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GPT Claude 1.0 by ttmouse

Screenshot of GPT Claude 1.0



LicenseNo License



Size5.8 kB


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Using two fonts:

  1. Roboto Mono
  2. symbola


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         GPT Claude 1.0
@version      20231001.18.14
@description  GPT+Claude
@author       ttmouse
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
:root {
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/* 再次编辑时候的区域的宽度 */\:ring-0.focus-visible\:ring-0{
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.markdown a {
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/* 调整中间展示区域的宽度 */
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/* 聊天框底部间距 */
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#menuContainer {
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#menuContainer button:disabled:hover {
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#menuContainer button {
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#menuContainer button:hover {
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#menuContainer button {
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.settings-submit {
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.settings-submit {
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select {
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.markdown a {
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/* 聊天内容背景   var(--gray-0); */
.lg\:w-\[calc\(100\%-115px\)\] {
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/*--字体--  楷体-简,'方正仿宋简体', */
code, pre,
html {
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.prose :where(code):not(:where([class~=not-prose] *)) {
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:not(pre)>code.hljs, :not(pre)>code[class*=language-] {
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/* 调整行高 */
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/*-- 代码块 --*/
.bg-black {
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code.hljs, code[class*=language-], pre[class*=language-] {
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.hljs-comment {
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/*-- 分割线 --*/
.border-black\/10 {
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.prose :where(img):not(:where([class~=not-prose] *)) {
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/*-- 头像 --*/
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/*-- 无序列表图标 --*/
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    content: "◍"!important;
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/*-- 有序列表位移 --*/
.prose :where(ol>li):not(:where([class~=not-prose] *)) {
    padding-left: 1.8em;
.prose :where(ul>li):not(:where([class~=not-prose] *)) {
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/*-- 背景色 --*/
.md\:bg-vert-light-gradient {
    background-image: linear-gradient(180deg,hsla(0,0%,100%,0) 13.94%,var(--Claude) 54.73%);

.text-sm {
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.bg-gray-50 {
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.bg-gray-100 {
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.bg-gray-300 {
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.bg-gray-400 {
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.bg-gray-500 {
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.bg-gray-600 {
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.bg-gray-700 {
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.bg-gray-800 {
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.bg-gray-900 {
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.bg-gray-950 {
    background-color: var(--gray-950);



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