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SocialFurr Refreshed by ThatOneUnoriginal

Screenshot of SocialFurr Refreshed







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Modifies the Social Fur Website to make the experience better.


If you want to return certain aspects of the website that are removed with this style, go to "Code 2: Hiding Features" and find the parts of the website you'd like to return. You will see a short description on what each part removes.

These stylus theme only works on dark mode, as there's some colour changes that don't port over well onto light mode.

Update 1.4

Forces background to black, overrides custom backgrounds
Removes special header effects/gradients
Removes Ko-Fi Box
Changed colours of multiple elements across multiple pages.
Added hover effect to multiple elemetns across multiple pages.
Improvements to the Market/Product Page1

Update 1.3

--main-hover: changed to --sfrprimary-hovered
Removed Sell Product Button on Post Popup
Removed Location Button on Post Popup
Removed Upload Images Button on Post Pop Up
Removed Upload Video Button on Post Pop Up
Removed Audio Upload Button on Post Pop Up

Update 1.2

Feed Type Active Option Changed to --sfrprimary
Media Initial Play Button Changed to --sfrprimary
--main: changed to --sfrprimary (this'll change any thing red using --main to --sfrprimary without it having to be manually changed)

Update 1.1

Profile Tab Active Selection Colour Changed to --sfrprimary
Event Date Colour Changed to --sfrprimary
News "Category" and "Most recent articles" Icon Background Colours Changed to --sfr primary
Blog Post Category Active Selection Changed to --sfrprimary
Removed Broken Like Indicator from Blog Post Comments
Removed Like Animation When Hovering Over Like Button On Blog Post Comments

Known Issues

Emoji and Media Icon on "Reply to comment" Displays as Default Red
Microphone Icon on Comment Reply Turns White When Hovered (this appears to be an abnormality with the website itself)

  1. Ways of accessing the marketplace/products page are by default removed, removed afformentioned parts from the "hiding features" section of the theme. ↩︎

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         SocialFurr Refreshed
@version      20231022.20.52
@description  Removes multiple elements of the website including premium upselling, marketplace + products feature, and other annoying bits and pieces from the website.
@author       ThatOneUnoriginal
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/*--Hiding Features--*/

/*Removing "Upgrade To Pro" Notices*/
.tag_prem{display: none;}
.tag_go_pro_user{display: none;}
.show.tag_scroll.tag_hdr_user_dropdown.dropdown-static-menu.dropdown-menu-right.dropdown-menu [href=""]{display: none;}
.show.tag_scroll.tag_hdr_user_dropdown.dropdown-static-menu.dropdown-menu-right.dropdown-menu >{display:none;}

/*Hides "Profile Completion" Popup on User Profile*/{display: none;}

/*Removes Wallet Pill from Menu*/
.tag_hdr_user_submenu.valign{display: none;}
/*Removes "Latest Products" Side Content on Timeline*/
/*Removes "Market" Option From Sidebar*/
.market.valign.btn-mat.btn{display: none;}
/*Removes "Products" Tab From User Profiles*/
.user-bottom-nav > ul > li:nth-of-type(8){display: none;}
/*Removes "Market" Section of the "See All" Popup on the Sidebar*/
#contnet > div > div > div.row > div.col-lg-3.sidebar.rightcol.sidebar_fixed.tag_main_right_side > div > div:nth-child(6){display: none;}
div.tag_navbar_top_side_all_sec:nth-of-type(4) > a.btn-mat.btn:nth-of-type(1){display: none;}
div.tag_navbar_top_side_all_sec:nth-of-type(4) > a.btn-mat.btn:nth-of-type(2){display: none;}

/*Removes "Get Mobile Apps" Side Content on Timeline*/

/*Removes Like Animation When Hovering Over Like Button*/
div.valign.stats.tag_post_actions > div.valign > div.wo-reaction-post.valign.stat-item.unselectable > ul > li {display: none;}
div.valign.stats.tag_post_actions > div.valign > div.wo-reaction-post.valign.stat-item.unselectable > ul > li > img{display:none;}

/*Removes (Broken) Like Indicator from Blog Post Comments*/

/*Removes Like Animation When Hovering Over Like Button On Blog Post Comments*/
#comment_reactions > ul{display: none !important;}

/*Removes "Sell Product" Button on Post Popup*/
#publisher-box-focus > div.publisher-box-footer > > a{display:none;}

/*Removes "Location" Button on Post Popup*/
#publisher-box-focus > div.publisher-box-footer > > span:nth-child(9){display: none;}

/*Removes Upload Images, Upload Video, and Audio Upload on Post Popup*/
#publisher-box-focus > div.publisher-box-footer > > span:nth-child(1){display: none;}
#publisher-box-focus > div.publisher-box-footer > > span:nth-child(2){display: none;}
#publisher-box-focus > div.publisher-box-footer > > span:nth-child(6){display: none;}
#publisher-box-focus > div.publisher-box-footer > > span:nth-child(10){display: none;}

/*Removes Ko-Fi Sidebar Content*/
#kofiframe{display: none;}

/*Removes @ button from the Post Popup*/
#publisher-box-focus > div.publisher-box-footer > > div:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(2){display: none;}
/*Removes # button from the Post Popup*/
#publisher-box-focus > div.publisher-box-footer > > div:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(1){display: none;}

