Skip to content for mobile browsers by sonofevil

Screenshot of for mobile browsers






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Makes mobile browser Facebook somewhat usable.



  • Navigation bar fixed so it's always visible in feed.
  • Scrollable input fields.
  • No overlays in image view.
  • Erratic scrolling behavior mitigated.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name  - 8/13/2023, 5:39:29 PM
@version        1.0.0
@description    Makes mobile browser Facebook somewhat usable.
                - Navigation bar fixed so it's always visible in feed.
                - Scrollable input fields.
                - No overlays in image view.
                - Erratic scrolling behavior mitigated.
@author         sonofevil
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https\\://m\\.facebook\\.com(?!/photo.php).*") {
    /*Make all text input boxes scrollable.*/
    textarea.textbox {
        overflow-y: scroll !important;

    /*Empty space at bottom of scrollers so input field doesn't block last comment.*/
    #screen-root > div.m:first-child > [data-type="vscroller"] > div:last-child:not(.hscroller) {
        margin-bottom: 100px;

    /*Fill gap between comment input field and screen bottom.*/
    #screen-root > div.m:first-child > div.fixed-container.bottom > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:last-child {
        height: calc(100% + 10px) !important;

@-moz-document url("") {
    /*Keep header visible.*/
    #screen-root > .m:first-child:not(.vscroller) > [data-type="vscroller"] > div.m:nth-child(-n + 3):not([false]) {
        z-index: 999 !important;
        display: flex !important;
        order: -1;

    /*Keep contents of header in view.*/
    #screen-root > .m:first-child:not(.vscroller) > [data-type="vscroller"] > div.m:nth-child(-n + 3) > .bg-s3 {
        margin-top: unset !important;
        position: fixed !important;

    /*Stop posts from being collapsed.
    Prevents scrolling yank*/
    #screen-root > .m:first-child:not(.vscroller) > [data-type="vscroller"] > :not(.displayed) {
        display: flex !important;

    /*Hide filler at top of page for normal scrolling.*/
    [data-type="vscroller"] > div.filler:first-child {
        height: 0px !important;

    /*Hide non-visible post contents.
    Maybe helps performance?*/
    #screen-root > .m:first-child:not(.vscroller) > [data-type="vscroller"] > .FBTR-PROCESSED:not(.displayed) * {
        display: none;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
    /*Comment section SSB fix*/
    #screen-root > .m.vscroller > .m[data-type="vscroller"]:not([fake]) {
        padding-bottom: 120px !important;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
    /*Keep header visible.*/
    #screen-root > .m:first-child > [data-type="vscroller"] > div.m:nth-child(-n + 2):not([false]) {
        z-index: 999 !important;
        display: flex !important;
        order: -1;

    /*Keep contents of header in view.*/
    #screen-root > .m:first-child > [data-type="vscroller"] > div.m:nth-child(-n + 2):not([false]) > * {
        margin-top: unset !important;
        position: fixed !important;

    /*Fixes overlaying of header rows and styling.*/
    #screen-root > .m:first-child > [data-type="vscroller"] > div.m:nth-child(-n + 2):not([false]) > div:last-child {
        margin-top: 50px !important;
        height: auto !important;
        border-bottom: 3px solid black;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
    /*Top container*/
    #screen-root > div:first-child {}
    /*Remove empty filler elements.*/
    #screen-root > div:first-child div:empty {
        display: none;

    /*Remove fake flex-direction hack.*/
    #screen-root > div:first-child div[style^="margin-top:-"] {
        margin-top: 0px !important;

    /*Image container*/
    #screen-root > div:first-child > div:first-of-type {}
    /*Adjust image size*/
    #screen-root > div:first-child > div:first-of-type img.img.contain {
        height: auto !important;
        max-width: 100vw !important;

    /*Image area size*/
    .hscroller, .hscroller > div, .background-image {
        height: auto !important;

    .hscroller > div > div {
        margin-top: 0px !important;

    .hscroller [data-mcomponent="ServerImageArea"] {
        height: unset !important;

    /*Nav container*/
    /*Move to top & size*/
    div.fixed-container:nth-of-type(2) {
        order: -1;
        height: 50px !important;

    /*Arrange items*/
    div.fixed-container:nth-of-type(2) div {
        flex-direction: row-reverse !important;
        margin-left: auto !important;
        margin-right: auto !important;
        justify-content: center !important;

    /*Remove filler.*/
    #screen-root > div:first-child > div.fixed-container + div.m:not([class$="bottom"]) {
        display: none !important;

    /*Info container*/
    div.fixed-container[class$="bottom"] {}
    div.fixed-container[class$="bottom"] [data-mcomponent="ServerTextArea"] {
        height: auto !important;

    /*Use flex rows and wrapping instead of column.*/
    div.fixed-container[class$="bottom"] > div {
        flex-direction: row !important;
        width: 100vw;
        flex-wrap: wrap;

    /*Undo mixed column/row flex hack on buttons.*/
    div.fixed-container[class$="bottom"] > div > div[data-action-id] {
        margin: 0 !important;

    /*Space between image and text.*/
    div.fixed-container[class$="bottom"] > div > div[data-type="text"]:first-of-type {
        margin-top: 10px !important

    div.fixed-container[class$="bottom"] .bg-s1 div {
        flex-direction: row !important;

    div.fixed-container[class$="bottom"] [data-mcomponent="ServerTextArea"][data-type="text"]:not([data-action-id]):not(:first-of-type) {
        display: none;

    /*Disable overlay.*/
    #screen-root > div:first-of-type > *:not(.dialog-screen), .img {
        position: relative !important;
    /*Image and emojis*/
    div.m[data-type="text"][data-mcomponent$="ImageArea"] {
        margin-left: 0px !important;

    .bg-s1::before {
        display: none

    /*Restores dialog overlay behavior*/
    div.dialog-screen:not([false]) {
        position: fixed !important;


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