKGd:not(.xp2dJ) :focus-within.boxOzd, .Mupove .tUJKGd:not(.xp2dJ) :focus-within.idtp4e, .Mupove .ZoT1D:focus-within.boxOzd, .Mupove .ZoT1D:focus-within.idtp4e, .Mupove .ZoT1D :focus-within.boxOzd, .Mupove .ZoT1D :focus-within.idtp4e,
.hN1OOc.eumXzf:hover, .hN1OOc.eumXzf:focus, // Tabs below navbar
.Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ):focus-within.JiTjnd, .Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ):focus-within.h7Ww0, .Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ) :focus-within.JiTjnd, .Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ) :focus-within.h7Ww0, .xWw7yd:focus-within.JiTjnd, .xWw7yd:focus-within.h7Ww0, .xWw7yd :focus-within.JiTjnd, .xWw7yd :focus-within.h7Ww0, // Topics in Classwork section
background-color: bg-hover;
.vnnr5e:not(.RDPZE):not(.u3bW4e):hover .I9OJHe, .vnnr5e:not(.RDPZE):not(.u3bW4e):hover .CIy9F, // Announcement textbox
background-color: bg-2nd-hover;
.EN2Rfc:not(.RDPZE) .XTO5bf.y7OZL // Formatting buttons in announcement composer
background-color: active-button;
.WmnPA.VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe-OWXEXe-XpnDCe:not(.VfPpkd-fmcmS-yrriRe-OWXEXe-OWB6Me) .VfPpkd-NLUYnc-V67aGc {
color: #1967d2;
.P3W0Dd-Ysl7Fe:focus, .maXJsd:focus .P3W0Dd-Ysl7Fe, .maXJsd:focus .P3W0Dd-Ysl7Fe,
.bFjUmb-Ysl7Fe, .bFjUmb-Ysl7Fe, .CNpREd.bFjUmb-Ysl7Fe, .CNpREd .bFjUmb-Ysl7Fe,
.TJtJXb:hover td, .tYQn5c:hover td, .DC55n:hover td,
.Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ):not(.rZXyy):hover.rXdid, .Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ):not(.rZXyy):hover.h7Ww0, .Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ):not(.rZXyy):hover .rXdid, .Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ):not(.rZXyy):hover .h7Ww0, .xWw7yd:hover.rXdid, .xWw7yd:hover.h7Ww0, .xWw7yd:hover .rXdid, .xWw7yd:hover .h7Ww0
background-color: bg-hover !important;
.Iwp0Ue:not(.xp2dJ):not(.rZXyy) .h7Ww0 {
background-color: bg-primary !important;
.z80M1.qs41qe>.aBBjbd {
background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side,#424242,#424242 80%,rgba(189,189,189,0) 100%)
// Educator-Specific Elements
.GQLaCd:not(:empty), // Introducing Generative AI box
.fyExH, // Not using Classroom at a school with students checkbox
background-color: bg-tertiary;
.QV10Af { // Bottom part of "Announce to" popup
background-color: transparent;
border-color: border-2nd;
.asQXV-FGzYL, // Classroom name in dropdown when creating posts
color: text-secondary;
// Hardcoded fixes
.FAVvUd .nIu6nb {
// SVG checkboxes
filter: invert(1);
.u73Apc:not(.lXuxY .u73Apc) {
border-bottom: none;
// Class code popout box
border-top: none;
.qj5L0 {
// Turn in work popup line
border-color: border-2nd;
.lbWVCe .h0pqq {
// Fix poll colors
background-color: #222
.N6nSod {
// Bottom right help button
background: none;
.N6nSod:hover {
// Bottom right help button
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.075);
.picker-dialog.XKSfm-Sx9Kwc {
// Google Drive file picker (before fully loaded)
background-color: bg-popup;
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://drive.google.com/picker") {