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Second Alfries' Theme by Monet



LicenseNo License

CategoryHorse Reality



Size135 kB


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Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Second Alfries' Theme
@version        1.0.0
@description    9/28/2023, 2:38:02 PM
@author         Monet
==/UserStyle== */

@import url('');
@import url('');
:root {
            --background: url(;
            --horsebackground: url(;
            --horseadopt: url(;
            --minimap: url(;
            --hrlogo: url(;
            --font: 'Gilda Display', serif;
            --displayfont: 'Lovers Quarrel', cursive;
            --darkestpurple: rgb(23, 16, 6);
            --green: rgba(87, 72, 44, .5);
            --duskybrown: rgb(158, 119, 49);
            --cream: rgb(210, 191, 148);
            --opaqueduskydarkgreen: rgba(47, 37, 19, .5);
            --moreopaqueduskydarkgreen: rgba(125, 108, 74, .75);
            --lessopaquecream: rgba(138, 126, 104, .2);
            --opaquecream: rgba(79, 61, 35, .55);
            --moreopaquecream: rgba(86, 70, 40, .55);
            --white: rgb(236, 233, 224);
            --grey: rgb(116, 103, 83);
            --olive: rgb(53, 37, 13);
            --row: rgb(133, 111, 77);
            --transparent: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
 /*   --darkestpurple: rgb(37, 25, 6);
            --green: rgb(105,87,30);
            --duskybrown: rgb(166, 134, 58);
            --cream: rgb(173, 157, 97);
            --opaqueduskydarkgreen: rgb(123, 100, 49);
            --moreopaqueduskydarkgreen: rgba(41, 29, 7, .75);
            --lessopaquecream: rgba(180, 151, 59, .2);
            --opaquecream: rgba(113, 93, 34, .33);
            --moreopaquecream: rgba(40, 27, 3, .55);
            --white: rgb(217, 210, 188);
            --grey: rgb(139, 129, 109);
            --olive: rgb(63, 47, 7);
            --gold: rgb(64, 43, 0);
            --transparent: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);*/

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        color: var(--white) !important;
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.btn.btn-cta:focus, btn.btn-warning.btn-cta:focus, .btn-primary.btn:focus, .button.primary:focus, .form-control.btn.go-to-inventory-btn:focus, .button.yellow, input[type=submit].yellow:focus, .yellow.action-enterwp:focus, button.yellow:focus, button.dark:focus, .card-item-action, .card-item-action button:focus, .yellow_btn:focus, .exchange_actions_window_buttons button:focus,, .button.secondary:focus, .cms-page .cms-page-button:focus, .header-cta .cta-button button:focus, .estate-item .estate-item-buy button:focus {
  box-shadow: var(--cream) 0 0 0 1.5px inset, rgba(31, 29, 19, .4) 0 2px 4px, rgba(31, 28, 19, .3) 0 7px 13px -3px, var(--cream) 0 -3px 0 inset !important;
        min-height: 35px !important;
    .btn.btn-cta:hover, btn.btn-warning.btn-cta:hover, .btn-primary.btn:hover, .button.primary:hover, .form-control.btn.go-to-inventory-btn:hover, .button.yellow, input[type=submit].yellow:hover, .yellow.action-enterwp:hover, button.yellow:hover, button.dark:hover, .card-item-action, .card-item-action button:hover, .yellow_btn:hover, .exchange_actions_window_buttons button:hover,, .button.secondary:hover, .cms-page .cms-page-button:hover, .header-cta .cta-button button:hover, .estate-item .estate-item-buy button:hover {
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        transform: translateY(-2px) !important;
        min-height: 35px !important;
    .btn.btn-cta, .btn-primary.btn, btn.btn-warning.btn-cta, .button.primary, .form-control.btn.go-to-inventory-btn, .button.yellow, input[type=submit].yellow, .yellow.action-enterwp, but...


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