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Custom Google ZY (test) by zhouyuhao

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Google Search:
V2.1.27A: fixes and improvements
V2.1.26: fixes and improvements
V2.1.25: fixes and improvements
V2.1.24: fixes and improvements
V2.1.23: fix, removed wallpaper support
V2.1.22: hotfix
V2.1.21: hotfix
V2.1.20: hotfix
V2.1.19: fixes
V2.1.18: fixes
V2.1.17: Search fix, Google Books support
V2.1.16: fixes
V2.1.15: fixes and improvements
V2.1.14: fixes and improvements
V2.1.13 fix
V2.1.12: fixes and improvements
V2.1.11: fix
V2.1.10: fix
V2.1.9: fixes and improvements
V2.1.8: fix
V2.1.7: hotfix, fixes and improvements
V2.1.6: fixes and improvements
V2.1.5: fixes and improvements
V2.1.4: fixes and improvements
V2.1.3: fixes and improvements
V2.1.2: fixes and improvements
V2.1.1: fixes and improvements
V2.1: fixes and improvements, custom homepage wallpaper
V2.0.7: fixes, support for COVID-19 infographics
V2.0.5: fixes
V2.0.3: fixes
V2.0.2: fixes and improvements
V2.0.1: fixes
V2: Accent support
V1.7.2: fixes
V1.7.1: fixes
V1.7: tourism tab, improvements and fixes
V1.6.1: fixes
V1.6: changes and fixes
V1.5.1: search fixes
V1.5: sport listings
V1.4: themed school and hotel infobox, fixes, removed Photos from regexp
V1.3.3: fixes
V1.3.2: applied to nutritional table, and other various fixes
V1.3.1: fixes
V1.3: All Google Games, Toys and Tools themed
V1.2.6: fix
V1.2.5: fixes and improvements
V1.2.4: fixes
V1.2.3: improvements and fixes
V1.2.2: Small fixes
V1.2.1: Small fixes
V1.2: Google Search finished, Google Docs next.
V1.1.2: Advanced search and search settings themed
V1.1: Contributions are themed, In-built Google maps is themed, tons of fixes and improvements.
V1.0.2: fix
V1.0.1: Various text fixes
V1: Google Search themed

Google Docs:
V2.1.1: fixes
V2.1: Forms support
V2: Accent support
V1.1: changes and fixes
V1: various improvements
V0.6.3: fix
V0.6.2: fixes
V0.6.1: menu and slides
V0.4: spreadsheet
V0.2: menu and docs

Google Documents:
V1.2.2: fixes
V1.2.1: fixes
V1.2: improvements
V1.1: improvements
V1: Docs is now mostly usable as the most used objects are now themed correctly
V0.6: Main colors are set, as well as some fixes
V0.2: Some buttons and text are themed, most pages, buttons and text are yet to be themed

Google Spreadsheets:
V1.0.4: improvements
V1.0.3: fixes and improvements
V1.0.2: fixes and improvements
V1.0.1: fixes
V1: finished
V0.8: In usable state

Google Slides:
V1: various improvements
V0.8.1: fix
V0.8: improvements
V0.7: in usable state

Google Keep:
V2.0.4: fixes
V2.0.3: fixes
V2.0.2: fixes
V2.0.1: fix
V2: Accent Support
V1.2.1: fixes
V1.2: fixes and improvements
V1.1.1: fixes
V1.1: improvements
V1: first version

Google Contacts:
V1: release

Google Play:
V1.1.2: fixes
V1.1.1: tweak
V1.1: fixes
V1: release

Google Forms:
V1.0.3: fixes
V1.0.2: fixes and improvements
V1.0.1: fixes
V1: release

Google Drive:
V1.0.5: fixes and improvements
V1.0.4: fixes and improvements
V1.0.3: fixes and improvements
V1.0.2: fixes and improvements
V1.0.1: fixes
V1: release

Google Translate:
V1.0.15: fix
V1.0.14: fix
V1.0.13: fixes and improvements
V1.0.12: fixes and improvements
V1.0.11: fixes
V1.0.10: fixes and improvements
V1.0.9: fixes and improvements
V1.0.8: fixes and improvements
V1.0.7: fix
V1.0.6: fixes
V1.0.5: fixes and improvements
V1.0.4: fixes and improvements
V1.0.3: fixes and improvements
V1.0.2: fixes and improvements
V1.0.1: fix
V1: release

