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HailWoods94 Theme by Monet



LicenseNo License

CategoryHorse Reality



Size121 kB


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DO NOT USE OR DOWNLOAD - for Hailey's use only


Do not use my code in any way

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           HaileyWood's Theme
@version        1.0.0
@description    7/21/2023, 3:05:24 PM
@author         Monet
==/UserStyle== */

    @import url('');
    @import url('');
        :root {
            --background: url(;
            --horsebackground: url(;
            --horseadopt: url(;
    /*        --background: url(;
            --horsebackground: url(;
            --horseadopt: url(;*/
          /*  --font: 'Great Vibes', cursive;*/
            --font: 'Gilda Display', serif;
       /*     --duskydarkgreen: rgb(76, 64, 51);
            --darkgreen: rgb(53,64,15);
            --green: rgb(42, 58, 41);
            --duskybrown: #4c4034;
            --cream: rgb(220, 195, 127);
            --opaqueduskydarkgreen: rgb(126,122,35,.33);
            --moreopaqueduskydarkgreen: rgb(84,63,45); 
            --lessopaquecream: rgb(181, 166, 148);
            --opaquecream: rgba(181, 166, 148,.33);
            --moreopaquecream: rgba(134,88,30,.55);
            --opaquelightgreen: rgb(163, 187, 157);
            --white: rgb(254,242,236);
            --grey: #817e7c;
            --olive: #7A7462;*/
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            --darkestpurple: rgb(33, 26, 20);
            --green: rgb(79, 71, 55);
            --duskybrown: rgb(176, 150, 126);
            --cream: rgb(230, 178, 93);
            --opaqueduskydarkgreen: rgb(113, 99, 82);
            --moreopaqueduskydarkgreen: rgba(111, 90, 45, .5);
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            --opaquecream: rgba(102, 88, 79, .5);
            --moreopaquecream: rgba(31, 25, 19, .55);
            --white: rgb(238, 234, 230);
            --opaquewhite: rgba(215, 206, 190, .5);
            --grey: rgb(161, 141, 120);
            --olive: rgb(54, 41, 32);
            --transparent: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
  /*  @import url('');
    @import url('');
        :root {
            --background: url(;
            --horsebackground: url(;
            --horseadopt: url(;
            --font: 'Gilda Display', serif;
            --font: 'Waterfall', cursive;
            --darkestpurple: rgb(31, 26, 19);
            --green: rgb(75,55,79);
            --duskybrown: rgb(163, 112, 132);
            --cream: rgb(162, 145, 168);
            --opaqueduskydarkgreen: rgb(113, 82, 111);
            --moreopaqueduskydarkgreen: rgba(38, 26, 42, .75);
            --lessopaquecream: rgba(172, 148, 181, .2);
            --opaquecream: rgba(118, 87, 115, .33);
            --moreopaquecream: rgba(31, 26, 19, .55);
            --white: rgb(207, 202, 211);
            --opaquewhite: rgba(207, 202, 211,0.5);
            --grey: rgb(69, 46, 59);
            --olive: rgb(39, 26, 43);
            --transparent: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    .header-cta .cta-button button {
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    body.background.europe, body.background.north-america, body.background.south-america,,, body.background.australia {
       background-image: var(--background) !important;
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    .row.sales-table-row {
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    .row.sales-table-row.odd-row {
        background-color: var(--lessopaquecream) !important;
    .profile-account-title.padding-top-15, .profile-account-title {
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        color: var(--cream) !important;
    .role-big {
        opacity: 0;
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        border-bottom: 2px solid var(--cream) !important;
    .component.table .table tbody {
       background-color: var(--green) !important;
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        content: url("");
    .table {
        font-family: var(--font) !important;
        color: var(--white) !important;
        background-color: var(--opaquecream) !important;
    .horse-item .content {
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        color: var(--white) !important;
        background-color: var(--moreopaqueduskydarkgreen) !important;
    .horse-item .content h2 {
        color: var(--white) !important;
    .horse-item .breed-and-age, .horse-stats .horse-stat span, .horse-item .tagline {
        color: var(--cream) !important;
    .horses-title-desktop {
        font-family: var(--font) !important;
        font-weight: 600 !important;
    .level {
        font-size: 15px !important;
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        padding: 0.5em 1em 1em;
    .fas.fa-user-circle, .fas.fa-star, .fas.fa-map, .fas.fa-comments, .fas.fa-bookmark, .fa.fa-user, .fa.fa-home, .fa-solid.fa-bolt-lightning, .fa-solid.fa-dumbbell, .fa-solid.fa-heart, .fa-circle-plus:before, .fa-xmark-large, .fa-magnifying-glass, .fa-solid.fa-star.bookmarked, .fa-stopwatch, .fa-users, .fa-plus:before, .info .info-icon>span, .fa-vial, .fa-box-open, .fa-horse-head, .fa-shipping-fast, .fa-filter::before, .total-horses i, .total-items i, .total-vials i, .fa-arrows-up-down-left-right, .fa-solid.fa-cog, .fa-square-check {
        color: var(--cream) !important;
    .form-control:disabled, .form-control[readonly], .horse-semen-vials {
        background-color: var(--moreopaqueduskydarkgreen) !important;
    .bookmark-star {
        color: var(--cream) !important;
    .current-capacity {
        color: var(--white) !important;
        background-color: var(--olive) !important;
    .header-section-icon.type-action {
        background-color: var(--cream) !important;
    .market-office-table .market-office-table-row-autobuy, .market-office-table .market-office-table-row-timer, .market-office-table .market-office-table-row-highestbid, .market-office-table .market-office-table-row-offers {
        color: var(--cream) !important;
        } {
        background-color: var(--green) !important;
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        color: var(--darkestpurple);
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    h4, h4 span, h2, h2 span, h3, h3 span, li span, ul span {
        font-family: var(--font) !important;
        color: var(--white) !important;
    .daily-rollover-content-wrapper {
        background-color: var(--green) !important;
        font-family: var(--font);
        color: var(--white) !important;
    .daily-rollover-content {
        background-color: var(--green) !important;
        font-family: var(--font);
        color: var(--white) !important;
    .btn.btn-cta:active, btn.btn-warning.btn-cta:active, .btn-primary.btn:active, .button.primary:active, .form-control.btn.go-to-inventory-btn:active, .button.yellow, input[type=submit].yellow:active, .yellow.action-enterwp:active, button.yellow:active, button.dark:active, .card-item-action, .card-item-action button:active, .yellow_btn:active, .exchange_actions_window_buttons button:active,, .button.secondary:active, .cms-page .cms-page-button:active, .header-cta .cta-button button:active, .estate-item .estate-item-buy button:active {
        box-shadow: rgba(184, 148, 97, .5) 0 3px 7px inset !important;
        transform: translateY(2px) !important;
        min-height: 35px !important;
.btn.btn-cta:focus, btn.btn-warning.btn-cta:focus, .btn-primary.btn:focus, .button.primary:focus, .form-control.btn.go-to-inventory-btn:focus, .button.yellow, input[type=submit].yellow:focus, .yellow.action-enterwp:focus, button.yellow:focus, button.dark:focus, .card-item-action, .card-item-action button:focus, .yellow_btn:focus, .exchange_actions_window_buttons button:focus,, .button.secondary:focus, .cms-page .cms-page-button:focus, .header-cta ....


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