@-moz-document domain("") {
/*Style Modifications*/
/*Colour Variables*/

/*Forces all backgrounds to be #000 or black; Overwrites users Custom Background Image*/
body{background: #000 !important;}
/*Removes Special Background Header Gradient Thing*/
#contnet > > div > div.profile-container.tag_cover_bg > div.tag_cover_sec_bg{
:root {
    --sfrprimary: #ff9800;
    --sfrpastel: #e49c32a1;
    --sfrred2: #d54b4b;
    --sfrred: #ff8585 ;
    --sfrgreen: #07c036;
    --sfrpurple: #8f3deb ;
    --sfrpurple2: #a572df ;
    --sfrprimary-hovered: #db8c16;
    --sfrdark-hovered: #2a2828;
    --sfr-hovered: #3D3D3D;
    --sfr-hovered2: #4c4c4c;
    --main: var(--sfrprimary);
    --main-hover: var(--sfrprimary-hovered);
div.dropdown > span > svg > path{fill: var(--sfrprimary);}
div.dropup > div > svg > path{fill: var(--sfrprimary);}
div > svg:nth-child(3) > path:nth-child(2){fill:var(--sfrprimary);}
div > svg.btn.btn-reg-comm-mobi.d-block > path:nth-child(1){fill: var(--sfrprimary);}
.d-block.btn-reg-comm-mobi.btn {
    > path {d: path:nth-child(1)("M 20.34 9.32007 l -13.99 -7 A 3.00087 3.00087 0 0 0 2.27 6.22 L 4.41 11 l 0.26 0.59 a 1.05944 1.05944 0 0 1 0 0.81994 L 4.41 13 L 2.27 17.78 a 2.95353 2.95353 0 0 0 0.67 3.37988 A 2.96553 2.96553 0 0 0 5 22 a 3.14129 3.14129 0 0 0 1.35 -0.32007 l 13.99 -7 a 2.99328 2.99328 0 0 0 0 -5.35986 Z"); fill: var(--sfrprimary);}
    > path:nth-child(2) {fill: #323232;}

/*Replaces Gradients of Sidebar Icons with Flat Colours*/
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.groups svg {background: #3F51B5;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.groups:hover svg {background: #5967b2;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.pages svg {background: #FF9800;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.pages:hover svg {background: #fdaf3d;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.blogs svg {background: #2196F3;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.blogs:hover svg {background: #4fabf4;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > svg {background: #E91E63;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > svg {background: #db688f;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.saved svg {background: #fd3a84;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.saved:hover svg {background: #ff6fa6;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.albums svg {background: #4CAF50;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.albums:hover svg {background: #6cb26f;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.home svg {background: #ff9800;}
.tag_navbar_top_side .sidebar_innr > .btn.home:hover svg {background: #fdaf3d;}
body > div.tag_navbar_top_side > div > a:nth-child(9):hover > svg{background: #4f4e4e}
body > div.tag_navbar_top_side > div > >svg{background: #00BCD4;}
body > div.tag_navbar_top_side > div > >svg{background: #49bfce;

/*Other Colour Modifications*/
#contnet > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.wo_market > div > svg > path:nth-child(1){fill:var(--sfrpastel-red)}
#contnet > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.wo_market > div > svg > path:nth-child(2){fill:var(--sfrred2)}
#contnet > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.wo_market > div > svg > path:nth-child(3){fill:var(--sfrred2)}
#contnet > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.wo_market > div > svg > path:nth-child(4){fill:var(--sfrred)}
#contnet > div.container > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > svg > path:nth-child(1){fill:var(--sfrpastel-purple);}
#contnet > div.container > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > svg > g > path:nth-child(1){fill:var(--sfrpurple)}
#contnet > div.container > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > svg > g > path:nth-child(2){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > div.container > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > svg > g > circle:nth-child(3){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > div.container > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > svg > g > path:nth-child(4){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > div.container > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > svg > g > circle:nth-child(5){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > div.container > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > svg > g > path:nth-child(6){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > div.container > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div > svg > path:nth-child(3){fill:var(--sfrpurple2);}
#contnet > div > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > path:nth-child(1){fill:var(--sfrpastel-purple)}
#contnet > div > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > path:nth-child(2){fill:var(--sfrpurple)}#contnet > div > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > path:nth-child(3){fill:var(--sfrpurple)}
#contnet > div > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > path:nth-child(4){fill:var(--sfrpurple)}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > path:nth-child(5){fill:var(--sfrpurple2)}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > path:nth-child(4){fill:var(--sfrpurple2)}
.tag_prem{background: var(--main);}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > path:nth-child(3){fill:var(--sfrpurple2)}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > g > path:nth-child(6){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > g > path:nth-child(5){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > g > path:nth-child(4){fill:var(--sfrpurple)}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > g > circle:nth-child(1){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > g > circle:nth-child(2){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > g > circle:nth-child(3){fill:var(--sfrpurple);}
#contnet > > div > div > div.empty_state > svg > path:nth-child(1){fill:var(--sfrpastel-purple);}
#contnet > > div > > div > svg > path:nth-child(1){fill:var(--sfrpastel)}
#contnet > > div > > div > svg > path:nth-child(2){fill:var(--sfrprimary)}
#contnet > > div > > div > svg ...


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