Google Photos:
V1.0.3: fixes
V1.0.2: fixes and improvements
V1.0.1: fixes and improvements
V1: release

Google Hangouts:
V1: Release

Google News:
V1.0.3: fixes and improvements
V1.0.2: fixes and improvements
V1.0.1: fixes and improvements
V1: release

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Custom Google ZY
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       Zhou Yahui
@description  Google (and other Google websites in the future) in GX Theme    NOTE: Google Keep must have dark mode turned on for the theme to work on Google Keep    Supported Google sites:  Google Search  Google Images *REMOVED*  Google Documents *REMOVED*  Google Spreadsheets *REMOVED*  Google Slides *REMOVED*  Google Keep *REMOVED*  Google Contacts *REMOVED*  Google Play *REMOVED*  Google Forms *REMOVED*  Google Drive *REMOVED*  Google Translate  Google Photos *REMOVED*  Google Hangouts *REMOVED*  Google News *REMOVED*      Youtube style:    Check out my other styles:    Info about my styles:    DISCORD:  Join my Discord server to get notifications when a new update has been released, get direct support from me and others, and it is generally faster than userstyles to get in touch with me :    Theme by Zhou Yahui
@version      20230727.18.24
@license      CC-BY-4.0
@preprocessor uso
@advanced color acn "Accent color" #fa1e4e
@advanced dropdown gtd "Apply to Google Translate?" {
    no1 "No*" <<<EOT /*gtdno*\/ EOT;
    ye1 "Yes" <<<EOT /*translateV1.0.15_230721*\/
:root {
header#gb {
    background-color: var(--minr)!important
.gb_pa svg, .gb_Ac svg, .gb_Wc .gb_Zd, .gb_Mc .gb_Zd, .gb_Ac {
    color: var(--txnr);
.gb_Ac {
    background-color: var(--scnr)
.gb_sa svg, .gb_Dc svg, .gb_6c .gb_fe, .gb_Pc .gb_fe, .results-container:not(.empty) .placeholder, .result-dict-wrapper .translation, .contribute-target, #st-buttons .jfk-button, .results-container.empty .placeholder, .gt-cd-tl, .gt-cd-cl, .gt-lc-mobile .gt-baf-word-selected .gt-baf-word-clickable, .gt-lc-mobile, .gt-baf-word-clickable, .ft-icon-txt, .history-top-header .title, .history-container .info-bar, .history-entry .tl-input, .history-container .language-pair, .phrasebook-top-header .title, .phrasebook-container .phrasebook-features .sort-button, .phrasebook-container .nav-bar, .phrasebook-entry .tl-input, .phrasebook-container .language-chip, .phrasebook-container .language-chip:hover, .phrasebook-container .language-pair-container .language-chip.selected, .language-chip:focus, .language-chip:focus-within, .mTQVx, .ZQWYD, .rlqS5d, .nCP5yc:not(:disabled), .Rj2Mlf:hover:not(:disabled), .Rj2Mlf:active:not(:disabled), .Rj2Mlf:not(.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d):focus:not(:disabled), .Rj2Mlf.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe:not(:disabled), .aWlm2e, .JVGQzb, .irVajb, .EXtLjf, .kwsPce:not(:disabled):not(:disabled), .kwsPce:focus:not(:disabled):not(:disabled), .F3tjNb, .V20pS, .ElLY8d, .q6oraf .VfPpkd-rymPhb, .uZVCx, .Z0FhJc:not(:disabled):not(:disabled), .Z0FhJc:focus:not(:disabled):not(:disabled), .L7ucBe:hover:not(:disabled), .L7ucBe:focus:not(:disabled), .XztF9d, .iflf6, .select-file-section .choose-document-prompt, .select-file-section .upload-filetypes-prompt, .select-file-page .button, .file-selected-section .file-label, .gt-ex-text, .gt-lang-lbl, #gt-view-trans-lbl, #goog-gt-tt, .gt-baf-hl, .cd-expand-label, .gt-spell-correct-message, .gt-is-mobile .gt-is-sg, .gt-is-tr, .result-transliteration-container .transliteration-content, .result-transliteration-container .truncate-link, .gt-cc-t .gt-ct-text, .language-list-toolbar .language-list-label, .gb_ta svg, .gb_Fc svg, .gb_2c .gb_he, .gb_Rc .gb_he, .yUUmWd .VfPpkd-jY41G-V67aGc, .yHy1rc:disabled, .fzRBVc:disabled, .ZTPlmc, .KmsAmb .tL9Q4c, .J0lOec, .q7sDqe:not(:disabled) .VfPpkd-kBDsod, .q7sDqe:not(:disabled), .q7sDqe:not(:disabled) .VfPpkd-kBDsod, .q7sDqe:not(:disabled), .ordo2.KKjvXb, .ordo2, .VhOj3e, .TcXXXb, .gb_ta svg, .gb_Fc svg, .gb_2c .gb_he, .gb_Rc .gb_he, .uNr6ee, .xUPQqb, .UdTY9, .SSgGrd:not(:disabled), .nYkDR, .S6GkK, .RSggmb, .MZgjEb, .gHl6Mc, .PsfnLc, .xex4Kc, .AarNVd, .TEGJAb, .y9jKHb, .qiN4Vb:not(:disabled) .VfPpkd-kBDsod, .qiN4Vb:not(:disabled), .G3Fn7c, .qSb8Pe, input, .qSb8Pe.KKjvXb, .qSb8Pe.RCaXn:not(.KKjvXb) .S3Dwie, body, .er8xn, .dPxysd, .aia4Ud, .NqnNQd, .swFHJd, body.bTweAe .lRu31, .Ose4Jf .VfPpkd-jY41G-V67aGc, .lRu31, .ZihNHd:not(:disabled) {
    color: var(--txnr);
.frame:before, .source-wrap, .source-input, .gt-cd, .gt-baf-word-selected, body.displaying-history-page .footer-icon-container.ft-icon-img-hst .ft-icon-img-ctr .ft-icon-oval, .history-top-header, .history-container .info-bar, .history-container, body.displaying-saved-page .footer-icon-container.ft-icon-img-svd .ft-icon-img-ctr .ft-icon-oval, .phrasebook-top-header, .phrasebook-container .nav-bar, .phrasebook-container, .phrasebook-container:not(.empty-search-query) .phrasebook-entry.browsed, .LpQB8e, .NdeSHd, .select-file-page, .language-list-search-box, .language-list, .language_list_sl_list, .language_list_tl_list, .language_list_item_wrapper, .language-list-toolbar, .gb_8f, .gbqfqw, #gt-appbar, .trans-edit, .trans-target-highlight, .gt-spell-correct-message,, .gt-cc-t, .language_list_item_wrapper:hover, .language_list_item_wrapper:focus, .language_list_section, .RvYhPd, .RvYhPd::before, .ccvoYb, .RstnCb, .ordo2:hover, .gb_3f, .Bcbxbe.FwR7Pc, .I87fLc.XzOhkf, .qSb8Pe:hover, .SMqeCb, .jTj8gd.XzOhkf .a2Icud, .DNFg3e, .kXN2zb {
    background-color: var(--minr);
.klnDQb, .X4DQ0::after {
    background: var(--minr);
/*minimp*\/ .gt-cc-r-i {
    background: var(--minr)!important;
.homepage.translate-text .input-button.text-icon, .homepage.translate-docs .input-button.documents-icon, .ls-wrap, .ls-wrap .sugg-fade, .results-container, .result, .gt-edit, .contribute-target,  body:not(.with-lang-list) .results-container.empty, .gt-cd-cl, .gt-cd-ncl, .phrasebook-container .language-chip, .tAzJq:hover, .kwsPce:hover:not(:disabled), .kwsPce:focus:not(:disabled), .VfPpkd-xl07Ob-XxIAqe, .Z0FhJc:hover:not(:disabled), .Z0FhJc:focus:not(:disabled), .OONSBe:hover:not(:disabled), .OONSBe:focus:not(:disabled), .V1QTub:hover:not(:disabled), .V1QTub:focus:not(:disabled), .L7ucBe:hover:not(:disabled), .L7ucBe:focus:not(:disabled), .file-selected-section .file-holder, .language_list_item_wrapper:hover, .language_list_item_wrapper:focus, .gt-is-itm-hover, .BSw7K.iYelWb .irkilc:not(:disabled), .BSw7K.MFKVse .hL2wFc:not(:disabled), .P6w8m.BDJ8fb:not(.Jj6Lae), .bvzp8c, .ySES5, .P6w8m, .fMHXgc, .yFQBKb, .QcsUad, .QcsUad.BDJ8fb:not(.Jj6Lae), .QcsUad:not(.BDJ8fb).Jj6Lae, .QcsUad.BDJ8fb:not(.Jj6Lae), body.bTweAe .QcsUad.BDJ8fb:not(.Jj6Lae) {
    background: var(--scnr);
.header-button, .gt-card-ttl-txt, .gt-cd-pos, .gt-rw-div .gt-cd-cl, body.displaying-saved-page .footer-icon-container.ft-icon-img-svd .ft-icon-txt, body.displaying-instant-page .footer-icon-container.ft-icon-img-cmn .ft-icon-txt, body.displaying-history-page .footer-icon-container.ft-icon-img-hst .ft-icon-txt, .history-container .history-features .delete-all-button, .history-entry .tl-output, .phrasebook-entry .tl-output, .e7YJ3, .Rj2Mlf:not(:disabled), .gsSTTd, .L7ucBe:not(:disabled):not(:disabled), .L7ucBe:focus:not(:disabled):not(:disabled), .INImOe, .translation-page-link a:link, .translation-page-link a:visited, .frame a:link, .yUUmWd.VfPpkd-AznF2e-OWXEXe-auswjd .VfPpkd-jY41G-V67aGc, .JJYS0b:hover .VfPpkd-jY41G-V67aGc, .JJYS0b:active .VfPpkd-jY41G-V67aGc, .JJYS0b:focus .VfPpkd-jY41G-V67aGc, .ODAbH, .mvqA2c, .TYVfy, .P6w8m.as3dlc .VIiyi, .Yz5zzc, .eIKIse, .jodjCb, .BL1djf, .Ose4Jf.VfPpkd-AznF2e-OWXEXe-auswjd .VfPpkd-jY41G-V67aGc {
    color: var(--acnr);
    fill: var(--acnr);
.goog-inline-block.jfk-button-checked:after, .outer-wrap, .gbqfqw, .gt-lc-mobile .gt-card-expanded:not(:last-child) .gt-syn-row, .gt-is-mobile .gt-is-ld, .gt-is-mobile, .gt-cc-r, .PRdtG .VfPpkd-AznF2e-wEcVzc-OWXEXe-NowJzb, .I87fLc:not(.XzOhkf) .Dwvecf, .ZShpvc, .JJYS0b:hover .VfPpkd-AznF2e-wEcVzc-OWXEXe-NowJzb, .JJYS0b:active .VfPpkd-AznF2e-wEcVzc-OWXEXe-NowJzb, .JJYS0b:not(.UMrnmb-AHmuwe-L6cTce):focus .VfPpkd-AznF2e-wEcVzc-OWXEXe-NowJzb, .JJYS0b.VfPpkd-ksKsZd-mWPk3d-OWXEXe-AHe6Kc-XpnDCe .VfPpkd-AznF2e-wEcVzc-OWXEXe-NowJzb, .jTj8gd.XzOhkf .Sp3AF {
    border-color: var(--acnr)
.page .main-header, .QsA0jb:not(.DNkvFf) .ccvoYb {
    border: 2px solid var(--acnr)
/*acnbcg*\/, .phrasebook-container .language-chip:hover, .phrasebook-container .language-pair-container .language-chip.selected, .language-chip:focus, .language-chip:focus-within, .nCP5yc:not(:disabled), .select-file-page .button, .language_list_item_wrapper.item-selected, #gbqfb, .gt-lc-mobile .gt-baf-hl, .gt-lc-mobile .gt-baf-word-clickable:hover, .ordo2.KKjvXb, .ksE5nf.EiZ8Dd, .y9jKHb, .yUUmWd.VfPpkd-AznF2e-OWXEXe-auswjd .VfPpkd-YVzG2b::before, .yUUmWd.VfPpkd-AznF2e-OWXEXe-auswjd .VfPpkd-YVzG2b::after, .qSb8Pe.KKjvXb, .oJweqc.KKjvXb, .oJweqc:hover {
    background-color: var(--acnr);
 .ft-icon-oval, .homepage.translate-docs .input-button.documents-icon, .header-button, .homepage.translate-text .input-button.text-icon, .homepage.translate-docs .input-button.documents-icon, .ls-wrap, body:not(.with-lang-list) .results-container.empty, .gt-cd, .gt-cd-cl, .gt-cd-ncl, body.displaying-history-page .footer-icon-container.ft-icon-img-hst .ft-icon-img-ctr .ft-icon-oval, .history-top-header .history-top-bar, .history-top-header, .history-entry, body.displaying-saved-page .footer-icon-container.ft-icon-img-svd .ft-icon-img-ctr .ft-icon-oval, .phrasebook-top-header...


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